Depressed Fairy

Chapter 132 All the agencies are trying to stop Chen Jun

Chen Yuan ignored Monk Sheep and unfolded the blood book in his hand.

"Friend Daoist Chen personally declares:

I have regained the Qingming Festival now.

In the past many years, because the divine way was blocked within, many people were deceived. Now that the divine power is not applied to the body, the mind of the path becomes clear. Even if the body dies, it is still one's own self and no longer driven by others.

It is a great kindness to kill the evil and bring it back to my own heart. Unfortunately, my body is exhausted and my life is declining. It will not last long. I have no way to repay my kindness. It is a pity.

It's been a long time since we said goodbye that day, and I didn't expect to see you again. I only wish my fellow Taoist friends a smooth journey and a long life. "

Looking at the signature of "Xu Yuee", Chen Yuan looked indifferent.

Monk Sheep hurriedly explained: "The eight sects are said to be eight sects because they were once in the same mountain and had the friendship of migrating together. However, Shengshan is three thousand miles long, and there are at least a dozen sects in each sect. Mingxia Valley, Tuoying Sect, and Qixing Sect are acting in extreme ways, almost demonic! If it were not forced by the situation, there would be no such thing as an alliance of eight sects!"

"Who is this?"

Gui Yuanzi looked at Monk Sheep and asked. He got a lot of news on the way. When he arrived in Jiangzuo, he knew about Wushan Villa based on his friends and connections. He already guessed that the monk was a visitor from the spirit world, but Is it too exaggerated to be so afraid of the Tiger Destroyer?

"Don't panic," Chen Yuan calmed down his aura and said calmly: "I know you are secretly observing my habits and may have some ideas, but you have never done anything to inform the other three families."

The sheep monk trembled again and explained: "This is absolutely not the case! How dare I..."

"You were originally a sect elder in the Gou Chen Realm. You came to this realm with great ambitions to achieve great things, but you were pushed down by me and turned into an errand boy. It's normal to have your own thoughts." Chen Yuan waved his hand and stopped the other party. He said, "As long as it doesn't ruin my affairs, I can do whatever I arrange for you. Whatever you are planning behind the scenes has nothing to do with me."

The sheep monk was about to speak but stopped, his thoughts were turning rapidly, he was frightened and confused, and he was thinking about how to cover up this matter.

But Chen Yuan didn't bother with this matter at all, and instead said: "Go and bring Sergeant Simao from the Tuoying Sect over. I have something to ask him."

Monk Sheep was still waiting for an explanation, but looking at Chen Yuan's cold face, he finally did not dare to say anything. He had never seen a smile on Chen Yuan's face, but today this face seemed to be particularly cold and rational. Leave.

Soon, Monk Yang arrived outside the single courtyard where Sima Qu was imprisoned, and saw Ma Zhen and Po Ding first.

The two men gathered several qualified disciples such as Yunshe together and were communicating in code words.

Before the change, Monk Sheep had just turned a blind eye, but now his heart suddenly felt sudden. He walked over and reminded: "Two fellow Taoists, let the disciples disperse. Do whatever you need to do. Don’t get together to avoid being misunderstood by the sect leader.”

"Humph!" Po Ding snorted coldly. Just as she was about to make a few sarcastic remarks, she saw the sheep monk's expression solemn.

"An old friend of the sect master lost his life at the hands of people from three families!" Monk Sheep reminded in a low voice: "We must not get into trouble, lest we be angered! Let's take the blame for those three families!"

"You can't bear it on behalf of others, otherwise it will be too late to regret it!" Ma Zhen waved his hand to Yun She and led a few people to retreat, then lowered his voice and said to Monk Sheep: "Fellow Taoist, you have suffered so much, bear the humiliation and bear the burden."

Monk Sheep shook his head, did not answer, and said instead: "I am here to take Sima Qu with me. Since you are here, please come with me. This will save you a lot of misunderstandings."

Ma Zhen nodded and said, "That's how it should be."

The three of them arrived at the private courtyard where Sima Qu was imprisoned. When they walked in, they saw the Tuoying Sect elder lying in the courtyard, basking in the sun.

