Depressed Fairy

Chapter 134 Farewell


Chen Yuan's mind suddenly jumped.

In the furnace, the burning flames paused, and the things being forged in the fire made a crisp sound.

what happened?

He frowned slightly. This was obviously a whim, and it should be a feedback of good or bad luck related to oneself, but when tracing the cause with Xingkong's inner demon, he couldn't find even a vague reason.

"This kind of feeling comes from nowhere. It shouldn't be for no reason. Although my soul has retreated, there are still residual elements in my soul that can sense my own good and bad luck. Now that the inner demon in the starry sky can't grasp the context, it means that I have something to do with it. The people I am related to have suffered misfortune!”

His face suddenly turned cold.

"Those people again? Is that why the other five sects say that the three sects are cruel and extreme?"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, what did you find?"

On the side, Gui Yuanzi, who was guarding and protecting Chen Yuan, noticed something strange about Chen Yuan and asked.

"Nothing." Chen Yuan replied, his thoughts gradually focusing on the incarnation of the Shinto, "It's still too slow, we need to urge those emperors."

Above the nine heavens, there is a stone pavilion on Cloud Island.

Chen Yuan's Shinto incarnation sat in it, closing his eyes and resting.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and three more figures appeared in the pavilion.

The expressions of the three divine monarchs were very serious, and there was a heavy aura lingering on their bodies.

Chen Yuan noticed that their breaths were weakened to varying degrees, and said: "It seems that people outside the world have a considerable influence on you."

"I talked about the situation in the three realms with my Taoist friends before, but some things were not fully explained. The spiritual world is actually a realm of disasters, which has caused chaos in the human world many times. Now that the earth and the earth have undergone changes, people from the spiritual world have reappeared, and they know that our divine way is the world of human beings. They focused on attacking the barrier and plotted at every turn! However, they underestimated our determination and strength to protect the human world. They were attacked several times and retreated..." Emperor Dongyue spoke with awe-inspiring aura.

Emperor Beiyue said: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, you have not run the Divine Court, but you have not been affected much by these outsiders. However, I have heard that the gangs of outsiders have expanded greatly in the northwest..."

Emperor Beiyue wanted to say more, but was stopped by Emperor Dongyue.

"Let me tell you. Don't talk about anything else, just talk about business. Fellow Taoist asked about King Xu Palace, it's the right time. Even if you don't ask, we still have to say it. After all, this thing is related to the catastrophe of the world. Once it is touched , there is a danger of earth-shaking!"

Chen Yuan simply asked: "Outsiders have come to invade. Isn't it considered a catastrophe?"

"The invasion of outsiders is the introduction, not the catastrophe itself." Emperor Dongyue's face showed a look of reminiscence, "The catastrophe more than four hundred years ago actually originated from the spirit world. Although I had not touched the catastrophe itself at that time, But after thinking about it carefully over the years, I realized that it all stems from an introduction.”

"Xuwang Palace?"

Emperor Dongyue nodded and said: "The legend of this palace is actually before the catastrophe four hundred years ago, but it was not called the Xuwang Palace at that time, it was called the Creation Palace. Legend has it that it was the cave of the Taoist Priest of Creation before he became a Taoist!"

"Hall of Creation?" An idea flashed in Chen Yuan's mind.

"Yes, Dao Ancestor used this thing to suppress the fate of the world! Once it is moved by others, the entire world will be implicated. The earth will change, mountains and rivers will change their course, there will be countless casualties, and blood will flow into rivers! It will be a catastrophe!"

Emperor Dongyue's expression became more and more serious: "More than four hundred years ago, the Hall of Creation was touched by others, and a catastrophe came. It was eventually invaded by outsiders and turned into the so-called Palace of the Void King, which barely managed to suppress the world. But this situation did not It is unstable and dangerous. If someone touches it again, the disaster that the world will face will be even more severe!"

"I see."

Chen Yuan nodded, with a clear connection in his heart——

"The eight sects in the Gouchen Realm believe that the Xuwang Palace is the hallucination of the Xuyan Bell; the Shinto emperors in the Shenzang Realm believe that the Xuwang Palace is the creation palace left by the local Taoist ancestors and was eroded and transformed by the outside world; in this way Come on, Taoist Hu’s statement is more comprehensive. He said it is a combination of the Fortune Cauldron and the Void Flame Bell!”

He has realized that there are limitations in the cognition outside and inside the world.

"Is this cognitive bias manipulated by someone, or is it formed unintentionally?"

Chen Yuan was just thinking when he heard Emperor Dongyue continue: "There are actually two things to do when meeting Taoist fellow Taoist this time. One is to ask you to pass on a message to see if you can persuade Lord Deishan to go to King Xu. Please help us to stop the catastrophe that is about to sweep through the human world! The Void King Palace has shown traces, and there must be monks from the spiritual world in the Zhongyue territory. They have visited the human world, and only Destroy the Mountain Lord has the ability to stop it!"

"That's right," the Beiyue Emperor also said: "To sum it up, we were able to withstand the outside monks' attack on the mountain, thanks to the Mountain Destroyer Lord who raided their lair!"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes: "Do you want Lord Destroyer to come forward and stop the monks from the outside world?"

"Let him help, instead of us hiding behind, let him go out and charge into the battle!" Emperor Dongyue's tone was very firm.

Chen Yuan heard the implication: "What do you mean?"

"We will all go to Zhongyue to stop the catastrophe!" Emperor Dongyue showed a smile, "This is also the reason why we have survived until now!"

