Depressed Fairy

Chapter 446: Words are like a sword, but the heart is immovable, and the light of the sword is like

"I have heard the name of Taoist friend for a long time. When I meet him today, he is even more famous."

Xuan Jingjing didn't know what Chen Yuan was thinking. Seeing that he didn't respond immediately, he took advantage of the situation and said: "Since you are coming with a fellow sect of Zixiao Palace, you are our guest, so I have to ignore it both emotionally and rationally." Don't ask."

"Oh?" Chen Yuan suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and asked: "Listening to what you mean, is there any disaster that will happen to me? Is the so-called disaster in your mouth related to me?"

"For Senior Brother Gu Ke and others, it is a disaster, but for fellow Taoists, it is already a catastrophe!" , which was finally achieved, but the two gods who previously hosted here never returned. Does this matter have something to do with fellow Taoists? "

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "You might as well just say it."

Xuan Jingjing was startled, but his expression remained unchanged, and he took advantage of the situation and said: "Nantian Court still attaches great importance to this meeting of immortals and demons. Originally, according to the agreement of all parties, this matter of fighting for the cave is a matter of merit and immortality from all parties. Lord, it is difficult for other practitioners of Taoism to reach Gouchen, because once it comes, the existence itself will damage this world and cause great changes. But since Tianting has lost its manpower, it will definitely not give up, so it will not give up. A god was sent over. This latter one not only wanted to preside over the meeting of immortals and demons, but also had a strong background. He was the righteous god of the Thunder Department of Heaven. He had a very high level of cultivation and also commanded the authority of thunder. He was definitely not a god. Easy person!"

"Raibu Masami!?"

This was the first time for Coca and Gilt to hear about this matter. First his expression changed, and then he thought of something and his face turned ugly.

Xuan Jingjing nodded and continued: "Yes, this righteous god is here. While presiding over the meeting of immortals and demons, he will naturally also ask about the fall of the two gods. He should have investigated and asked questions after the meeting. But since the Righteous Lord has come in person, as long as the news of Chen Daoyou’s participation in the meeting of immortals and demons and even his arrival in Jianmu is known to the Righteous God, the subsequent troubles will definitely come in a steady stream..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused and meant something: "Speaking of which, although the star patrol envoy who was arranged here is only in the realm of merit, he is connected to a heavenly palace, and that heavenly palace is the residence of a quiet master. The Immortal's Palace itself is a magic weapon that can exert the power of the Quiet Realm in a short period of time. I wonder how you defeated it? "

Chen Yuan didn't even answer, he only said: "You don't want to use false pretenses to test me. Let me tell you directly. Those two gods are indeed in my hands. They have all come to the door and are showing no mercy. I have no mercy." The principle of appeasement and holding hands. Even if you say that you want to pursue it, you must first clarify the matter of those two people coming to find trouble before talking about anything else. "

"Sometimes, the fault is not what those people care about the most." Xuan Jingjing shook his head, lowered his voice, and said to Chen Yuan: "Since fellow Taoist has come into contact with the two heavenly gods, he should have discovered it. Well, the acting style and even thinking habits of these gods are different from ordinary people. After all, they are restricted by incense and authority. They naturally feel that they are superior to others. If fellow Taoists want to argue for justice in front of them..."

"Then he must have the ability to be unjust." Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, "How high is this Leibu Zhengshen? Is he also comparable to Qingjingxian?"

Xuan Jingjing couldn't help but frown, feeling that this person was really a bit out of touch, almost ungrateful. But what the other party said was right. The star patrol envoy Zhang Zhineng was indeed very important, otherwise he would not have been sent to host the meeting of immortals and demons. If the Chen Shiji in front of him really defeated the opponent head-on, whether with the help of external force or the use of Without other means, he does have some confidence when facing the righteous god of Leibu. No wonder he is so confident.

However, this would cause Xuan Jingjing's plan to go awry.

He originally wanted to use Nan Tianting's threat to disturb Chen Yuan's Taoist heart before this meeting, and then he could use this opportunity to make more contacts, and finally reveal a few soul hostages on his side at the right time.

did not expect……

Chen Yuan then said: "If you came here just to talk about this, then there is no need. Fellow ancient Taoist and gilded Taoist, you'd better go down first and find a place to stay."

It actually didn't give Xuan Jingjing any room to play.

However, when Coca heard this, he looked troubled.

Chen Yuan saw it and immediately understood: "Good boy, do you know that I have caused some trouble, and then recalling the Dao Heart Alliance signed with me, so you feel that it is difficult to ride a tiger? The problem is that I took down those two gods. At that time, Gu Ke was also an insider. Why didn't he think that he was still playing me? Or, he didn't expect that Nan Tianting would send a god of thunder? not simple."

