Peng peng peng ……

Qin Feng holds True Origin Sniping Spear and stands on the head of Howling Celestial Hound, opening ten spear!

The powerful True Origin Bullet, with the power of supersonics, has entered the heads of ten Dark Fire Pavilion Protectors and then detonated!

Just a blinking cultivation technique, the ten Divine Ability Martial Artists in the Dark Fire Pavilion are dead.

Qin Feng didn’t intend to stop the movement. He once held his head and killed all three of the Martial Artists who followed the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder.

This process is too short, and there are pressures from Howling Celestial Hound and Tushan Yaya et al. Those Divine Ability Martial Artists in Celestial Realm, Law Manifestation Realm can’t escape, the whole body is being The power of the pressure is enough to keep alive, and you can’t do it with your fingers.

Can only be given by Qin Feng as a target, kill!

The whole audience was silent at this moment.

Luo Xianyin stared at Qin Feng with a stunned look. The imposing manner that Qin Feng exudes, terrifying her arrival makes her trembling.

However, this imposing manner not at all deliberately targeted her, so she was oppressed by the imposing manner.

The Great Elder of the Dark Fire Pavilion is different.

Qin Feng’s Demon Cloak’s power is locked in him, so his imposing manner is much more powerful than others.

This cold and bloody imposing manner makes him feel that the whole person’s heart is like being sunk into the hail, even breathing, it feels chilly.

Very terrifying characters! Who is this child? ”

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder See Qin Feng from Howling Celestial Hound, step by step, fear in the heart!

He looked at all around and found that all the confidants he had brought this time, all of them have no intention of being listed, and they have died!

The continuous blasting of the past, what a terrible martial art, is so powerful.

And what about the weird Item in the hands of this mysterious powerhouse? How is it like the Fire Spear look of a mundane person?

“Your Majesty!”

Qin Feng stands proud and stands in front of the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder.

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder is afraid of it, and quickly squats.

Then he took another look at the characters behind Qin Feng.

Suddenly sinking in my heart!

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder found that there is no one in these people, he can see the cultivation base, and the imposing manner of this group of people is only weaker than him.

Sword Shadow Pavilion is just a small 1 Star influence. When can I get to know these powerhouses?

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder has an urge to vomit blood. I can’t think of such a bad luck today. I thought I was looking for a good scapegoat. I didn’t expect to kick the iron plate.

Now, he finally knows what Mo Zijiang will disappear in the City of Forest.

It must have provoked the group of people in front of us and killed them.

“You are very arrogant?” Qin Feng asked the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder in cold voice, pointing the head of True Origin Sniping Spear at the head of the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder.

At this moment, Demon Value began to increase frantically from the moment he appeared, and he has risen hundreds of times. Although he looks cold and severe, his heart is still happy.

“How dare I be arrogant…” Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder said with a sad face, cold sweat on his forehead.

Just now, it was this weapon that killed everyone. Looking at all the five dead bodies around the ground, the Dark Fire Pavilion Elder was an array core cool, desperate.

Seeing the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder, Qin Feng also smiled, but his face was still cold, saying: “The devil is killed by this Emperor, and you are sure to come to this Emperor’s suffocation?”

“In this case, well, take out the blue crystal stone, I will give you a sentence to the Pavilion Lord of the Dark Fire Pavilion.”

Dark Fire Pavilion Elder, when I dare to say half a word, under Qin Feng Demon Cloak’s arrogance, his inner defense has long been broken, and his heart is full of negative emotions, without a slight intent. If he knows that Qin Feng in front of him is only the cultivation base of Innate Martial Artist, he is estimated to be vomiting blood.

He handed out the blue crystal stone to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng uses True Origin to eliminate the original scene in the blue crystal stone and start recording his own image. This crystal stone Qin Feng was used for the first time, but he has seen some ancient books before, understand the specific usage of this thing.

He only said one sentence: “Your son is not happy with this Emperor, this Emperor killed your son, not convinced?”

When he spoke, he took the effect of Demon Cloak to the extreme.

