Demon Royal Family

Chapter 299 Login

The wreckage of countless naval warships floated on the sea, showing the disastrous defeat of Odin's navy. The onlookers around him fled early. Fortunately, Rothschild was not interested in arguing with them.

News of the naval fleet's defeat by the Pirate King spread throughout the nearby seas, and it was said that Navy Commander Odin was furious, but to no avail.

In any case, the Pirate King once again showed his strength to the world.

Rothschild may have changed his mood, or he may not have wanted to encounter additional naval personnel off the coast of Odin. The Pirate King led the fleet away and no longer pursued Ivo.

Ivo's fame immediately spread across the sea after escaping from Rothschild's hands.

Ivo Harrican, the Duke of Lases Golden Cross, a celebrity from the Northland, left his own deeds in the offshore waters of the Odin continent.

The sailors were all curious about Ivo from Hokuriku.

After learning the news that the naval fleet was completely destroyed, Ivo took a long breath, and his face showed his longing for powerful power, "This is the Pirate King."

Escaping from the hands of the Pirate King gave the crew members a sense of surprise that they had narrowly escaped death. Only Ivo was calm. Although success made him happy, it wouldn't take long for his attention to be focused on future plans. It was a habit he developed while managing the Harrican defense line. After the baptism of war, his behavior gradually became cautious and cautious.

With responsibilities on my shoulders, I have more to think about.

After successfully escaping, Ivo felt new changes in his body, his strength was about to move, and the bottleneck of the level 7 warrior was loosened.

It has been more than two years since I maintained the level 6 warrior level. My body has been perfectly polished and has reached the limit of the previous physical limit. I am full of energy, like a tiger and a leopard. In addition, I have transformed into a white bear and entered the mature stage, like a tree that is constantly filled with water. The bucket is about to overflow, hitting the limit of level 7.

As long as he waits for the right time, Ivo can step into the storm level and his strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

Nowadays, level 6 warriors can compete with level 8 or even 9 melee professions. Once they become storm level, their level advantage over level 8 and 9 warriors is eliminated. Ivo is absolutely rare to meet in storm level. adversary.

The Pirate King's pursuers left, and the Changfeng reduced its sailing speed and enjoyed the relaxing time after successfully escaping.

A few days later, Ivo saw a strait that looked like a bull's head. This was the Manatee Strait that Archbishop Prometheus said. The salvation journey route suggested by the insiders of the church could save a lot of time.

Near the Manatee Strait is the Hammer Port. Many ships are docked at the dock, many of which have watched the battle between Rothschild and the navy. The Changfeng, which is full of battle traces, sailed into the port and immediately attracted attention.

Many sailors who were resting on the boat popped up and stared at the Changfeng in surprise. This ship was the latest hot rumor.

After the Changfeng docked, Ivo finally set foot on the Odin continent and took a deep breath, as if he could smell the prosperity and excitement in the air.

Looking at the stacks of tall buildings and the urban planning that was completely different from Hokuriku, Ivo felt an emotion called "ambition" in his heart.

This is a bigger stage, I want to leave my name here!

Nafi and others looked around curiously, and Ander murmured: "This is the legendary largest kingdom in the world, the Odin Empire."

Barlow clicked his tongue and said, "It looks really big."

Gavin geared up and looked excited. The continent of Odin was his future area of ​​activity. Being able to develop his power in the center of the world recognized by the world was something he had never dared to think about.

Gavin couldn't help but look at Ivo's back. It was this man who changed his destiny, turning him from a small gang leader to the leader of a hidden force.

There is no need to repay a great kindness, only to do my best.

Rausins ​​looked happy, "I'm finally back, Ivo, I will fulfill my promise, I will give you generous rewards, including the fact that you saved me twice, and you gave me the destroyed special pirate ship." ."

Ivo waved his hand and said: "Don't be so anxious. You need to rest first. We can discuss this matter in detail."

Rausings nodded heavily, "Okay, then I will contact my subordinates first."

The businessman left in a hurry. Ivo looked around and saw many sailors looking at him and the Changfeng from a distance and talking about it. He frowned and said: "The Changfeng has been remembered and can no longer be used for the time being. Gavin, you I need to change my ship. Rausins ​​owes me a ship. Just ask him for it. In addition, you also need a new group of sailors. Gavin and Noconner. Come with me to the Sailors Tavern to recruit. Crew, the others should find a hotel to rest.”

The crew cheered in low voices. After months of swinging at sea, it was their dream to sleep peacefully on a bed that would not shake.

Nafei said with worry: "What about the church in Hammer Harbor?"

From the moment he lands in Hammer Harbor, Ivo will begin his journey of redemption. He will visit every church he passes and accept a task from the local church priest. Only after completing it can the priest imprint the magical information on the badge. There must be no mistakes along the way. of any church, or else fail.

Ivo plans to resolve the matter between the Chamber of Commerce and Rausings first, and then visit the Hammerport Church. There is no time limit on the journey of redemption.

There are dozens of sailor taverns in Hammer Harbor, and the three of them chose the largest one, the "Ocean Moon" tavern. This tavern is expensive and has beautiful maids. Ordinary sailors can't afford it, and the people who can drink in it are not ordinary ones. .

In the entire Iron Hammer Port, half of the sailing experts gathered at the Ocean Moon Tavern.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, the mixed smell of rum and betel nut hit your face. The shouts of sailors and the sweet laughter of maids rushed into your ears. Their entry did not attract attention.

Noconor said loudly: "Boss, I'll give you a large glass of rum for all the sailors here, please!"

The noisy tavern was quiet for a moment, and then burst into cheers.

"Hahaha, we have a treat from someone rich and powerful again."

"Hey, thanks a lot, brother."

After attracting attention with a treat, Noconna coughed and said, "I need to recruit a group of skilled sailors and important positions on the ship. The remuneration can be negotiated in person, and I won't let you down."

The sailors were unmoved. There were many captains who came to the Ocean Moon Tavern to recruit crew members. These skilled sailors with their own abilities not only looked at the reward, but also considered the reputation and status of the captain. If it was a little-known Captain, unless the offer is extremely generous, it is impossible to recruit the masters of Ocean Moon.

Finally, a man in the corner asked: "Who is your captain?"

"Our captain's name is Ivo Harricon, he..."

Before he finished speaking, the sailors who had been calm just now suddenly became upset.

"Captain Ivo of the Changfeng?!"

"The guy who escaped from Rothschild?"

"This is the great captain!"

The sailors in the Ocean Moon Tavern became excited.

The pirate kings all hunt down the immortal captain, whose reputation and abilities far exceed their standards.

In fact, Hammer Harbor is not a big port. Famous captains like Ivo tend to go to big ports to recruit crew members. For the sailors of the Ocean Moon Tavern, boarding Ivo's ship is an excellent opportunity. choose.

The reason why sailors choose captains is because the captain controls the fate of a ship and will hinder them if they are not competent enough.

However, Ivo's ability is definitely worthy of trust.

Noconor still remembered that when he set out from the Hokuriku a few months ago, Ivo was just a new captain who knew nothing. After a few months of study, he quickly grew up, and his navigation skills were even comparable to those of using a ship as a ship. The famous pirates competed without falling behind. In the pursuit of the Pirate King, Ivo seized the opportunity with every order and allowed the entire ship to escape.

Even the experienced Noconor had to be impressed and asked himself that if he started from scratch, he would not be able to achieve Ivo's achievements.

For a time, the sailors enthusiastically signed up, surrounded the three people, and introduced themselves in a hurry. Nocona finally calmed everyone down, asked the smiling boss for a room, and interviewed the sailors who signed up one by one.

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