As he thought about it, he glanced at the seemingly calm face of Xuan Jing, and his heart moved.

"If it is true that Xuan Jingming has evil intentions and wants to plot against me, but has not communicated with Guca, then Guca and others who have signed the Dao Heart Alliance with me will have to fight with me because of the agreement. To resist the plan of this fellow sect together? Then they fell into a trap all of a sudden. As expected, if this sect is large, there will be big business problems, and the departments and disciples will not communicate with each other, and they will be in trouble with each other. People harm themselves!”

After thinking about it for a while, Xuan Jingjing took a step back with a smile on his face: "Since Taoist friend has already made a plan, it's just me meddling in other people's business. I just hope that what happens next will be as you wish." After that, he spoke with Taoist friend. Gu Ke and others bowed their hands, turned around and left, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"This fellow disciple of yours doesn't seem like a good person to get along with." Chen Yuan looked at his back and said without any worries, which made Gu Ke and Gilded Tang smile bitterly.

"Fellow Taoist Xuan Jingjing comes from a famous family, but he was different from us when he first entered the family." Gu Ke shook his head and looked at Chen Yuan who hesitated to speak.

"Friend Gu Dao, if you have any concerns, you may as well tell me directly. I am not an unkind person." Chen Yuan looked at him and said directly: "If it is hindering the Tao Heart Alliance, then don't worry, I know this. It’s hard to cancel the appointment, but I always behave in a low-key and cautious manner. I will stay in seclusion for a few days at most, and it won’t be too late to go see it again when the excitement starts.”

"Who do you think I am?" Gu Ke quickly shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and said: "What I'm worried about is not the God of Lei Bu. After all, when fellow Taoist took action to calm the god, I was waiting there. On the sidelines, if you are really worried, how can you sign the contract rashly? The reason why Xuan Jingcai changed his mind just now is because Junior Brother Xuan Jing has his own faction in the sect, and everything he does has a purpose and does not do anything meaningless. Since he came specifically to see fellow Taoists and talked about the Heavenly Court of Shinto, he might have a plan. "

Okay, just think what you say is true.

Chen Yuan didn't care whether the other party realized that the covenant was difficult to break, so he could only bite the bullet and make amends afterwards, but his last words revealed a lot of information.

He pinched his chin, nodded and said: "As you said, this Xuan Jing is really a utilitarian person, and his popularity in your Zixiao Palace should be average. Does he show up today, or do you have some other agenda?"

Gu Ke was silent, and the gilded man had disappeared without knowing it, leaving only Xing Shui, who had just come over to watch the excitement.

When she saw Chen Yuan's gaze, she immediately waved her hands and said, "I don't know anything. This is all what you, my uncle and fellow Taoist, said!"

When the atmosphere was strange, a gilded voice came slowly——

"Okay, let's go to the agreed upon location in the door first."

He drove the flying boat and found a town supported by dense branches and leaves, and was about to land.

But just then!


There was a sudden thunder!

Then lightning roared!


The flying boat shook violently, then stalled and fell. But before it hit the forest, it was wrapped in layers of lightning!

The violent and heavy will spread out from the thunder, and combined with the thunder light, the lightning intertwined in the sky, and actually formed a burst, suppressing the Hidden Dragon Flying Boat!


Inside the flying boat, the expressions of Gu Ke and others changed dramatically. They sensed the heavy pressure coming down and actually wanted to ban the flying boat and them together!

"Lightning ban? It's really the God of Thunder!" Gilded Tan frowned, "He actually attacked us directly?"

Coca sighed and seemed about to speak.

As soon as Xuan Jingjing left, the Lei Bu Zhengshen attacked from behind. I don't know if there is any connection between them.

Chen Yuan was thinking in his heart, but waved his hand and walked straight to the cabin door: "You still have little experience. To deal with this situation, just talking is not enough! Since the other party is harboring embarrassment, let's come again When you reach the opponent's advantage, when facing threats, you should show an attitude of no fear and use methods that are enough to make the opponent feel scrupulous! Otherwise, there will be endless provocations and endless calculations by others, which will be very annoying! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed open the hatch and stepped out!

"No!" As soon as Gu Ke said these words, a huge and powerful sense of oppression surged outside the cabin door like a continuous river!


The three immortals in the flying boat didn't even have time to say the next sentence before they were overturned by this terrifying pressure that was so close at hand. Even the flying boat, which was like a garden with the sound of birds and flowers, was also overwhelmed by a pressure that contained the pressure of heaven. The strong wind tore it apart beyond recognition, and it was broken everywhere!