His hair was a lot grayer, and there were many wrinkles on his face, but he looked calm. When he saw the three people coming, he stood up and straightened his clothes, and said with a smile: "Count on the time, you should be here soon, what? But Chen Shiji wants to see me?"

"You can still laugh." Monk Sheep sighed and reminded: "You and other people from the third sect have done good things in the northwest!"

Sima smiled awkwardly and said: "If you want to achieve something, you will offend others. How many things in the world can be accomplished with harmony?"

The sheep monk heard something and whispered: "Are you still in contact with them?"

"Even though there is no connection, I can more or less guess what they are going to do. It is just to see my fall, know that Chen Shiji is a threat, and collect information about him." Sima embarrassed said in a relaxed tone.

The sheep monk shook his head and said kindly, "I advise you not to make this matter so easy when you meet the sect master."

"What?" Sima Qu raised his eyebrows, "Even if I, the dignified elder Tuoying, are in trouble and imprisoned, do I still have to imitate you and others, and just want to be flattered? I can't be a lackey in front of the door! I have my own pride and don't care about others. Be strong and change!”

When Po Ding heard this, she was furious: "What did you say!?"

"Forget it." Monk Sheep blocked Granny Ding, "Since it's hard to persuade her, I have no choice but to let him go. Let me do it."

Sima Qu waved his long sleeves, showing his famous morale.

Main hall.

Chen Yuan had put away the blood book and asked about the situation in the northwest.

Gui Yuanzi said: "After the Taoist friends left, the Divine Lord of Xiyue returned to his throne, but he only ordered a few Shinto people to walk and manage trivial matters. He neither built a divine court nor controlled the mountain god Hebo, so the situation of Shinto did not change much. Huangren, Daning However, two months ago, a group of forces suddenly emerged, known as the "Three Holy Sect", and expanded aggressively, annexing many gangs, but it was only limited to the Jianghu level, and it did not cause me any concern. Wait, think about it now, maybe it was the Three Saints Sect who attacked Fellow Daoist Xu!"

"Three Holy Sects? Wushan Villa. From this point of view, these eight sects may be just a superficial alliance." Chen Yuan was talking, and Monk Sheep came with Sima Qu.

"I've met Sect Master Chen." Sima Qu was thin and frail, but his expression was as usual. He entered the lobby as if he were at home, bowed his hands in a graceful manner, and looked for a chair to sit on.


Chen Yuan flicked his fingers, and the strong wind hit Sima Qu's knees, causing his leg bones to crack. He knelt on the ground and was immediately shocked and angry: "Clan Master Chen, are you trying to humiliate me?"

Chen Yuan said: "Being a prisoner must have the consciousness of a prisoner. Don't show your celebrity demeanor and arrogance in front of me. It is of no use and cannot embolden you."

"Hey!" Granny Ding felt relieved when she saw it.

Sima Qu struggled for a moment and said in a cold voice: "Your Excellency, you are too overbearing! You asked me to come over. You must have something to ask me, right? Those who achieve great things on their own are those who have a broad mind and are courteous and virtuous. Only then can everyone win over! You Just give me a blow in person, and you won’t worry that I won’t tell the truth?”

After a pause, he suddenly said: "Clan Master Chen, there are some things that you should think about clearly first. We have many secrets in this world, and just taking one of them is enough to overturn the current situation! Not to mention, now you seem to be Being strong means disaster is not far away!”

He actually used the rhetoric of political strategists. He wanted to calm Chen Yuan with shocking words first, and then said slowly: "You are a person in this world, and there are countless people related to you in this world. We come from the outside world and are not tainted by cause and effect. You..."

"Don't!" When Monk Sheep heard this, his expression changed drastically and he hurriedly stopped him.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes suddenly, stretched out his hand to grab the person, caught him from the air, and pulled him to him. He was not angry, and said in a calm tone: "I have told the ordinary dignitaries that the rules and order that they regard as shackles are actually not a shackle. It's to protect them. The same principle applies to you and others. The reason for causing such a big battle and involving many people is just to plot against me. Since you let me know, naturally you can't let it go. "

Sima Qu's bones creaked all over his body, and even more coercion enveloped his body. Chill penetrated inside. He realized how powerful it was, so he took a deep breath and said with difficulty: "What do you want to ask?"

