Depressed Fairy

Chapter 443: Disaster passes through the curtain and holds the ink shadow, and a strong dragon cross

The waves in the blue sea are turbulent, and the sky is filled with clouds and mist.

Between the sea and the sky, a simple flying boat was speeding along.

This flying boat looks like it is only the size of a carriage, but there is a cave inside. It is actually filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant, pavilions, rockeries and flowing water. Birds and animals are walking through it, making it look like a fairyland.

"It's a good way to get rid of the mustard seeds."

Chen Yuan sat in the pavilion, holding a wine glass in his hand, and said to Gu Ke across from him: "This is clearly a piece of heaven and earth integrated into the size of the flying boat, and it is still stable inside. The skills inside are really exquisite. It's not good for me to do this." For those who are good at formations, they can’t do it.”

Gu Ke laughed and said: "Fellow Taoist, this is ridiculous. The main reason is that the raw material used to make the flying boat is special. It is taken from the Dalan Peak in the Canglan Realm. It is named 'Hidden Dragon Wood'. It is said that there is where the ancient Yinglong once fell." In the nest, the earth vein dragon energy is particularly strong, and the hidden dragon wood it cultivates will take three thousand years to mature. It is most suitable for inscribing restrictions and formations, and can also retain magical powers and great magical powers, so that it can create such a flying boat. "

Chen Yuan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, so he looked around intently and nodded: "Since it is made of such a precious thing, then this flying boat is naturally not just a flying boat, right?"

"Yes, this thing is also a magic weapon." Gu Ke did not hide it, but he did not introduce it in detail. Instead, he changed the subject after a brief introduction: "And this thing is very fast. It can take up to three days to arrive in this boat. As far as I know, several people have arrived at the meeting place of immortals and demons, and many of them have old grudges. If there is a spark, they will explode, but with the speed of this hidden dragon flying boat, we should be able to make it in time. "

"Hidden Dragon Flying Boat..."

Chen Yuan chewed on the name and suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, at the speed of this boat, it will take three days to fly there. Could it be that the place where the Fairy and Demon Conference is located is located on the border of Gouchen?"

Gu Ke glanced at him. He knew that this fellow Daoist Chen had already sent people to collect information, and even suppressed and captured two gods. He may not know the location. There must be something in his words when he asked, so he pondered for a while and said: "That's right. , the meeting of immortals and demons is located in the extreme east of the world, on a new tree. It is really far away from here. If you use the method of earth line transfer, you can go there quickly, but now most of the transfer formations are It's set up by Nan Tianting, but fellow Taoist... it's not convenient for me to go there."

Chen Yuan did not get entangled in the matter of heaven, and instead asked: "As far as I know, this Tongtian Jianmu Gouchen also belongs to someone and is the symbol of a sect. But now it is used as a meeting place for immortals and demons. That original How is the sect?"

Gu Ke was startled for a moment, then thought of Chen Yuan's origin, and came up with a few guesses, and then said: "There is indeed a sect named Zhuri, but since it is occupied by the Heavenly Court, of course the people in this sect have also become vassals. "Yes." He asked tentatively, "What? Is there an old friend in that door?"

"It's just that I've seen it once or twice." Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and the past memories slowly emerged——

Nongxuan Xianweng, Zhuri Zhenren, Lord of Dragon Palace, Zhang Zhonger and so on.

However, he quickly gathered his thoughts and suddenly asked: "From what my fellow Taoist said, it seems that there will be conflicts once we reach a certain place? Then why go there? As far as I know, this Fairy and Demon Conference is just a meeting of the gods and demons. The focus on fighting for the realm of Dongxu is not an opportunity to truly obtain Dongxu..."

"They get together to discuss, even if there are conflicts and fights, they will eventually work out various constraints and agreements, and they will arrive in time to participate in the formulation so that they can join in. Otherwise, if they go later and the rules have been set, they can only If you comply, you will undoubtedly fall into passivity!”

"Oh? A first-class enterprise makes rules? I see." Chen Yuan nodded. As the three of them were from Zixiao Palace, of course such a meeting cannot be missed, but...

There are evil guests hiding in the purple sky, or they may write old things as deeds.

He thought of the warning words again.

"Did the person who warned us have good intentions or malicious intentions? If what he said is true, are the evil guests hiding among Coca, Gilded Man, and others?"

Just as Chen Yuan was thinking about it, the gilded man came up from the side. Hearing the conversation between the two, he also spoke.

"Not only that, this also involves the mystery of luck." He found a stone bench and sat down. "Anyone who can become an immortal, especially an immortal with merit, even if there is no earth-shattering destiny, is still a result of luck. People are the protagonists of luck in a certain world and a certain period of time. Even if time has passed, strong luck still remains. As long as these people gather together and the luck gathers, they can promote changes in the sky and disasters. Evolution!"

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up as he listened: "When luck gathers, disaster evolves? Is there such a thing?"

"There is no conclusive conclusion, it is just known from the observations of predecessors." Gilded Tan smiled and further explained to Chen Yuan, "But luck is closely connected with heaven and earth. Those with strong luck will have everything go smoothly, as if heaven and earth are working together. , those with declining fortunes are plagued by bad luck, it seems that the universe is deliberately making things difficult, so when so many people with strong fortunes gather together, wouldn’t the world know who to help? Not only that, it is possible that they will deliberately promote changes to make things worse. Many people with good luck gather together. Therefore, once the conference opens and everyone's good luck gathers, many things will happen one after another under the promotion of heaven and will no longer be hidden under the rapids."

