Depressed Fairy

Chapter 444 Raise your hand to invite the seal to escape from the dream, wave your sleeves to guide


Soon after the dark figure fell, several lightning flashes appeared in the outer space, revealing a figure.

This person was wearing light golden clothes, with messy long hair, which was immediately messed up by the star wind in the starry sky. There were also several scars on his face, which were slowly healing.

As soon as he appeared, he looked around with an anxious look on his face, then he swung his hand, his long sleeves flashed, and a silver compass appeared in his palm.

This person looked down and saw a black fog spreading, and his face immediately showed fear.

"It has already started? In this case, this world is in danger!"

After saying that, he first looked down at the huge cave world in front of him, his eyes passed through the boundary membrane, swept across the mountains and rivers on the vast land, and passed over the blue ocean, but did not catch anything unusual, but there were strange waves in the distant starry sky.

This person's face changed.

"I have violated the orders of my superiors and wanted to come to stop the catastrophe. This is a big taboo. If I am caught, I will be punished. But now that things have come to this, there is no turning back. I must remind the people of this world before being caught to see if they can resist the disaster. But if..."

Feeling the weak will of heaven in the cave, he showed some expectation in his eyes.

"If there is a chance to fight for the opportunity of the cave, maybe I can turn the situation around!"

After the thought fell, his heart suddenly shook, and he felt a tightening feeling and a stinging feeling inside!

"Not good! The pursuers are coming!"

The man's face changed, and then he threw the compass in his hand and pinched the seal.

"The mysterious law of heaven and earth, all things return, hurry!"

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Inside the compass, a series of lightning leaped endlessly, and finally spread in all directions, covering part of the starry sky and distorting part of the direction and space!

"This can probably last for a while, delaying a little time, I have to seize this time!"

As soon as the thought fell, he was about to fall, and suddenly his face changed again, then he reached into his arms and took out a dazzling crystal, and dots of mist were spreading from the crystal.

"Why is it now?"

Surprised, he did not change his movements, his body turned into a long rainbow, and flew straight into the Gou Chen Realm.

On the other side.


In the stable carriage, Liu Zhiguang suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and his whole body's strength was intermittent, very incoherent.

He couldn't help but raise his hand and touch the back of his shoulder, and then he shouted with his teeth bared.

On his shoulder, there was a blood emblem. Although it was covered by clothes, you can still see through the cloth, and you can see the mark below flowing like burning iron.

"Once this thing was covered, I felt that my cultivation was affected and I became three points weaker! There are so many of us, and everyone has been branded with this mark. Everyone's cultivation is damaged, and we still have to be carried. What's the use of it?"

While speaking, Liu Zhiguang looked outside the car, and saw the rapidly receding scenery, frowning.

"This carriage is really fast!"

"It's not a carriage, it's a dragon carriage." On the side, the pale-faced Wang Fuyin pointed to the front, "Since there is a dragon species as a driver, how can it be slow?"

In front of it, there were two thick and turbid dragons, with their necks locked and their bodies tied with reins, connected to this huge carriage, winding and soaring with the entire carriage forward!

Although this car is close to the ground, it does not move forward on wheels, but is half floating. The bottom of the car is glowing with a faint glow, and there are strange runes flashing on the edge of the carriage!

The carriage was very large. In addition to Wang Fuyin and Liu Zhiguang, there were thirteen people scattered around. It didn't seem crowded. However, there was nothing arranged in the carriage. It was empty. Although it was pulled by a dragon, it looked more like a smuggling boat organized by the snakehead.

"Where are we going to be sent?" Liu Zhiguang couldn't help but ask Wang Fuyin in a low voice after taking his eyes away from the window. "If we hadn't been hit by that strange seal at the beginning, we would still have some cultivation. Even if we were to work for that immortal, we would have some confidence. But once the seal was stamped, our blood and qi were not smooth, and we felt pain all over our body. What else could we do? This must not be for us to do things."

He didn't say the rest of the words, but Wang Fuyin understood his meaning - he didn't expect them to do things, but he took them all with him. Then the final need might fall on them.

For those of them who practice cultivation, what use could a group of living cultivators with damaged cultivation have?

"That would be very useful."

A dirty old man heard the conversation between the two and grinned. He said, "If you are in the Taoist sect, you may be demoted to a Taoist slave, refining pills, planting spiritual plants, guarding the mysterious land, or even serving as a servant. Even if you are a little bit weird and have loose sect rules, you may be used for bleeding, cutting flesh, and extracting vitality to make pills, or even directly refined into human pills!"

