Depressed Fairy

Chapter 131 News of Death

When Marquis Jingyang came in, he had a heavy look on his face.

Chen Yuan sat on the chair and had no intention of welcoming him.

Seeing this, Marquis Jingyang asked cautiously: "Shiji, is there really no room for change?"

"Stop talking nonsense," Chen Yuan shook his head, "Speak out your decision."

Marquis Jingyang seemed to be drained of all his strength for a moment, trembling all over, and finally said: "I choose the third option."

"The third method is to use weapons to carry the skills. It is better to teach them to fish than to teach them to fish. If this method is used properly, the Chen family can flourish for a long time with minimal hidden dangers." Chen Yuan nodded, "Go back. Three days later, I will have the weapons sent to Jingyang Hou Mansion."

"Shiji..." Marquis Jingyang sighed, and finally turned around and left in frustration.

After the door closed again, Chen Yuan suddenly felt an impulse, knowing that it was a sign that the cause and effect was about to end, and immediately frowned.

"The end of cause and effect means that we have survived the calamity of the body elixir. Whether it is the possessed inner demon, Taoist Fox who implicated Taoist Bones, or other things, one of them must be counted as a calamity, but for me It's not a dilemma at all, I got through it easily. Is this world unable to restrain me, or..."

After pondering for a moment, he remembered what he had heard several times about the upper limit of practice, and then thought about what Taoist Fox said.

"The origins of Taoist Fox may be true, and the idea of ​​continuing the inheritance for his master must also be true, but it is still uncertain whether what he said is true, how much he said, and whether there is anything to hide. If you listen to others, you will believe it. To understand, you have to learn about the Xuwang Palace, the Xuyan Bell, and the Fortune Cauldron from other channels."

The faces of several Shinto emperors and the captured monk Gouchen flashed in his mind.

"Don't rush, things should be dealt with the same way."

Next, Chen Yuan asked Monk Yang to prepare the materials needed for refining weapons, and he improved three techniques by combining the techniques of Dongxu Realm and the characteristics of this world.

As soon as the materials were ready, he didn't waste any time and started refining the weapons on the same day. Three days later, what came out was a sword, a knife and a shield, which respectively carried a palm technique, a leg technique and a heart-refining technique.

At the moment when the sword and shield were formed and the skills were infused, Chen Yuan's mind was clear, the bronze mirror in his chest trembled, and he saw the silhouette of the future in a trance——

The five descendants of the Chen family learned the secrets of martial arts from weapons, and each dominated an era. One of them was even more earth-shaking, and had a subtle influence on the changes in human nature.

However, when Chen Yuan took a closer look, everything returned to normal and there was nothing strange anymore.

"This is not the real future, but a possibility deduced based on the present and combined with intelligence. However, once this thing is completed, I will no longer have anything to do with the Chen family, and the changes in the future will have nothing to do with me. Oh. ,correct……"

Suddenly, he thought of something, raised his hand and pointed, and a stream of light fell into the furnace!

The fire in the furnace danced, and the remaining scraps from the weapon refining condensed into a copper lock.

After doing this, he summoned the sheep monk.

"Send the things to Marquis Jingyang's Mansion, and give the sword and shield to Marquis Jingyang. As for this copper lock, it's an amulet. Give it to Chen Yunniang." After saying that, Chen Yuan waved his hand, "Go ahead."

The sheep monk bowed and left with his things, and saw Chen Yuan's door slowly closing.

After the door was closed tightly, he carefully looked at the object in his hand, stretched out his finger and flicked it.


The sound of the sword blade caused his blood to fluctuate slightly!

"The materials used to make the sword are mostly ordinary iron, with a little gas-conducting steel added. At most, it can be a magical weapon. However, this sword can stir up the energy and blood. It has already taken the prototype of a magical weapon, and it is just short of a few restrictions! It can be turned into a flying sword without restraint and with the blessing of blood refining method!"

At this thought, Monk Sheep's heart trembled, and he felt more and more unfathomable about Chen Yuan, and his heart kept sinking.

Worried, he personally took the weapons and bronze locks to the Jingyang Marquis Mansion.

Seeing the majestic red painted door and the continuous houses, the monk couldn't help but shake his head.

"Although this mansion has some aura, it is at most ordinary wealth. How could it raise such a real dragon? It seems that the secret of Chen Shiji's power lies not in his fate and origin, that is to say, in his innateness! According to his life According to records, all changes occurred after going to the northwest, and his rise to fame started from Lushou Mountain!"

After thinking about it, he was invited into the mansion by Marquis Jingyang who came out to greet him personally.