Emperor Beiyue smiled and said: "The realm of Zhongyue is quite special. No matter the mountains, rivers or rivers, gods cannot breed. If there are patrolling or walking gods who stray into it, they will be rejected and suppressed, and the Shinto talismans and divine power will decline. However, But we have a way to temporarily avoid rejection and suppression, and to get rid of the limitations of mountains and rivers and go deep into it."

Emperor Nanyue also said: "Fellow Taoist, you can probably guess that this method cannot have side effects. After this battle, our position as emperor of the Three Mountains will probably be vacant. If a new emperor of the mountains is born in the future, who will win?" I’d like to ask you, fellow Taoist, to guide me.”

Chen Yuan looked surprised: "Are you going to sacrifice yourself to prevent the catastrophe?"

"We may not have to sacrifice, but I'm afraid I can't keep this divine position." Emperor Dongyue smiled slightly, "But we have been trapped in the divine position for many years, so we should return to humanity and enjoy the path of life."

"Since several fellow Taoists have this intention..." Chen Yuan did not dissuade him, but moved his mind. Anyway, he was just an incarnation.

"Fellow Daoist Xiyue should stay," Emperor Dongyue shook his head, "You have just ascended to the throne and your authority has not yet been clearly sorted out, so how can you be involved in this matter? Moreover, I may not be able to succeed if I wait here, so I should stay here. A spark of fire, just like me back then.”

"That's right, you only need to tell Lord Chushan about these things. It's up to him to decide whether he goes or not." Emperor Beiyue also said bluntly: "Go, we have a strong support, it's a blessing! If you don't go, just in case We are all dead, and he is still there to protect the world.”


Suddenly, a bell rang in the void.

Filled with the aura of ancient times and deathly silence, it burst out from the center of the earth and rushed into the sky.

Chen Yuan looked down and saw a flying figure in the clouds and mist, rolling clouds, and a mirage of Qiong Tower looming.

"This is?"

"The Shengxian Platform has been touched." Emperor Dongyue's expression was solemn, "Sure enough, it was a catastrophe, and the great battle actually caused the Xuwang Palace and the Shengxian Platform to merge." After saying that, he cupped his hands towards Chen Yuan: "Shichen We’ve arrived, fellow Taoist, so leave here.”

Emperor Beiyue also held up his hands and said: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, you have chosen the right time. If it were a little later, it would be difficult to meet this time. This is also God's will."

"Farewell here," Emperor Nanyue said, and suddenly said: "If someone from the Song family in Lingnan goes to the northwest to seek refuge in the future, I hope that my Taoist friends can take care of them."

After the three gods said goodbye, they turned into three rays of light and fell towards Zhongyue!

On the edge of the river, in the dense forest.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes and sighed: "The Lord God may have selfish motives, but now it seems that he is also shouldering responsibilities."

He didn't expect that asking for advice would turn out to be a farewell. Somehow, he remembered the words of the Xiyue Emperor when he fell.

"Since I killed him, I have indeed inherited the cause and effect. It should be at this time."

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yuan stood up, waved his long sleeves, and put the furnace and its contents into his bag. He flipped his hand over and found an iron box.

When Gui Yuanzi saw it, he came over and said, "Fellow Taoist, what happened? The mastermind behind the scenes..."

"Taoist Master, this trip is dangerous. Don't follow me. Go back to the northwest." After saying this to Gui Yuanzi, Chen Yuan squeezed the fine iron box without waiting for the latter's response!


His fingers actually got stuck in it, and then black fire surged from the patterns on the surface of the box, and in a blink of an eye, it blazing, wrapped up Chen Yuan's whole body, and flew away through the air!

Gui Yuanzi was left alone, beating his chest and stamping his feet!

Dang Dang Dang!

The void bell rings.

In the mist-shrouded Black Flame Mountain, a strong wind suddenly surged!

With a long roar, General Feng rode the black wind and flew from the depths of the mountain pass.

"Du Qing, the catastrophe is coming. This is the time for me to fulfill my promise. I don't know if I can come back from here. I will leave Black Flame Mountain to you!"

In the mountains, an old voice came from far away——

"My lord, just go on your way with peace of mind!"

"Bah! These words of farewell are really unlucky! I'm going to go!"

The hurricane rose and the wind roared, leaving this ancient mountain range in the blink of an eye.


In Zhongyue City, Cheng Hua, who was writing, suddenly felt something in his heart. The moment he stopped writing, he realized the wonderful realm. He immediately fell into a trance and fell asleep on the table.

Then, a glazed soul jumped up from his Niwan Palace.

"It turns out that there was a catastrophe between heaven and earth, so Chen Jun and I were born. Now it's time for me to complete my mission."

He took another look at the human scene, bowed to the crowded streets, and then drove the Glazed Soul straight into the mountains without looking back.


At the edge of the mountain forest, countless black shadows gathered from all directions, like strong winds gathering, and slowly gathered into a black lotus. In the lotus, there was a twisted figure that changed like a shadow.

"It's strange that some of the thoughts were completely destroyed, or were detained by others, with no way to return. Forget it, the time has come, the magic power will be completed, and one or two thoughts are missing, it doesn't matter, just stay here Traces of the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black lotus gathered up, wrapped the shadow, and flew towards the mountain.

at the same time.

At the entrance of the dark valley, black fireworks suddenly fell.

When the fire light dissipated, Chen Yuan was revealed.

He did not move forward, but quietly looked at a stiff figure in the grass on the roadside, with eyes that seemed to contain thousands of years of ice.

I attended a marketing meeting and came back late.

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