The old man leaned against the carriage, panting like an ordinary person, and spoke in a nonchalant manner. However, Wang Fuyin and Liu Zhiguang knew his background and origin. They knew that he was an old ancestor of a side sect in the Far East Sea, named "Zi Wen Ji". It is said that his cultivation is close to Yang Shen. He returned to the land because of past grievances. Unexpectedly, he ran into the people of Huoyan Mountain who were plundering and capturing monks. After a fierce fight, he was suppressed by two masters of Huoyan Mountain.

When Zi Wen Ji said this, not only Wang Fuyin and the others, but also the faces of the people around him changed.

Someone said: "There are so many of us, and our cultivation levels are not low. We have done a lot of things in the past few years. Even if there are losses, we won't all be used to do such things, right?"

Zi Wenji shook his head, sighed and smiled: "I have been arrested for a few years, and I have already realized a key point. Don't use our moral likes and dislikes to guess the minds of immortals. The difference between other people's moral good and evil is different from ours. It's because of the different positions, and because the Hedao True Immortal and us are no longer the same tribe! Do you think it is shocking to be used as a human elixir? One day, Bibi was sacrificed to blood!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present shuddered.

The key is that when they recall what they have seen and heard in the past few years, it seems that as Zi Lao said, the Immortal Lord looks kind and kind, but when it comes to many things in their eyes, he seems extremely indifferent, as if the Supreme Being is ruthless and condescending!

Zi Wenji even shook his head and sighed: "The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. How can the goodness in the eyes of the Taoist immortals be in you and me?"

"No! I can't just fall like this!" Someone immediately couldn't sit still, but as soon as he had the idea of ​​resisting, he immediately covered his neck and screamed!

On his neck, a mark was shining with dazzling blood. The fire was surging, piercing the bones and corroding the flesh, involving the muscles and acupoints, making him miserable!

When other people saw it, their hearts became even colder!

Outside the car, Huotongzi's cold voice came faintly: "One by one, it's really not a worry, but there are still people who want to resist? They don't even look at where this is and what their identity is! Honestly Just wait, don’t think about escaping, and since you’re under the Immortal Lord’s command, don’t think about outside interference!”

His voice fell, and the carriage was deathly silent.

Finally, Liu Zhiguang couldn't help but smile bitterly: "In this situation, there is really no other hope."

On the contrary, Wang Fuyin looked calmer and said, "I shouldn't have thought about others coming to save me. Otherwise, wouldn't my cultivation over the years have been in vain?"

"What?" Liu Zhiguang was about to speak when his face suddenly changed slightly. He and Wang Fuyin looked at each other and saw a bit of hope in the other's eyes.

"Yes, I almost forgot, there is this..."

After Liu Zhiguang whispered, he found a corner to sit down and closed his eyes.

Soon, Wang Fuyin followed suit and sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

The others just thought that the two of them were despairing, closed their eyes and accepted their fate, without doubting that he was there. However, they did not know that the bright crystals hidden in their natal Dantian were flickering slightly at this moment, pulling their thoughts into Out of the misty dream, we arrived at a palace.

Wang Fuyin put on his facial makeup and sat down in the same position as last time.

Liu Zhiguang also manifested the Baize mask. As soon as he sat down, a figure with a grimace appeared next to him. Who could it be if it wasn't Chen Yuan?

At this moment, Chen Yuan's mysterious body was still in the Canglong Flying Boat. He noticed something strange about the Dao Fruit fragments, so he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, adjusted his breath and rested, separated a ray of thought, and entered the dream palace.

As soon as he arrived, he noticed something strange in the projections of Bai Ze and Wang Fuyin. Their thoughts seemed to be the same as before, but in fact they were entangled with a wisp of fiery thoughts. It was just that this fiery thought was about to The change was suppressed by a powerful force all around, and it was almost sealed.

"My own thoughts have been corroded by other people's thoughts without knowing it! However, there are many restrictions here, and it is extremely difficult to spy on external thoughts. It is true that the cultivation levels of people who can come here are uneven. Everyone has their own hidden dangers, and if they were discovered so easily, they wouldn’t be able to be hidden to this day.”

Shaking his head, he still reached out and grabbed it!

Bai Ze and Wang Fuyin were shocked at the same time. They noticed a ray of hot breath rising from the projection incarnation, and then it was held in Chen Yuan's palm, forming a ball of fiery red light.


Chen Yuan crushed it into pieces, condensed it into a little light, and held it in his palm.

"This is?"

Bai Ze, the incarnation of Liu Zhiguang, was frightened and vaguely guessed something.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, someone has planted thoughts in your body, and they landed here together with the thoughts. However, it seems that this dream palace is not for others to peep at if they want."

When Liu Zhiguang heard this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat and realized how dangerous the situation was!

"The sound of the falling fire boy is like a maggot on the tarsal bone. Even when we incarnate our spiritual thoughts into dreams, we can't get rid of it! If it weren't for the fact that the palace in dreams has its own restrictions, I'm afraid it would have been exposed because of us! By then, I You will be a big sinner!”