"How can I bother an immortal to take care of such a trivial matter in person?" Marquis Jingyang still wanted to be polite.

Upon hearing this, Monk Sheep said sternly: "What the Lord said is wrong. What a person the sect master is. The matters he entrusts are extremely important matters. The poor monk dare not be negligent in the slightest. If something goes wrong, it will be a serious crime!" "

Marquis Jingyang was startled, then smiled bitterly, nodded and said: "The Immortal is right, he is right! If not, our Marquis Mansion wouldn't be... Alas! Please come inside!"

"No, I'll leave the things to you, and then you have to go back and recover." The sheep monk said, solemnly taking out the knife, sword, and shield.

Marquis Jingyang did not dare to neglect, and he followed up respectfully. He even placed a set of incense tables, invited the things into the ancestral hall, called out the disciples of the clan who had been summoned long ago, and solemnly said: "From now on, Finally, this is my family heirloom!”

These disciples of the Chen family also knew how powerful they were, and they were all frightened. Their eyes looking at the three weapons were mixed with greed and desire!

The sheep monk nodded secretly. This kind of attitude is normal. If he continues to neglect him because of his blood relationship, he will be too ignorant to advance or retreat.

After Marquis Jingyang finished explaining, Monk Sheep said again: "Where is Miss Yunniang? The master has one more thing, which he asked to give to the lady."

Marquis Jingyang was startled, but then he looked happy and said quickly: "Ms. Yun is in the back house. Please come with me, please come with me. Hurry, go and inform Yun Niang!"

When the remaining Chen family disciples heard this, they were all envious.

"Chen Yunniang was suppressed in the past because she is the younger sister of the crown prince, but now she has benefited from it! After all the hard work, the joy comes! On the other hand, Zheng has fallen off the tree. It is said that she is on the verge of madness and is about to be sent to her hometown."

Not to mention the discussions of the Chen clan.

When Monk Sheep was led outside Chen Yunniang's boudoir, he immediately squinted his eyes and noticed an unusual smell.

"Yunniang, come out quickly. Your brother has asked an immortal to give you something." Marquis Jingyang's words were actually somewhat flattering, because in his opinion, Chen Yunniang was able to receive special care from Chen Yuan, which showed that he and himself This daughter still has a brother-sister relationship, which is a breakthrough. Maybe she can slowly try to win the eldest son's heart back.

"Is there any news about brother?" Upon hearing this, Chen Yunniang ran out in a hurry. When she saw the sheep monk, she quickly saluted and then asked: "Master, what news did brother ask you to pass on?"

"You shouldn't be called Miss like that!" Monk Yang quickly lowered his attitude. He and Marquis Jingyang had the same idea. They both felt that this woman was close to Chen Shiji and needed to be cured. So he held the copper lock in both hands and smiled. He said: "This is the protective object that the sect master asked me to give to the young lady."

"Brother gave it to me? When will he come home?" Chen Yunniang took it and didn't bother to look at it, so she asked about Chen Yuan first.

When Marquis Jingyang heard this, he was very worried.

Monk Sheep didn't dare to express his opinion on Chen Yuan's behalf, so he said very nervously: "The thoughts of the sect master are not something we can fathom. If you want to know, if you want to know, you might as well find a time to ask."

"Okay." Chen Yuniang was a little disappointed and depressed after hearing this.

The sheep monk looked at the black cloud on her forehead, frowned, and was about to say something.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuniang tied the copper lock to her wrist with a chain. The copper lock suddenly shook, flew out with a beam of light, and fell deep into the backyard!


After a shrill scream, Marquis Jingyang's expression changed. He guessed something and left in a hurry.

The sheep monk sneered and said to the confused Chen Yunniang: "Miss Yunniang, congratulations on getting out of danger."

After saying that, he stopped staying and turned around to leave.

Soon, news of Zheng's sudden death came out from the Jingyang Marquis Mansion. It was said that when he died, his face was ferocious and livid, his hands were clasping his neck, and he seemed to be suffering from unspeakable pain!

Soon after, many rumors spread, saying that she had offended the ghosts and gods and suffered retribution. But many people knew what was going on behind the scenes, and they became more and more in awe of this method of killing people from the air. . This is a later story, so I won’t mention it again.

"Bloodline Karma, let's forget it!"

In the quiet room, Chen Yuan felt light all over, as if he could float up out of thin air!

His heart was even clearer, his thoughts were faintly crystal clear, and the three cyclones in his body were turning, showing signs of condensation!

"Without dirt or hindrance, without joy or sorrow, this body's destiny is considered complete."

