Depressed Fairy

Chapter 133 The Temple in the Mountain, the Platform Outside the Temple


Sima collapsed helplessly on the ground, his eyes were lifeless and his limbs were trembling slightly, as if he had lost his soul.

Wisps of black energy continued to float out of his seven orifices and slowly dissipated.

On the edge, Chen Yuan retracted his hand and began to think deeply.

Just now, he got a lot of information about the Xuwang Palace from Sima Qu's memory, most of which was the same as what Taoist Hu said.

"One of the two sect-suppressing treasures of the Qishan Sect, the Void Flame Bell, has sealed the source of the true fire of the Heavenly Demon Rahu! The Heavenly Demon, Rahu!"

Chen Yuan will naturally not forget that the Shenzang Realm he is in involves not only the Gouchen Realm, but also the Luohu Realm known as the Demon Realm.

"I didn't expect that the Heavenly Demon would actually be involved! The Heavenly Demon is different from the inner demon. The Heavenly Demon ruins I once visited in the Cave Realm, with just a hint of lingering, almost made several people like me turn into Yangshen demons and fall into the devil's path! It’s incredible that the Void Flame Bell can seal the true fire origin of the demon! The reason why Luohu Realm was sealed may have something to do with it! No wonder Taoist Fox admires this treasure so much!

He also obtained information from Sima Qu's memory that was different from the information given by Taoist Hu.

"According to Sima Qu's memory, although the Xuyan Bell is the treasure of the Qishan Sect and even transformed into a mountain gate for a time, after falling into this realm, it became an ownerless thing and transformed into the Xuwang Palace. It also splits a virtual flame key, which can communicate with the formation and guide the position. The most important thing is that the virtual flame bell itself can communicate with other realms, which is inconsistent with what the Taoist Fox said. "

Chen Yuan guessed that the key to the virtual flame should be the virtual flame box.

"According to the speculation of Sima Qu's faction, the Void Flame Bell has fallen into this world for more than 400 years. It should be connected to the destiny of this world and is the core object that suppresses the destiny of the realm! Once this object is refined, the authority of heaven will take it. It’s half way through.”

As for the method of obtaining other powers, Sima Qu also touched upon it in his memory. He used immortals to rule the mortal world and established a dynasty of immortals. After unifying the world, the five mountains were made gods and took charge of the authority of Shinto and the orthodoxy of humanity!

"This method is very troublesome at first sight. With this skill, you may be able to advance to two levels in a row. The purpose of controlling the way of heaven and comprehending all the universe is to seek the truth, not to gain power, but many individuals have lost their way in the pursuit of it. In the end, the cart is put before the horse.”

After thinking about it, Chen Yuan stood up and walked away.

The sheep monk hurried forward to ask for instructions.

"From now on, whatever you want to do, just do it." Chen Yuan walked out of the door without looking back, "I will stay at Wushan Villa until today."

After the words fell, the person was already far away.

Gui Yuanzi was the first to react, and he had enough energy to follow him. He was experienced and knew that this person would leave as soon as he said so, and would never be sloppy.

On the other hand, Monk Sheep, Ma Zhen and Po Ding were stunned on the spot, looking at the retreating figure, and were at a loss for a moment.

After a while, Granny Ding said, "Just leave like this?"

"It seems like he's gone." Ma Zhen smiled bitterly, "Unexpectedly, I thought in every possible way about how to retain the essence of the Eight Sects from him to prevent it from being annexed by his Chen Sect. In the end, the things we cherished so much seemed to him. Disdainful!"

"What Chen Men, it was just said casually."

Monk Sheep looked in the direction where Chen Yuan was leaving, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

"The treasures that others strive for are actually as light as white feathers to this person! It turns out that this is the state of mind that Master said, 'Wave your sleeves and go, not stuck in things'. No wonder he was able to realize the consciousness of gods in the world of the gods. Light!"

the other side.

Gui Yuanzi followed Chen Yuan and immediately asked: "Fellow Daoist Chen, where are you going? Are you going back to the northwest to defeat the Three Holy Sects that are raging everywhere? To avenge Fellow Daoist Xu?"