Chen Yuan nodded in thought.

At this moment, Xing Shui suddenly walked over quickly with a talisman in his hand. When he saw Gu Ke and Gilt Tang, he hesitated to speak.

As soon as Gu Ke saw the appearance of the talisman, he knew it was not some sect secret, so he pretended to be generous and said: "It doesn't matter. Fellow Daoist Chen is not an outsider. You can say anything you want."

Xing Shui said: "I just got news that a young master uncle from the sect has also come to this world and has arrived at the meeting place of immortals and demons."

Chen Yuan immediately paid attention and listened intently.

Gu Ke was also a little surprised, and then he seemed to understand something: "That's right, the sect has a large number of people, and there are not a few who suppress their cultivation at the peak of merit like me. It's normal for other people to come, and Dongxu Among the several connected realms, Gouchen Realm is indeed the best choice, and it is normal for others to come. "

Thinking of this, he raised his head and asked, "Who is coming?"

"It's Master Xuanjing."

"Junior Brother Xuan Jing?" Gu Ke frowned.

"What?" Chen Yuan took advantage of the situation and asked: "Since we are from the same sect, my fellow Taoist seems to be in a dilemma? Is it convenient for you to tell me that since I have made a Taoist alliance with my fellow Taoist, will I also protect this Xuanjing Taoist? friend?"

"That's not necessary." Gu Ke did not doubt that he was there, and said with a wry smile: "To be honest with you fellow Taoist, my little junior brother's identity is a bit special. In addition to being a member of the sect, he also has a background."

"What's your identity and background?"

"This man is the son of Immortal Qingjing!" Gu Ke hesitated for a moment and did not introduce further. But in fact, in Zixiao Palace, there are quite a few sect senior officials who believe that Xuan Jing’s luck and destiny far exceed that of ordinary monks, and he may be the protagonist of the starry sky!

But there is no need to tell Chen Yuan this.

"A descendant of Qingjing Immortal?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, "Is he the Qingjing Immortal from Zixiao Palace?"

Gu Ke shook his head and said: "No, his father is also the master of a cave, in charge of a realm, and his name is 'Wuxian'."

"The descendant of Qingjingxian, Lord of Cave Heaven, and disciple of Zixiao Palace."

Chen Yuan began to think deeply after hearing this, and couldn't help but think of the warning words again.

"Could it be this person?"

After the thought fell, he stretched out his fingers, and at the same time he thought about the void and the heavenly path around him. He wanted to use the power of the heavenly path to calculate, but there was no response. He immediately understood.

"After all, I am in this flying boat. This is a small space formed by the formation restriction, which is isolated from the outside. In addition, although there is a connection with Gouchen Tiandao in Qishan, this world is vast and I am not We have only communicated with each other for a few days, so the only thing we can use is the Heavenly Dao around Qishan. We should wait until we reach the meeting place of immortals and demons before communicating with the Heavenly Dao and making calculations."

As soon as he thought about it, he did not force the calculation. After all, simple calculations were not what Chen Yuan was good at, and those who could participate in the meeting of immortals and demons were also immortals and demons. The Xuan Jingjing had a great background, so maybe Is there any other way to protect one's fate and prevent extrapolation? Therefore, the best choice is to use the power of heaven. Even if it backfires, it will backfire on the heaven and earth.

"If what the gilded man said is true, then on this trip, not only can we meet the son of the world lord, but we should also encounter other interesting things. Even Zhang Zhong'er and others have followed the tradition of hooking Chen Dingyuan in the past. The fate of heaven and earth is like the protagonist of the plane, maybe we can meet again."

After thinking about it, he actually looked forward to this meeting of immortals and demons.


At the same time that Chen Yuan was raising his thoughts of expectation, in the north of the world, a dark figure fell from the sky. When it rubbed against the Nine Heavens Gang Qi, it gradually ignited. However, it did not emit the color of flames, but ignited. Tongues of black flames!

The tongues of fire intertwined, slowly outlining a ferocious shadow, and finally they all merged into the dark figure.


Amidst the loud noise, this figure plunged straight into the glacier in the north with the force of falling from the sky!


The glacier first formed a huge sinkhole, and then completely collapsed!

I don’t know how much time passed before a figure slowly emerged from the glacier.

Snap! Snap!

He walked forward step by step, his body swaying, and his whole body was constantly exuding a dark death aura. Some kind of ripples were reflected in his dark eyes.




A deafening roar came from the depths of the shattered glacier, and then a huge figure broke through the ice water and rushed out!

This is an icy beast, its whole body covered with snow-white hard hair. The energy and blood all over its body are incredibly powerful. Vigorous vitality bursts out from the flesh and blood. Just a roar shakes all directions, and the ripples of the sound turn into air waves and condense into strong winds. Blow in all directions!

The ice beast opened its teeth and claws, and its bloody mouth suddenly expanded, about to engulf the dark figure. But the next moment, the figure suddenly raised its hand, the dark death energy suddenly collided, and the black starlight flickered and changed!

"Star Mahamudra."

The black hand suddenly grasped Binghuo. The latter was startled, then roared and struggled, but with such a huge force that it could overwhelm the river, he could not break free from the black hand. Instead, he was penetrated by the black energy!

It finally showed a look of fear, and its voice became weak, as if begging for mercy, but the dark figure remained motionless, the black hands tightened, and the death energy surged, and in the scream of Bingjian, all the powerful death energy in its body was transformed.

After a few breaths, the big handprint of the stars dissipated, and the black ice jade fell down. It stared at the dark eyes and stood up slowly.


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