With a thought in his heart, Chen Yuan flicked his fingers, and three groups of pitch-black ghost faces howled and flew out, floating around him, twisting and changing, gradually taking on the shapes of dragons, tigers, and phoenixes.

"With another inner demon crystal, I can condense the formation of the Four Symbols. Logically speaking, if I still specialize in the Nine-Revolution Corpse Explanation Chapter, then the four symbols together and a few auxiliary objects will be enough to advance, but now it is not possible Same."

He looked within himself and grasped the subtle changes.

"The set of exercises I created is a suturing monster. It bypasses the original shackles and has the opportunity to practice the fundamentals of life. However, the steps to advance are also much more complicated because of this. Completeness of the four elements is only the first step, and we still have to find the next step. Only by obtaining a place of calamity and refining the five collected qi together can the mysterious body be transformed four times and advance to the level of qi refining. However, promotion is cumbersome, but it can be accumulated. When you step into qi refining, the inner demon star evolves! , you can reach perfection in an instant and regain the foundation of seeking the Tao!"

Although Chen Yuan has a golden elixir, it is an external elixir, which belongs to the method of protecting the Tao and does not enter the life. After his body was refined through the inner demon tribulation, his mysterious body was life, and his inner demon was his nature. The inside and outside were connected, which was equivalent to connecting the two bridges of heaven and earth. He also used the method of stars to perfect the circulation of the surrounding weather. He was already at the peak of Qi transformation, but There is still some preparation left before refining qi.

"I don't have to worry about the five qi. I have saved a lot of qi through elixir refining before, but this place of calamity still needs to be considered..."

Therefore, in the following time, he spent the rest of his life in seclusion, understanding the changes in cause and effect, the changes in the mysterious body, consolidating his foundation, and understanding the Tribulation Eye.

This retreat lasted for three months!

On this day, Chen Yuan's heart skipped a beat, he suddenly woke up from his realization as soon as his thoughts changed.

"Since I left Lushou Mountain, I have never had such a long leisurely day, and I am still a bit unaccustomed to it."

Even so, Chen Yuan knew very well that when there was a reason for a change in his mind, he would not hesitate to open the door and go out. Then, he saw an old friend in the front yard——

Gui Yuanzi looked serious.

After sitting down in order, Chen Yuan asked straight to the point: "Master Taoist, you are here not to reminisce about old times, right?"

"Yes, Pindao came here to deliver a letter." Gui Yuanzi took a deep breath, took out a letter with the smell of blood from his sleeve, and presented it to Chen Yuan.

"This is this?" Chen Yuan's eyelids twitched, and with a wave of his hand, he captured a Qi Talisman from the blood book.

"This is a letter written by fellow Taoist Xu Yue'e when he was dying." Gui Yuanzi sighed, "Xu Yue'e is the lay name of the City God."

Chen Yuan was startled: "She is dead?"

Gui Yuanzi nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "After Taoist friend left, Xu Taoist friend did not ask Pindao to help her unlock the seal. Instead, he practiced martial arts like a mortal, living in seclusion and living in a simple life, like this every day. I thought she would be able to It has been stable since then. Unexpectedly, several monks suddenly attacked half a month ago, all of them were highly cultivated! They arrested fellow Taoist Xu and forced him to give you information. Fellow Taoist Xu was unwilling to reveal it, so he seized the opportunity to break the seal. , risking his life to strike, but it only knocked back a few monks."

Speaking of this, he sighed: "Originally, if she maintained the power of the divine way, she could still survive, but... Xu Daoyou sealed herself again, and her body was exhausted. Without the support of the divine power, she was basically dead. At the last moment, Pindao and others tried to persuade her to no avail, so she only left this letter, and then... Alas!

Chen Yuan remained indifferent and remained silent.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "You said that the people who attacked her were all highly cultivated?"

"Yes, those monks have exquisite spells and powerful martial arts. Even though Pindao broke through to the Grand Master level a month ago, he can only draw a tie with them! Each of them has a cultivation level that is no less than Pindao!"

"Everyone is a great master." Chen Yuan's eyes became colder. "Of course there are not so many great masters in this world. If they take action and demand information from me, of course the person they deal with is me! The female city god died because of me. …”

A touch of coercion spread slowly.

Beside, the accompanying Sheep Monk trembled all over, and came out in a panic: "Sect Master! We have lost contact with those three families for a long time, and we have no idea what they are doing! Sect Master knows it clearly!"

I just discovered that the chapter number of the previous chapter was written wrong and I can't change it myself. I'll ask King Huya to help me change it tomorrow...

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