Chen Yuan replied: "Xu Chenghuang died because of me. Naturally, I have to give her an explanation. If I hadn't changed her fate and she was on the altar, how could she be in today's situation? However, the culprit is If we are not in the northwest now, going to the northwest will play into his heart.”

Gui Yuanzi said in surprise: "Not in the northwest? Where is it? There are so many masters in the Three Saint Sect, but there is no culprit? How high is the cultivation level of the person behind the scenes?"

"That man's cultivation can be said to be the best in the world, and now it seems that he is also meticulous, steady and step by step. To deal with such a person..."

Gui Yuanzi's eyes lit up and he continued: "You have to use a more complete layout than him! More careful thoughts!"

Chen Yuan glanced at him in surprise, shook his head and said: "After he laid out the plan, I will go to lay out the plan. Why do I come here? I am going to deal with people, not to compete with others in terms of layout methods and wisdom!"

"Ah this..." Gui Yuanzi was startled when he heard this.

"The best way to deal with these people who like to make plans is actually just one word," Chen Yuan stretched out a finger, "Quick!"


"Yes, you are in front of him before his plan is unfolded. So even if he has thousands of arrangements, what's the use? Doesn't he need his subordinates to see the real chapter?"

Gui Yuanzi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he thought it was true.

While talking, the two of them arrived at a dense forest on the edge of the river. Chen Yuan suddenly stopped and then raised his hand.

Above the nine heavens, a soul crystal emerged from the body of the incarnation of the Shinto, falling straight down like a meteor. Chen Yuan took it in his hand. Then he squeezed the seal with his hand, and several Qi talismans gradually took shape. Then he took out the refining furnace, put it on the floor.

"However, if you want to return quickly, you must make the necessary preparations. In addition, there is another force that should also know something about the Void King Palace. We need to inquire more and compare the three parties to get the truth."

"What? Sect Master Chen is gone?"

In Wushan Villa, with the sudden departure of Chen Yuan, the core of power in Xiaoyishan Villa was immediately transferred and returned to the hands of the Eight Sect disciples, which made them both confused and sighing.

However, due to Chen Yuan's reputation, they did not dare to counterattack and settle down. They retained all Chen Yuan's arrangements and no one even dared to touch anyone related to Chen Yuan.

Among them was this fox Taoist.

But after hearing the news of Chen Yuan's departure, the man didn't bother to catch up with the Zhu brothers and sisters who came to report the news, so he hurriedly said goodbye and left. It seemed that he was chasing Chen Yuan.

The Zhu brothers and sisters looked at each other, why did the people they recruited change their minds after being captured? Sighing, they went to the courtyard to report back to the three elders, but saw three men in black robes walking out of the courtyard. There was a faint aura of distortion in the robes, which made the two of them very uncomfortable.

When he went in and told Taoist Fox what happened, Monk Sheep breathed a sigh of relief.

Ma Zhenye said: "It's good to go, it's good to go. It's best to leave everything related to that person as soon as possible, otherwise trouble will keep coming."

Grandma Ding couldn't help but nod.

The Zhu brothers and sisters could see from the behavior of several elders that they were extremely afraid of Chen Shiji!

After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Yun still asked about the three people just now.

Upon hearing this, Monk Sheep suddenly smiled: "That's the Yellow Turban Warrior of Master Xixia, who was ordered to give the same greeting gift as Sect Leader Chen."

Zhu Junshu couldn't help but said: "Master Fangxia asked someone to give gifts? Does he not know the situation of our Wushan Villa?"

"How could he not know!" Po Ding snorted coldly, "What kind of gift was he giving? It was clearly a plan to shift trouble and plot against Chen Shiji! If he gets his wish, when Chen Shiji discovers the truth, If you offend me, won't you accept it on his behalf? This person has always been notoriously bad!"

"Senior Fengxia's behavior is also part of his plan to hold us back." Monk Yang still chuckled, "But he never expected that, despite all calculations, Sect Master Chen would not be able to do this at all. Common sense!"

