Demon Royal Family

Chapter 298 He is from Hokuriku

Controlling the rudder, there were continuous gunfire all around, but Ivo's hands were very steady. He controlled the Changfeng, like a fish swimming through the gaps in the battlefield, and quickly approached the Changwan Island in the center of the battlefield.

Like an inconspicuous wave in the sea, the Changfeng did not attract much attention from the warring parties.

"What is he going to do?" The sailors onlookers looked puzzled.

Ivo's original plan was to ride a dragon to Long Bay Island and rescue Rausings, but as it turned out, Niebrdan was too conspicuous and encountered a concentrated fire as soon as he appeared, and could not withstand it for long.

However, the chaotic battlefield allowed him to see an opportunity. If he wanted to save people, concealment was the most important thing. He used Niebuldan to attract the pirates' attention and sailed into the battlefield. The journey was extremely smooth.

On the shore of Long Bay Island, the disgraced Lawsings looked at the defeated navy in despair. The sunken warships continued to sink just like his mood.

Rausings was full of regrets. Helping the navy was the decision he regretted most. The ship was shattered by gunfire and he was completely blocked on the island with no way to escape.

If he had known earlier, he should have trusted Ivo and left with him. Rausings thought that maybe Ivo had escaped to a safe area at this moment.

Just when he was almost resigned to his fate, the sailor next to him suddenly exclaimed loudly.

"A ship is coming!"

"It's them!"

Rausings suddenly came back to his senses. A ship struggled to cross the chaotic battlefield, gradually zooming in on the sight, and slowly approached the shore of Long Bay Island.


Is this... specially here to save him?

In an instant, tears burst into his eyes and he couldn't stop them. He was moved and filled every corner of his heart. Ivo's image in his heart increased without limit, and he almost became a guiding light on the long road of life.

The Changfeng docked, and Ivo shouted to Rausings who was in a daze on the shore: "Hurry up and get on the boat!"

Rausings woke up from a dream, wiped his tears, climbed onto the ship along the rope thrown by the sailor, hugged Ivo, with tears in his eyes, and kept patting Ivo's back with his big hands.

"I-I'm so touched!"

Ivo felt a chill all over his body, so he quickly kicked Rausins ​​away and said sternly: "Don't be too happy, we haven't escaped yet."

In order to save people, the Changfeng docked at Longwan Island and was deeply involved in the battlefield, finally attracting the attention of pirates.

After quickly rescuing the people, the Changfeng immediately turned around, used the naval warship as a barrier, and rushed out of the battlefield.

The Amazon was too far away from the Changfeng. Although Rothschild noticed Ivo, he couldn't move away to deal with it personally. He tutted: "You dare to rush into the battlefield to save people when you are being chased by me. You are so brave. Yeah, don’t let him get away.”

It's easy to get in and hard to get out.

Soon, a pirate ship with a dog's head carved on its bow set its sights on the Changfeng, and followed closely behind. The bow cannon was fired repeatedly, causing waves to explode on the sea. The bow cannon was not a ballistae, but a small-caliber alchemy cannon.

The surroundings were crowded with ships, and the dodge range was limited. Even if Ivo tried his best to control the rudder, two large holes burning with fire were blown out of the stern, and the sailors hurriedly put out the fire.

"That's the Hound. The captain is a core member of the Rothschild pirate group. The big pirate has a bounty of 140 million on his own. 'Crash' Op!" Raussings exclaimed.

Op, the captain of the Hound, was tall and fat. His long sleeves were tightly wrapped around his fat arms, and his layers of belly were squeezed out of his clothes. He was as fat as a pig, and his small eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Op jumped up suddenly, like a bouncing gun, using the surrounding ships as a stepping stone, and jumped several times in a row. His fat body landed on the deck with a thud, and he quickly approached the Changfeng.

There is a big difference between Op's agility and appearance. He is the one who is said to be the most nimble and fat man.

