Demon Royal Family

Chapter 300 Seal Changfeng and Frederick

After two days of interviews, Gavin's future crew was finally decided. Hundreds of sailors came to sign up, but only one-fifth were selected.

Originally there were not that many applicants, but the boss of Ocean Moon spread the news, and all the idle sailors in Hammer Harbor knew that Captain Ivo was recruiting crew members, and they all flocked to Ocean Moon, expanding Ivo's choices.

The owner of Ocean Moon, who had made a lot of money, generously exempted Ivo and all the crew members from spending money in his store.

After finalizing the sailor, Ivo looked at Noconna and smiled: "Mr. First Mate, are you willing to go to sea for me again?"

Noconor looked helpless, smacked his lips and said, "I need more money."

Ivo laughed, "I won't miss you."

A few days later, the men contacted by Rausings arrived at Hammer Harbor, dusty and dusty, carrying a large number of space props.

The report promised by the Goat Chamber of Commerce was indeed very rich. Rausings promised to use the resources of the Goat Chamber of Commerce to assist the Hurricane Chamber of Commerce and share three business routes, which greatly broadened the options and development potential of the Hurricane Chamber of Commerce.

Under Ivo's instruction, Gavin and Rausings exchanged communication badges. In the future, cooperation between chambers of commerce will require communication between the two.

The detailed matters were discussed by Gavin and Rausings. After the discussion, Rausings came to Ivo and said, "I have a gift for you."


"Follow me." Rausins ​​smiled mysteriously, and he and Ivo came to the dock.

"What do you want to show me?" Ivo asked curiously.

Rausings took out a glass bottle. The glass bottle seemed to be a shrunken ocean, containing a miniature sailboat and half a bottle of sea water. There were also weather changes and dark clouds, which looked really magical.

"Neptune's collection bottle, an advanced alchemical creation, can fit a ship and can be taken anywhere."

Rausing uncorked the bottle and poured it toward the rippling blue sea. The miniature sailboat inside fell on the sea and quickly grew in size. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a medium-sized sailboat. It fell into the water and splashed large waves.

"This bottle and this boat are my gifts to you."

Ivo looked surprised. He had heard about [Neptune's Collection Bottle] before. It was a high-level alchemical creation, and its cost was difficult to estimate. Coupled with this brand-new medium-sized sailing ship, the value of this "gift" was probably close to 100 million. Benas, the generous return represents the extent of Rausings' gratitude to him.

"This is a great gift." Ivo marveled slightly.

Rausings smiled and said: "You saved me twice, life is priceless."

Ivo played with Neptune's collection bottle and quickly mastered the skills according to the guidance of Rausins. He used Neptune's collection bottle to pack the mottled Changfeng, and the miniature boat floated in the bottle. .

Ivo had feelings for the Changfeng that accompanied him on his first voyage, and it was just in time to replace the Changfeng with the new ship sent by Rausings.

Rausins ​​took out a scroll and handed it to Ivo, "The teleportation scroll can communicate with President Frederick across distances. I have already said hello to the president and he is very interested in you."

After putting away the scroll, Ivo returned to the room.

After closing the door, he unfolded the scroll and activated the complicated magic runes on it.

A thick gray fog rose above the scroll and quickly turned into a mirror. A black and white scene appeared on the mirror, which was the background of a luxurious room. A man with gray temples sat on a high-backed chair, with a pair of eyes that seemed to contain wisdom. Through the limitation of distance, it fell on Ivo's face, as if he could see through people's hearts.

The world's super businessman, the founder of the Southern Continent Libra Alliance, Frederick.

"Are you Ivo Harricon?"

Ivo nodded, "Yes, hello, President Frederick."

"Rousins ​​said you wanted to see me," Frederick said curiously, "Do we know each other?"

Ivo took out Mork's letter and showed it to the other party.

Frederick was surprised: "Are you Mork's son?"


After reading the letter, a smile appeared on Frederick's face, "I didn't expect you to be his son. How is your father?"

"President Frederick, my father is okay." Ivo said vaguely. Although he knew that Mok and Frederick were friends, he didn't know the extent of their friendship and couldn't reveal too much information, especially the mimicry. the identity of the person.

"There's no need to be so outspoken. Your father and I have a very good relationship. You can just call me uncle."

Ivo smiled at the cheap uncle.

After a few words of greeting, Frederick said sternly: "I know you have gotten into a lot of trouble. The Heretics are lawless people hiding in the darkness. You have to be more careful. I will let Rausings give me all the help." If you develop the Chamber of Commerce, you can ask for anything, nothing else, I have plenty of wealth."

Ivo felt that the other party was a little too enthusiastic when they first met, but he didn't go into details and nodded: "Thank you."

"You don't have to be polite to me. When you finish what you are doing, come to Carthage. I will entertain you well. I think we will have a lot of topics in common." Frederick laughed generously.

After agreeing with a smile, Ivo terminated the remote communication and the scroll became blank. The teleportation scroll was disposable.

After sitting in the room and meditating for a while, Rausins ​​knocked on the door and came in with a surprised look on his face. He looked at Ivo with a strange look. Just now, the president personally communicated with him and asked him to do his best to help Ivo's Chamber of Commerce. There is no problem in using all the resources under his command. How much does this value Ivo?

What on earth did he and the president discuss to get such treatment?

Rausings was filled with surprise and uncertainty. He was originally worried that helping the Ivo Chamber of Commerce might make the president dissatisfied, but now it seems that there is no need to worry.

Rausins ​​took out a badge engraved with a goat's head and a few strings of characters, "This is what the president ordered me to give you, the senior VIP seal of the Goat Chamber of Commerce."

Ivo raised his eyebrows, took it and asked, "What is the use of this thing?"

"With this badge, you can enjoy high-level VIP treatment in any property under the Goat Chamber of Commerce. Except for the auction house, you will receive a 30% discount and receive priority individual services."

The industrial chain of the Goat Chamber of Commerce is extremely large and involves almost all industries. Senior VIP status can not only save a lot of expenses, but also enjoy various priority services.

For example, the Goat Chamber of Commerce hotel will reserve a few luxury rooms for high-level VIPs to prevent the hotel from being full.

Ivo was very surprised by Frederick's generosity. He originally only planned to meet the recipient of his father's letters, but he did not expect that the recipient would provide generous assistance. It was an unexpected surprise.

The help from sailors, ships, and friends was all in place, and it took a few days to finally prepare the conditions for Gavin's business.

On the rippling blue sea, brand-new merchant ships docked at the dock, with swirling hurricane flags hanging on the top of their masts, fluttering in the wind.

The sailors were already in place. Gavin stood on the boat in high spirits, waved to Ivo and others on the dock, and said loudly: "Lord Ivo, I'm leaving."

Ivo nodded, "Don't let me down."

"Haha, don't worry."

Gavin shouted, and the merchant ship set sail, riding the wind and waves, and gradually moved away.

The task he gave Gavin was very heavy, not only to develop the chamber of commerce, but also to lay out an intelligence network, which all took time, and Ivo had a lot of patience.

After all the trivial matters are resolved, he will officially embark on his own journey of redemption.

The first stop is the church in Hammer Harbor.

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