Ma Zhen also nodded and said: "Since he miscalculated, everything has changed. The original plan must have been messed up."

"This is actually the opportunity I have been waiting for." Monk Sheep counted his fingers and suddenly said: "We are not here to rule the dynasty in the mortal world and establish a foundation, but to find the treasure of Qishan! The opportunity is already here Right now, I ordered Xuangan to be on standby more than a month ago, especially to pay attention to the movements of those three families, and now it is clear. "

He stood up.

"The Xuwang Palace should be in Zhongyue Mountain!"

Deep in the dark valley, two monks, a man and a woman, looked at the stone tablet outside the valley with doubts on their faces.


"That's right." Master Xian Xia walked behind the two of them and looked at the stone tablet with a look of reminiscence and nostalgia. "This Shengxian Platform is amazing. It is one of the three wonders. At the beginning, this world was weak and it was hidden by the One God. , the two realms are unstable, and only when the heaven and earth are aligned and the auras of the three realms are intertwined, can the passage appear. However, the senior masters of the Qishan Sect used great supernatural powers to build this platform, which allows the monks to teleport between the two realms."

"Master, aren't we looking for the Palace of the Void King?" The female monk's face was full of doubts, "But here..."

"This ten days, the Xuwang Palace is among them." Master Xianxia smiled lightly, "The Xuwang Palace will change its position every ten days, and may appear anywhere in the world. This time it manifests here. There is a reason for this. Where the two things come together, come out!"

As he spoke, he flicked his long sleeves, and heard an exclamation. A small figure flew out of the sleeves. It was no bigger than a thumb at first, but it grew in the wind, and in an instant it grew into a human-sized figure. It fell to the ground, and stood up in embarrassment. , with a look of vigilance and vigilance on his face, and raised his arms.

When the female monk saw it, she said coldly: "Wang Fuyin, at this time, are you still not honest?"

When Wang Fuyin, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, heard this, he glared angrily: "You are waiting to arrest me for no reason, do you want me to wait for death?"

The female monk frowned and said, "You are a spy who has become a disciple of someone from the lower world. How can you still be so confident?"

However, Master Xianxia said: "Xinwei, shut up. Even I respect his master, how can you talk about it casually?"

Female monk Xin Wei lowered her head and said she was wrong.

Master Xian Xia looked at Wang Fuyin and said with a smile: "Boy, now that things have come to this, I only ask you one question, are you willing to take my flying sword and go see your master?"

Wang Fuyin immediately said with anger on his face: "Don't even think about it!"

"Okay!" Master Xian Xia laughed loudly, stepped in front of Wang Fuyin, stretched out his finger, and pierced his heart, "Then you are of no use, I can just use your soul as a guide!"


With a soft sound, Wang Fuyin's body stiffened, and he fell to the sky. A curl of living soul fluttered unsteadily from the top of his head. When the cold wind blew, it was about to dissipate. His face was full of helplessness and fear.

"It's not too late to change your mind now." Master Xianxia asked again.

Wang Fuyin's soul shivered with coldness, and he said to himself: "Even kill me, I will give the same answer! Let me harm my master...don't even think about it! Master...Master will avenge me!"

"What a pity. Then your fate has been sealed. What I hate the most is monks who don't want to betray their master."

Master Xiang Xia put away his smile, took out a sandalwood sign from his arms, with a white cloud pattern on it, looked at Wang Fuyin, sucked the living soul in, and then threw it into the valley.


The dark valley suddenly boils!

The originally deep and mysterious mountain road suddenly became clear.

Flags fluttered in the wind, and the stone steps were arranged in sequence and extended out.

"What is this?" Xinwei and the male monk looked surprised when they saw this.

"This is the Shengxian Platform." Master Xiangxia stepped forward and climbed up the stairs. "This high platform is originally a mountain, connecting the three realms and dividing Yin and Yang! On ordinary days, this platform sinks into the realm of ghosts, and only occasionally reappears. To return to the underworld, it is necessary to open the way with a passage token."

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