This memory crystal stone can not only record the picture, but also record the imposing manner. It will press Qin Feng’s imposing manner to perfection in this moment.

“You take it back and hand it over to your Dark Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord. If he doesn’t know, this Emperor doesn’t mind destroying your Dark Fire Pavilion!”

Qin Feng sneered, returning the blue crystal stone to the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder.

“Yes! Small obey.” Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder The whole person is trembled to the extreme, and at the same time, his heart is so happy that he can survive. He thought it would die.

“However, if you go back alive, you still have to punish!”

“Yaya, he gave him one arm and one leg!”

Qin Feng suddenly changed his mouth, revealing a full sneer.

“Follow, Young Master!”

Tushan Yaya Monster Strength, a powerful force, is turned into a red blood light, the blood light sweeps over the left arm and left leg of the Dark Fire Pavilion Elder.

Pu chi!

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder’s left arm and left leg are turned into a group of blood mist, disappeared!

“Great Monster!”

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder saw Tushan Yaya’s shot, the horror reached the extreme, and forgot the pain. I don’t think there is a Peak Monster King, there is a Great Monster, and a Great Monster is a powerhouse comparable to Saint Realm!

And this Great Monster, actually called the black-and-blooded teenager in front of him as Young Master!

So how strong is this boy?

Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder thinks this problem is terrible. It is very likely that this boy is from high rank dynasty, or 3 Star level of influence or sect, which is beyond the level of Dark Fire Pavilion!

Suddenly, the Dark Fire Pavilion Great Elder was extremely desperate. I didn’t expect to provoke 3 Star’s horror influence!

“Return to give you the Pavilion Lord and hope that your Pavilion Lord will not come to death.” Qin Feng Eyes, Tushan Yaya picks up the wine gourd, and a gourd will fly the Dark Fire Pavilion Elder!


The Dark Fire Pavilion Elder broke through the beams of the temple and disappeared directly into the sky, disappearing, leaving a long list of miserable echoes.

The rest of the Sword Shadow Pavilion members see this, each of them have petrified, I feel that this scene is really too domestice, too dreamy!

At this time, Qin Feng took back Demon Cloak, waved strength of Demon, cleaned up the battlefield, and died more than 30 bodies, turned into Life Essence, a cold aura, but disappeared.

Luo Xianyin regained composure Come and look at the returning Qin Feng, the beautiful pretty face, revealing a smile, said: “Young Master, you will not see you for more than half a month, you can change so fast, you can hit Killing God is through Martial Artist!”

After Luo Xianyin finished, she felt that the decision she made was wise. It seems that it would take less than half a year, she can take revenge and wipe out a grudge! Because of the growth rate of Qin Feng, it can no longer be described as terror.

“Thanks to this thing, I can’t even beat an Entering Spirit Realm’s Martial Artist.”

Qin Feng refers to True Origin Sniping Spear, faintly smiled.

Everyone is hearing this, they are all curiously staring at True Origin Sniping Spear. I think this thing is really amazing, but Qin Feng didn’t intend to let them watch it. It immediately closed up and made everyone’s curiosity multiply.

Nuwa and Tushan Yaya, as well as Celestial Emperor Hun, have been thinking about this True Origin Sniping Spear. They think that the True Origin Sniping Spear’s formidable power can easily kill any Martial Artist under Divine Transformation Realm, so out of the ordinary Item , should be at the level of Heaven Grade Item.

“Well, Little Xianyin, now that my time is tight, I don’t want to talk about it. You have to mobilize all the people at Sword Shadow Pavilion and give me information about the Poison of Demon Moon. I have great use.”

Qin Feng thinks about the outside of the palace, and there is a soon-to-be-invented Leng Xiang’er. There is no such thing as a chatter. I have to find the way to crack the Poison of Demon Moon in the last two days.

PS (I saw some people say that the cultivation realm is not clear. I will mention again here that the cultivation realm is divided into Acquired, Innate, Divine Ability, Saint Realm Martial Artist, each of which is divided into three small realm, above Saint Realm, is Martial Sovereign Realm界, also known as Martial Sovereign ,)

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