Outside the flying boat, Chen Yuan pressed the seal in his hand, and the laws of heaven shone brightly in the Niwan Palace. Although they were not revealed between heaven and earth, the will and power of heaven originating from a complete realm seemed to be endless. The blessings on his body turned into powerful force, which gathered on his hand to seal the formula, and finally shot it out with Chen Yuan's palm!

"Qianyuan Moonlight Mask!"


The brilliance turned into substance, forming a circle of curtains that enveloped the flying boat. The thunder that was raging in all directions was instantly pushed out, leaving no trace behind, and it was even more difficult to invade it!


A soft cry came from the building.

Chen Yuan's eyes moved, Xun Sheng looked over, and then the seal on his hand changed, turning into a sword finger, pointing directly at the source of the sound!

"One Qi Tian Dao Sword Light Technique!"


Between the resonance of heaven and earth, an eight-armed phantom appeared behind Chen Yuan, and then decomposed into countless air currents, converging on his fingertips!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The extremely violent sense of oppression and majesty shot out in all directions, the entire building shook, the sky and the earth shook endlessly, even the earth veins collapsed everywhere, and even the Gouchen Tiandao deep in the sky was eager to try!

Up and down Jianmu, many gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas arrived here one after another. They originally occupied a village and built their own palaces and dojos. The moon was shining on one side and they refused to give in to each other. At this time, they were all stunned, and they all felt that the threat was coming. For a moment Surprised and doubtful, they all used their spiritual thoughts to explore the reason!

"not good!"

In the middle of the building, in the newly completed temple, a majestic middle-aged man wearing a snow-white cloak and holding a thunderbolt in his hand suddenly changed his expression, followed by turning into thunder, and flew out!

In the distance, a Buddha's call came, and the red sun appeared. Master Chen Xuzhi and Master Chen appeared again, fell from above, and flew straight towards Chen Yuan. He said in his mouth: "Fellow Taoist, please stop!" As he spoke, he raised his head. With a press of his hand, the huge Buddha's palm appeared again, turning emptiness into reality, holding down this area of ​​heaven and earth, and calming the current world!

"Show mercy!"

Another sound came from below, but it was a scholar in green who was sitting on the back of an ox. He came through the air with a jade bamboo slip in his hand. He waved his long sleeves and the awe-inspiring aura surged out. It spread in all directions and spread for a while, covering all directions. Creatures!

Immediately afterwards, a coughing sound came from the void, but a white-bearded Taoist holding a cane tore open a space, revealed his body, walked straight towards Chen Yuan, and said: "Fellow Taoist, what can't you do to sit down?" Come down and talk?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "That's good, but when the God of Thunder used thunder to force us, why didn't you show up to persuade him, and now you are talking about me? In my opinion, it is my sword that will It’s too late to stab!”

When he finished speaking, he ignored the movements of several people. The Heavenly Dao Dharma in Niwan Palace was shaken. The rolling force of Heavenly Dao combined with Yuan Shen and turned into a bright moon, rising from behind Chen Yuan, and then it also turned into the sword finger. middle.

He pointed his finger at the oncoming thunder!


The dark sword light burst out!

The sword light was dark and twisted, winding like a mountain falling in the sky!

First, it swallowed up the thunder light silently, then penetrated the building and flew out, reaching 30,000 miles away, illuminating the mountains and rivers, and finally returned to Qingming!


Only then did thunder rumble between heaven and earth, and in the endless horizon, thunder exploded, shining directly into the nine heavens!

Flatten the shadows of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, crush the thunder in the sky!


Immediately afterwards, Jianmu shook and moved slowly from the middle, as if it was about to break and fall into the world!


Chen Xuzhi, the scholar in white, and the old man on crutches all opened their eyes wide. They first looked at Chen Yuan, and then felt the force of the tree falling. Without thinking about anything else, they each used their magical powers to fall towards the tree that reached the sky!

Behind them, the protected flying boat was as stable as a rock. However, the three people on the flying boat were extremely horrified when they looked at the scene outside.

" this called acting low-key?"

Xing Shui murmured, not daring to speak out.


The strong wind flew from the sky, causing everything to sway and Chen Yuan's hair to fly. He felt something in his heart, so he extended his thoughts and merged with this piece of heaven!

In an instant, everything within a radius of three thousand miles was reflected in his heart, and a vigorous force and overwhelming meaning descended from the nine heavens and merged into his heart.

Driven by his thoughts, Chen Yuan squeezed the seal with his left hand and grabbed forward with his right hand.

"Hook Chen Qiankun's big hand seal!"


The scenery in all directions was instantly shaken, and the entire Jianmu area seemed to be frozen. People, regardless of their level of cultivation, were sluggish for a moment.

Then, the wind fell from the sky, all things came into being, the clouds and mist gathered, and the yellow sand flew, turning into a big hand, covering this tree!


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