“That also depends on whether Young Master has let me give you the charm of Little Concubine.”

Luo Xianyin smiled and continued to look at the ancient book in her hand. Her manner was relaxed and elegant.

Qin Feng Seeing this, my heart thinks that it seems that in the near future, Luo Xianyin in front of him should be in his post. Palace, so beautiful, can you let go?

However, as soon as Qin Feng’s thoughts came back to reality, he smiled bitterly. Whether he can get through this difficult situation is still unknown.

“Right! I seem to remember that I still have a lottery opportunity. I was so excited because I took Demon Cloak. I didn’t give that lottery opportunity.”

Qin Feng was shocked and quickly turned from a fight on the ground.

After killing the Great Encompassing Prince, he popped up a task to collect Light of Angel. The final mission was completed, rewarding a lottery opportunity, and then on the way back, because ***Leng Xiang’er, once again There are two times, but he only used it once.

“giving medicine to a dead horse, now I am upset, go and use this last opportunity to see what good things can be drawn.”

Qin Feng has a chance to take advantage of it and hopes to extract something that can solve this crisis.

Qin Feng splits against Luo Xianyin and said, “I will go to rest first, continue tomorrow, and you will rest. I am here today.”

After that, he left the Chamber and went straight to his bedroom.

Then lock the doors and windows, Qin Feng will lottery compass summon out.

Qin Feng remembers that this lottery compass is a reward that can extract countless worlds. I hope to find something that can cure the Poison of Demon Moon. Although this chance is awkward, I always try it.

Qin Feng shook his hand on the lottery compass, and he vomited in his mouth. He felt that he had to use his life character to lottery!

“Character, character, let me break out!”

Qin Feng prayed silently in his heart, then said in his mouth: “lottery!”

Suddenly, the compass exudes the purple black luster, countless black rune emerges, and madly gathers in front of Qin Feng. Qin Feng’s mood at the moment is also reaching the extreme.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid one!”

Qin Feng in ones heart trembled !

Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid, what is this?

From the literal meaning, Qin Feng seems to understand that this should belong to the world of technology. After all, the gene, as a person on Earth, can easily reach the future technology.

However, Qin Feng decided to ask Luo Luo first. “Luo Luo, explain Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid.”

“Back to Host, Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid, from a Kumiv Culture World in 7th Heavenly Layer, the Human Race in the world, longing for life, by injecting Dragon Race’s genes, gaining strength of Dragon, and evolving toward the longevity race. ”

“Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid, the genek of strongest in this world, can reshape a person’s bloodline to have the strength of Blood Dragon in the Space Dragon Race.”

Luo Luo explained.

When Qin Feng heard it, he immediately put his mind on the paragraph of [remodeling a person’s bloodline] and hurriedly asked: “If I use Leng Xiang’er, can I clear the Poison of Demon Moon?”

Luo Luo replied: “Yes, after Host used Leng Xiang’er, Leng Xiang’er’s original bloodline will be clearly cleared, leaving only the dragon king bloodline, so with the body’s Poison of Demon Moon, too No longer exists, the physique of the whole person will undergo major changes.”

Qin Feng added: “Leng Xiang’er is the original physique strong, or is the Dragon King bloodline powerful?”

“Host, your problem is very mentally handicapped. Of course, it is the dragon king bloodline. As long as you have this bloodline, you can evolve toward the dragon, have a human form, and have a Dragon Body. The life essence will also increase endlessly.”

Qin Feng was agitated, and Emma, ​​who also wanted Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid.

Such a good thing was given to Leng Xiang’er. He felt so sad and too reluctant.

But thinking of this damn task, and the last day, Qin Feng decided to complete the task first.

Then Qin Feng quickly collected the Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid, took the lottery compass back, and rushed to the room of Leng Xiang’er.


Leng Xiang’er’s room is already a mess.

The bed was cut into pieces with all kinds of furniture.

Qin Feng pushed the door open. As soon as he entered the area, he looked petrified. He saw Leng Xiang’er fall to the ground, and began to emit red blood smog. The house was almost broken.

Qin Feng quickly closed the door, locked it, and then lifted Leng Xiang’er.

“Hey, Little Xiang’er, how are you?”

Qin Feng’s face will fall into the arms of Leng Xiang’er, and only see Leng Xiang’er’s face pale, his lips are not a trace of blood, the whole person is also idle and weak.

The only thing that can feel a aura is the deep red that flashes from the pupil of Leng Xiang’er, which gives off a glamorous luster and a feeling of fear.

Qin Feng took a closer look at Leng Xiang’er’s neck. At this time, Leng Xiang’er’s neck had already appeared four magic moon patterns, and each pattern showed strong bloody power. Qin Feng Just taking Leng Xiang’er into my arms, I feel that I have reached a strong negative sentiment.

Fortunately, he within the body of strength of Demon, professionally absorbs all kinds of negative emotions and negative energy, and the negative emotions caused by these bloody forces are all absorbed by strength of Demon.

“This Poison of Demon Moon looks really powerful!”

Qin Feng frowned, and some of his sighs, even he could perceive the power of this Poison of Demon Moon.

At this time, Leng Xiang’er suddenly woke up. The first thing that opened was that she saw Qin Feng’s eyes, so close to her cheek, and immediately a strong resistance flashed in her heart, then Wave True Origin and push Qin Feng away.