"I have something to ask you," Chen Yuan said coldly, "but you may not need to say it with your mouth!"


Before Sima finished speaking, Chen Yuan hit him on the chest with a palm, and then Xingkong's inner demon seeped directly into his body!


In an instant, a black shadow roared out from behind Sima Embarrassing, flying all over the sky like long whiskers!

The stars eroded the memory, and combined with the remnants of the inner demon in Sima Qu's heart, they eroded towards the depths of the memory!

Chen Yuan said in his ear: "Remember carefully the things related to the Xuwang Palace for me!"

"! You can't think about it!"

Sima embarrassment immediately guessed Chen Yuan's plan. He actually saw that he had practiced the Demon-Controlling Heart Sutra related to inner demons, and directly used the inner demons to communicate with his soul and pry into his memory!

Memories are hidden deep in thoughts and are complicated and trivial, especially for a monk like him who has gone through a long period of time. There are countless fragments of the past buried in this memory. Even if the inner demon wants to find what he needs from this vast sea of ​​memories in an instant, it will be very difficult. difficult.

But Chen Yuan gave verbal hints and orders. Due to the decline of his cultivation and the decline of his energy and blood, Sima Qu could no longer control his thoughts. The more he didn't want to think about it, the more he cared about it, and soon the relevant memories came flooding out!

The mountains are steep and shrouded in clouds and mist.

A handsome man dressed in clouds and rosy clothes sits on the top of the mountain. The rays of sunshine flow between his mouth and nose as he speaks.

This person is the elder of Mingxia Valley, Zhenxia Zhenren, Gongshen Transformation God.

Suddenly, several rays of light flew from the distance and landed on the mountain peak, revealing a man, a woman, and two monks.

"Master, everything you ordered has been completed."

"Very good." Master Xi Xia opened his eyes and smiled, "In this way, even if Destroy the Tiger has entered the Xuwang Palace, he will have a backup plan to deal with it. Of course, it is best for him to return to revenge for his old friend. Going northwest, this time, I will naturally miss the opportunity. Even if it doesn't happen, the other meeting gift I prepared with him should be able to temporarily slow him down and disturb his hearing."

"Sir," the female monk said with a puzzled expression, "I have some doubts, I wonder if I can ask?"

"But it doesn't matter."

The female monk asked: "Then Chen Shiji is really so terrifying, does he need you to arrange so many backup plans?"

"Mr. Shui Jing is no match for him, so how can I underestimate him?" Zhen Xia Zhenren smiled slightly, "Our goal this time is to seize the power of heaven and earth and the Void Flame Bell. It is not to compete with the number one person in this world. It should be avoided if it can be avoided, and it is best not to let him have the opportunity to enter the palace. "

Another male monk said: "Zhen Shiji has a clever plan, and Chen Shiji can only deal with it. But since the Xuwang Palace is transformed by the Xu Yan Bell, you mastered the method of driving him, and introduced him into the Xu Wang Palace, just in time to kill him." ! Revenge for the elders of other sects!”

However, Master Xian Xia shook his head and said: "Since this Mountain Destroyer Lord came out of the mountain, he has always been unexpected. No matter how good his calculations are, he will eventually break the situation for him. He is clearly the protagonist of destiny and the son of destiny in this world! Xu! The sacred treasure left in the royal palace for more than four hundred years has already carried the destiny of this world. If the son of destiny is allowed to enter the treasure of suppressing luck, what is the use of the magic formula even if I have it? What's more, the magic formula already exists? Defects can be sent but not received, and they cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.”


Suddenly, a bell sounded in the void.

He stood up and faced the wind: "The time has come, it's time to enter the temple!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the colorful clouds surged around Zhen Xia's body, turning into Qingyun, supporting him, rising up in the wind, and falling towards the depths of the mountains.

The second is more likely to be later...

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