Dark Fire Pavilion 镄勪竴澶刴edicinal pool 涔嬩腑銆

闾f柇浜嗕竴镊 竴 殑 殑 Great Elder 娉 娉 簬 簬 medicinal pool 涔嫔唴銆

涓 涓 ed icicine Refiner Master 涓嶆柇鍦╩ edicinal pool 涔嬩腑锷犲叆 medicinal ingredient 锛屽姩鐢═rue Origin 鍌彂 medicinal ingredient 镄勮嵂镐э纴铻嶅叆 medicinal pool 鍐咃纴阃愭笎锛 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great

娌¤ 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷彲鑳 銆 銆

Tushan Yaya 鍑 锛岄偅鏄洿鎺ュ皢 锛岄偅鏄洿鎺ュ皢 Great Great Elder 镄勮吙镊傜粰姝            夌粰浠栦竴镣 夌粰浠栦竴镣兘镐с€

杩欐椂锛 palace edicinal pool 镄勫ぇ闂ㄩ棷鍏ヤ竴阆搒ilhouette 锛屾樉寰楁皵镐ヨ touch鍧忋€

姝や汉姝f槸Dark Fire Pavilion 镄kai avilion Lord 锛屽彧 佷粬锲犱 佷粬锲犱 鐢熸皵锛岃劯鑹 鐢熸皵锛岃劯鑹 鐢熸皵锛岃劯鑹 繎 繎 繎 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great浠巑edicinal pool 涔嬩腑鎶撹捣銆

镞佽 镄刟 chem lchemist 佹锛屽悡浜嗕竴璺 佹锛屽悡浜嗕竴璺 涓殑 涓殑 涓殑 medicinal ingredient 閮 閮 槸鎾掑湪浜嗗湴涓娿

鈥滆锛屼粈涔堟 庝箞锲炰簨锛屼 庝箞锲炰簨锛屼 庝箞锲炰簨锛屼 涔堜綘 涔堜綘 涔堜綘 that that many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many椾 娈嫔 娈嫔 锛熲

Dark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 鐩厜cold and severe Great€Great Elder 锛屼 锛屼 re reat Elder 壊鍙戠槠锛屼粬铏 壊鍙戠槠锛屼粬铏 cultivation base 鍒 揪浜咲 ivine Transformation Realm 锛屽彲杩樿 杩滀笉鏄 Fire 浣岲 Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 镄勫 嬨 嬨

鈥淧avilion Lord 锛佸喎闱欙纴鍐烽润涓 镣 镣 晩锛屾垜 晩锛屾垜 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 埌浣犲 浜嗭紒鈥 浜嗭紒鈥 浜嗭紒鈥 浜嗭紒鈥

鈥滈偅浜汦lder Protector 锛岄兘鏄闾e嚩Guangzhou 嬫 蹇嶆潃瀹 蹇嶆潃瀹 蹇嶆潃瀹╂垜缁橮avilion Lord 鐣欎笅涓€鍙ヨ瘽锛佲€

Great Elder 鑻》潃鑴歌阆掳纴蹇冧腑鎭ㄦ浜哅o Zijiang 锛岃 Umbrella 灏忓瓙鎷涙児璋佷笉濂 纴 纴 忓亸鎷涙児鍒 忓亸鎷涙児鍒 姝ゆ亹镐栫殑瀛桦湪銆

鈥滀粈涔堬紒 埌鍑 埌鍑 埌鍑 埌鍑 埌鍑 浜嗭纻鈥

Pavilion Lord 涓€钖纴绔嫔埢灏咷reat Elder 鏀 笅锛屾侪 笅锛屾侪 棶阆掳 棶阆掳 棶阆掳 棶阆掳 棶阆掳 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑鏁 (2) 嫑鎯 垜 Dark Fire Pavilion 銆傗€

鈥淧avilion Lord 锛屼綘鐪嬭 umbrella 涓﹃€傗€

Great Elder 鍐嶆钀 medicinal pool 涔嫔悗锛屼篃鏄镌€Pavilion Lord 闾g伀鐖呜劸姘旀棤鍙浣曪纴杩炲 umbrella storage鐭 e 阆揟 阆揟 e e e in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

椤挎椂锛娈ark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 灏 湅 湅 湅 佷 涓 涓 涓 澶 澶 殑榛戝 殑榛戝 殑榛戝 殑榛戝 锛岄殢涔嬮粦褰 锛岄殢涔嬮粦褰 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 愭笎娓呮 涓﹄缪绉 镄勫皯骞 镄勫皯骞 镙 镙 Fire Fire Fire Dark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 蹇冧腑鎯婇獓锛屾潃浜嗘棤鏁癊lder Protector 涔嬩汉锛岀珶浼氭槸濡傛骞Consultation

鐒跺悗projection key 屽嚭镄凲in Feng 鍐风瑧锛屾祽韬玦mposing manner 鍑岀劧锛屼竴阆揿啺鍐 笌琛 笌琛 ョ殑 ョ殑 ura aura 锛屼粠projection 涔嬩腑瀹岀 涔嬩腑瀹岀 锻堢幇銆

Dark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 蹇冧腑鍐嶆 囨侪锛屼粬鑳 囨侪锛屼粬鑳 囨侪锛屼粬鑳 竻妤 纴杩椤啺鍐穉 纴杩椤啺鍐穉 纴杩椤啺鍐穉 chain 夊鎭愭 栵纴姣旇捣涓 浣峉 浣峉Aint Realm Martial Artist 锛岃缮瑕佸 澶 澶 棤鏁 嶏紒 嶏紒 嶏紒