As soon as he thought of this, he was certainly more in awe of the dream palace and the magical power of the dream lord. At the same time, he also looked at Chen Yuan with doubtful eyes, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

"We were captured by Immortal Lord Huode. Although it was the little boy who sealed the seal, but tracing back to the source, the restraint methods blessed on us all came from the Immortal Lord! Such restraints were actually controlled by this ghost-faced boy. Fellow Taoist broke it casually, what kind of cultivation should he have? "

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that he had overlooked something before.

"Therefore, since the person has recently entered the temple, we subconsciously thought that he was a junior or a junior. Now that I think about it, no matter what level of cultivation a person has, they may be found by the Dream Master and introduced here! Even an immortal may be a Arrive later! Oops! I forgot to ask about this fellow Taoist’s cultivation before! If I ask now, there are some traces. Moreover, my colleagues in Mengdian are scattered everywhere, and the starry sky is vast, so this person will definitely not be with me. …”

He was weighing the pros and cons here, but he had a vague expectation in his heart. Even if he was not in the same place, if this person was really an immortal, asking him for advice would be of great benefit, and maybe there would be a chance to get out of trouble!


At this time, at the end of the long table, the Lord of the Dream Palace had appeared. His voice was still calm, but compared with the past, it was a little less unpredictable and pointed directly to the theme: "I have called you all together this time. It is the meeting of immortals and demons. This meeting is for the root of the cave, so it is related to the ages, involves hundreds of millions of stars, and will also affect all the heavens and worlds. Even we must be aware of it. I know that among you, there are Several of them are already making presentations and will attend the conference soon..."


Hearing this, not to mention Liu Zhiguang and Wang Fuyin, everyone else present, such as Zhulong, Baihu, Civet Mao and others, felt surprised.

"A lot of people are going to attend the convention!?"

Liu Zhiguang and Wang Fuyin looked at each other with a myriad of thoughts.

The Lord of the Dream Palace continued: "...In order for us not to be unprepared for the changes after this meeting, I would like to propose that everyone attending the meeting can exchange ideas with others and promptly report the changes during the meeting. Progress, in this way, even though we are everywhere, we can still know the changes in this matter and give full play to the fundamental advantages of Dream Palace."

Having said this, he paused and added: "Of course, this matter is just an initiative, not a force or oppression. Everyone present can agree if they agree, and there is no need to worry if they disagree."

As soon as these words came out, some people looked at each other, some fell into deep thought, and many others looked at the civet cat.

In the previous meeting, they had already guessed from the civet cat's words that this person was most likely one of the immortals and demons who was going to participate in the meeting of immortals and demons. After all, it was this woman who revealed the news.

The civet cat was looked at like this by everyone, with eyes, nose, nose, mouth, and concern.

"Dare to ask the dream master..."

At this moment, someone suddenly raised his voice and asked: "Even if we intend to report it, we can only dream of entering this palace under special circumstances. How can we inform it in time?"

The speaker was sitting in the middle of the long table, his whole body shrouded in a layer of distorted light and shadow, as if the space was covered, and he could only vaguely see a figure.

"Good question, fellow Daoist Xuying." The dream master Xuanniao was obviously waiting for this sentence, so he raised his hand to make a seal, typed it out in the air, hung it on the long table, and turned it into a solid seal character.


When Chen Yuan saw this seal script, he was surprised.

"This is one of the Dao Zhang Qi talismans, which is called the 'passage' character. You just need to visualize this seal talisman, and then use my set of seals to turn what you see and hear into reality into emptiness, and store it in your heart." , reflected in this dream palace!”

"Dream Master Xuanniao can actually use the method of "Daozhang". Where does it come from?"

In the remaining two days, Chen Yuan recalled what he saw in the dream palace. He was confused and curious. At the same time, he also realized that his cheap disciple was in trouble again.

"That's all, maybe we can get some clues about this kind of thing during the meeting between immortals and demons."

Just as I was thinking about it, the sound of flowing water came from the distance——

"We're here! Jianmu is a hundred miles ahead, we're almost there!"

"We finally arrived." Chen Yuan heard this and stood up, "I have been working on the boat for a few days, and my hands and feet are a little rusty."

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sudden roar outside the flying boat, and then the entire flying boat started to jolt, followed by a loud shout!

"Children of Zixiao Palace! Grandpa has been waiting here for you for a long time! Why don't you get out of here quickly!"

Hearing these words, Coca and Gilt Tang's expressions changed dramatically.

Chen Yuan frowned and looked at the two of them.

"Is this just going through the motions and not fighting against the world? Are you digging a hole for me?"


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