Letting go of the rudder, Ivo strode to the stern of the ship, tensed his muscles, mobilized his majestic power, and punched out in succession.

Opu didn't even dodge. With his fat belly puffed out, he dashed forward with big strides, like a tumbling body. Yellow light flowed from his feet down his calves, converging on his belly, and used his battle pattern ability.

Several punches hit Opu's belly. The strong force of the fists made the fat tremble like water ripples. However, he found that the force was like a mud cow entering the sea, and was removed by Opu's fat. It was like a defeat, and the force of the punch was reflected back. Shocked back, his fist dug deeply into his elastic belly, and the force of the rebound squeezed his chest along his arms.

Ivo groaned, and was knocked away by Op. His back slammed into the mast, and his ribs ached.

No wonder it was nicknamed "Crash". The defensive power of this fat body made Ivo secretly frightened.

Phew, Opu's thick arms were like tree trunks, sweeping over him with a strong wind.

The thing Ivo was not afraid of the most was the fight of strength. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, he adjusted his breath, pushed out with all his strength, and faced off against the opponent head-on.

The two of them were shocked at the same time, and the deck under their feet cracked.

Both of them are powerful warriors. When they fight, they fight like giant beasts. Their fists collide, causing aftermath.

Op's fat body removed most of Ivo's strength, and he attacked unscrupulously. His fat palms slapped Ivo's steel-like body with a bang. Although Ivo was not injured, he was also injured by the shock force. Very uncomfortable.

Once again dodged Op's headbutt, Ivo took a deep breath, and the air flowed into his nose like a dragon. He mobilized his huge physical energy, and pulled his right fist behind him with all his strength, like drawing an arrow from a bow, and his muscles moved at a very high frequency. Shaking, condensing the whole body's strength on the fist, the bones cracked, and the whole person was like a cheetah waiting for an opportunity to pounce.

Golden light enveloped the fist, as if the fist had turned into gold.

Oupu felt danger and hurriedly retreated, but it was too late!

Boom, this punch carried the energy of a violent wind, sweeping away the dust on the path of the fist. Like golden thunder deep in the cloud vortex, it landed on Op's belly with lightning speed!

Hum, the octagonal lotus flower suddenly appeared, shining with golden light.

Squeeze the fat with your fist and dig in so deeply that you can even feel the soft touch of the internal organs.

The veins in the corners of Ivo's eyes twitched as he tried his best. He shouted loudly, and the power condensed in his fist suddenly exploded.

"Eighteen Lotus Blossoms!"


Op was like a cannonball, blown hundreds of meters away by a punch, and fell into the water with a plop.

After a few seconds, he jumped out of the sea and landed wetly on a pirate ship next to him, clutching his stomach with a look of pain on his face. There were traces of the octagonal lotus pattern printed on Op's belly.

Op's whole body flashed with yellow light, and the fat was quickly converted into nutrients to repair the injury. This was his war mark ability. After losing weight for two full rounds, he could barely heal the damage caused by Ivo's punch.

Op looked at Ivo in confusion, admiring Ivo's destructive power.

Ivo breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his tense muscles, and drove the Changfeng away from the battlefield and quickly away.

The onlookers were astonished. He jumped into the battlefield alone and rescued people in the chaos. They simply ignored the Pirate King. The most amazing thing was that he succeeded, and the captain was able to fight against 140 million pirates. There was no difference between the winners and the losers, but in the end they walked away intact.

Who is this person?

"When did the Emerald Sea have such a person?"

"It should be from somewhere else."

"Can actually compete with Op."

"Not only is his personal strength, he is also very stable at the helm and has avoided a lot of attacks. He is a very powerful captain."

"What's the origin?"

At this time, a captain who was watching suddenly shouted, "I remember his identity! That guy is not an unknown person!"

"Who is he?"

The man said slowly: "Ivo Harricon, he is from Hokuriku..."

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