Projection 涓婄殑Qin Feng 杩欐椂cold and severely said 锛气滀綘鍎垮瓙鎯箃his Emperor 纴达纴this Emperor 鏉€浜嗕綘鍎垮瓙锛屼笉chain嶆皵锛熲€

杩栾瘽璇璷verbearing 鏋佽嚧锛屼 寰桪 寰桪 Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 蹇冧腑锽 涓 涓 鍙 鍙 鍙 佽锛 佽锛

鈥滆 Umbrella effect

Dark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 鍕 劧锷ㄦ 掞纴 夊缑 夊缑 projection project 涓婄殑灏戝 锛岀 锛岀 鐩 鐩 鐩 槸鍦ㄤ綔姝荤殑鑺 槸鍦ㄤ綔姝荤殑鑺 槸鍦ㄤ綔姝荤殑鑺

涓嶈 鎯 鎯 埌闾 埌闾 埌闾 Fire Fire Fire Fire Pavilion Lord 寰桪 Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire涓嬫潵銆

浠栬寰桻in Feng 澶 澶э纴寮哄ぇ鍒 澶э纴寮哄ぇ鍒 D D D D D Dark Dark Pavilion 銆



鈥沧潵浜 纴浼犳垜 纴浼犳垜 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 锛屾垜浠幓鎷滆 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡 皟镆ヤ竴涓媡h韩浠斤纴鎴戣纭垏镄勬儏鎶ャ€傗€

Dark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord 娣 濈墖鍒 濈墖鍒 濈墖鍒 畾瀵 畾瀵 畾瀵 磒 磒 磒 project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project project

Fallen Star Palace 锛屼箖2 Star influence 涔嬩腑鎺掕绗竴镄刬nfluence 锛屽瓨鍦⊿aint Realm Martial Artist 绾у埆镄勪汉鐗╋纴鑻ユ槸鑳借锷纴闾d箞蹇呰兘鏂╂潃杩欎綅灏戝 hook powerhouse 銆


澶滃箷闄崭 锛屾槦杈 锛屾槦杈 锛屾槦杈 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链

鍦⊿word Shadow Pavilion 镄勪竴澶勫瘑瀹や箣涓纴Qin Feng 姝d笌Luo Xianyin 鐤妫镆ラ槄ancient book 锛屽 綪 綪oison of Demon Moon 銆

鈥沧垜铡 紒 紒 紒 紒 紒 紒 ison ison oison of Demon Moon 镄勪竴镣 偣璁 偣璁 偣璁 锛熲 锛熲

Qin Feng 鏀 笅涓 笅涓 彝镞 彝镞 彝镞 彝镞 殑涔 殑涔 殑涔 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀 竴缈荤槠锛岀

At the moment, the ground is full of books, scattered, and tonight, only the last day is left. If you can’t find the Poison of Demon Moon, then he will finish playing.

How to do how to do!

Qin Feng is very anxious at this time. Is it really necessary to go to the headquarters of Demon Moon Cult and steal the Demon Moon Breathing Art?

However, although the Demon Moon Cult is in the Northern Territory, its roots are in the border area of ​​the Northern Territory. The terrain is sinister. There are countless Great Monsters. If you bring a small body, even if you bring Nuwa and the others, you will be sent to the head. Not enough, just more than a day.

Qin Feng broke his brain.

Luo Xianyin closed an ancient book and sighed with a sigh. He looked at Qin Feng very much. Before Qin Feng rescued her at the crisis, she was very touched, but now she is incompetent to help Qin Feng.

In this closet, it is almost the collection place of all the old vestige of Sword Shadow Pavilion. There are many other materials about Demon Moon Cult. Unfortunately, there is no record of Poison of Demon Moon on these materials.

Luo Xianyin didn’t understand why Young Master was so concerned about the Poison of Demon Moon, but Qin Feng didn’t explain anything. She was not a good friend.

She took a closer look at Qin Feng and felt that Qin Feng’s temperament was getting more and more fascinating. The handsome cheeks were full of attractiveness to women, and the deep pupils exude a sense of maturity that is not compatible with age. This will almost make any woman have a curiosity about the teenager.

Luo Xianyin Although the ignorant age of the girl, but the aura and origin of Qin Feng, has always attracted her, so that she did not know when, the most Qin Feng left a faint shadow.

“Young Master, it’s not too early today, or you should rest first, I will stay here to help you find it.”

Luo Xianyin understands Qin Feng, gentle.

“No, I can’t sleep.” Qin Feng sighed and slept, and he was dying, and there was still a mood.

But take a closer look at Luo Xianyin’s face and look at himself, suddenly heart startled, Could this Luo Xianyin see that he can’t make it, suddenly change his mood, adjust. Drama: “Of course, if the Little Xianyin Pavilion Lord wants to accompany this Prince is sleeping, I am very happy.”

Luo Xianyin took a look at Qin Feng and said: “hmph, wishful thinking!”

“Unless you take revenge for me, I can consider staying with Young Master and waiting for Young Master.”

Luo Xianyin said like a smile yet not a smile, grinning, looks like a seductive! If the heart is broken, no worries, maybe she will really be from Qin Feng.

However, Luo Xianyin knows that she is the Princess of Great Xia Dynasty, an abandoned baby, and her mother died. The ultimate culprits of this is the Royal Family of Great Xia Dynasty, she must pay for them.

“Oh, let’s just say, you are going to give me a Little Concubine in the future.”

Qin Feng thieves laughed.

PS is a new chapter, the latter two are estimated to be updated very late.

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