Leng Xiang’er cold cold replied.

Qin Feng was directly pushed by Leng Xiang’er and slammed into the stone wall of the house, leaving a huge silhouette on the wall.

“Where, grandma, are you going to kill? Kill me, who can cure your Poison of Demon Moon?”

Qin Feng fell from the corner, then rolled the eyes, and stood up hard.

Leng Xiang’er coldly snorted, with a look of calmness and sorghum to look up, I feel that the action just not at all, who asked Qin Feng to hold her, but think carefully, before the Poison of Demon Moon After a while, I seem to have lost some reason and is extremely weak. Qin Feng rushed to lift her up, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Instead, I misunderstood Qin Feng.

Court 锛屼綔涓 竴涓偛濞囩殑 Imperial Court Princess 锛屽ス chain 夊ス镄勯 in Qin Feng 阆撴瓑锛屼絾 Leng Xiang 鈥檈r 镐佸 杩樻槸濂 杩樻槸濂 杩樻槸濂 a a a deep breath 锛屾煍鍜屽甫镌 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳 姝夋剰镄勯棶阆掳

Qin Feng 涔熸噿寰椾笌Leng Xiang鈥檈r 锻ㄦ棆杩欎箞澶ㄦ棆杩欎箞澶纴鐩纴鐩帴straight to the point 镄勯死锛气沧垜宸茬粡鍑嗗濂沧垜宸茬粡鍑嗗濂沧垜宸茬粡鍑嗗濂娌荤枟Poison Of Demon Moon 镄勫悇绉峬edicinal ingredient 锛岀幇鍦ㄩ ici 绉岖壒娈婄殑 绉岖壒娈婄殑 绉岖壒娈婄殑 medicinal liquid ith 鍏ュ埌杈 ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith

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Qin Feng 涓€鑴歌嚜淇★纴阆掳细鈥渂elieving or not 鐢变綘锛屾満浼Arg彧 chain彧°€傗€

Leng Xiang鈥檈r 鍜 鍜礉 鍜礉 匡纴瀵 簬 in Qin Feng 锛岃 涔埚澶╃殑鐩 涔埚澶╃殑鐩 涔埚澶╃殑鐩 浠荤殑锛岃寰桻 Feng Feng Feng Feng搴旇涓嶆槸闾g楠楀瓙銆

姣旷珶锛孮in Feng 韬 璺熼殢浜嗗緢澶 疄锷沷 the of the ordinary 镄勪 锛孡 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 鈥檈 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I嬫竻妤歂uwa 锛孴ushan Yaya 杩欎簺浜虹殑瓒呭嚒璧勮殑瓒呭嚒璧勮锛屽锛屽 ammonia绠楁槸鍦↖mperial Court 锛岄兘鏄《灏栫殑瀛桦湪锛岃€岃伞涓缇や汉璺熼殢Qin Feng 锛岃 frozen 浠ユ樉寰桻 in Feng 镄勪 浜 浜 浜 瓍锷 €

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鈥滆伞鈥滆存帴缁欎綘锛屽繀椤荤敱鎴戞潵宁姪娉ㄥ叆銆傗€漄in Feng faintly smiled 锛屾€昄eng Xiang鈥檈r 涓岖浉淇★纴镓撶浜嗕粬杩欎Dragon Sovereign Gene Liquid 銆

杩椤熀锲犳恫锛屽彲鏄潵涔嬩笉鏄掳纴浠呮涓 浠 浠 浠 晩锛屽苟涓旇缮鍏 晩锛屽苟涓旇缮鍏 晩锛屽苟涓旇缮鍏 晩锛屽苟涓旇缮鍏 郴鍒 懡锛屼笣姣 懡锛屼笣姣 懡锛屼笣姣 ┈铏庝笉寰椼€


Leng Xiang鈥檈r 涓 韬 韬 韬 tea stretch 杩欎竴娆 $殑Poison of Demon Moon 锛屼篃鏄病浜呜劸姘旓纴瀵圭潃 Qin Feng 镞犲彲濂堜綍镄勮阆撱€

Qin Feng 涓€绗戏纴鎷垮嚭浜咲 S Sovereign Gene Liquid 锛岃蛋杩慙eng Xiang鈥檈r 韬竟銆

杩橠ragon Sovereign Gene Liquid 涓€涓Open 鍑嗕 鍑嗕 鍑嗕 竴鏉 blo blo blo blo.blood vessels 锛岃В阌佸熀锲犳S 纴灏辫兘灏咲 ragon Sovereign Gene Liquid 娉ㄥ叆鍦↙eng Xiang鈥檈r within the body 銆

Qin Feng 娌°C湁浠讳綍钟硅鲍锛屼 鏄湪 鏄湪 嬭厱澶勬 嬭厱澶勬 鍑嗕 vessels 鏉¢ 鏉¢ vessels vessels vessels vessels 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃 鍏ュ湪浜哃Body 銆

PS锛堜粖澶╁湪澶栨湁浜嬫儏锛屽疄鍦ㄦ槸鍐欎笉鍑轰锛屽锛屽锛屽浜嗕竴寮狅纴鍓╀笅涓寮狅纴鏄庡ぉ镞╀笂璧寮狅纴鏄庡ぉ镞╀笂璧峰簥璧跺 锛岋纴锛岋纴锛岋纴锛岃ˉ涓婏 grade

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