
A Kewpie landed on the balcony, then twisted its little butt, jumped onto the master's dissecting table in a coquettish and cute manner, and said: Please.

Is there no fear or resentment at all? Master Jiang raised his eyebrows and said, So, is it true that abandoning useless emotions for the sake of more efficient evolution has ended up being a failure?

If Kyubey had not given up his feelings, they themselves could have become users of the emotional energy conversion system - but then again, if Kyubey had not given up his feelings, Kyubey might not have invented such a thing.



Do you feel like your outlook on life is ruined? Elsebell looked at Tomoe Asami beside her and asked with a smile.

Already, pineapple pineapple. Tomoe Mami covered her face and said: Suddenly it involves the universe being endangered or something, this is too...

Ah haha, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this kind of thing will have nothing to do with you from now on. Elsebell waved her hand and said: If my plan succeeds, the task of saving the world will be handed over to Kyubey in the future. ...Hiss, but then again, Asami, what are you going to do in the future?

Eh? Tomoe Asami looked at Elsebell in confusion. Isn't this topic a bit too big a jump?

I mean, after the matter is resolved, magical girls are no longer necessary. What are you going to do? Elsebell looked at Tomoe Asami and said, Return to an ordinary girl and then survive the ordinary life. daily life?

This... Tomoe Mami obviously showed a tangled look. Although she hated magical girls very much, what she hated were magical girls who can become witches and magical girls who are already corpses.

After pondering for a long time, Tomoe Mami shook her head and said, I don't know this either.

Then we'll think about it later. Elsebell moved her shoulders and said, Let's move on to the next step first.

Meow? Tomoe Asami looked at Elsebell blankly - what is the next step?

The summoning of magical girls and the capture of witches. Elsebell looked at Tomoe Asami and couldn't help laughing, and said: There are many magical girls and many witches in this world. No matter whether my plan succeeds or not, We can’t ignore them.”

...Well, you're right. Tomoe Asami took a deep breath, then nodded her head vigorously, and said, Indeed, they can't.

At this time, Tomoe Mami also thought of a magical girl who was her former companion, but due to some reasons, the two parted ways.

Sakura Kyoko, a little red-haired girl, is a foodie.

So, I would like to trouble you to contact those magical girls. Elsebell looked at Tomoe Asami and said, No matter what method you use, as long as you hit the magical girls into your home, it will be fine.

Okay! Leave it to me! Tomoe Mami nodded, but she said with some concerns: However, the number of magical girls I know is limited...

It doesn't matter, you can summon as many as you can. Elsebell smiled - in fact, this job can be left to Kyubey, but people tend to have random thoughts if they are idle, and Elsebell doesn't have time to stay here all the time. Tomoe Asami's side helps her get rid of despair, so it's better to give her something to do and be busy.

Okay! After having specific work, Tomoe Mami nodded enthusiastically.

Next...get busy. Elsebell smiled.



It took a week for Kyubey's device to be manufactured and shipped, but it only took three days for Elsebell to summon the magical girls and capture the witch.

There are four magical girls. In addition to Tomoe Mami and Sakura Kyoko, there is also a girl with short brown hair named Urobuchi Xuan, and a girl with short black hair named Shinbo Akiko.

As for witches... there are many.

The Rose Witch, the Dark Witch, the Snack Witch, the Box Witch, the Graffiti Witch, the Silver Witch, the Shadow Witch, the Dog Witch, the Artist Witch... Elsebell looked at the witch in a small glass bottle. They couldn't help but say: The number of witches is much greater than the number of magical girls. Is it because Kyubey is deliberately controlling the number?

Wow, who is this guy? Sakura Kyoko on the side looked at this little loli who suddenly appeared, and couldn't help but said to Tomoe Asami: He can actually capture a witch... is he a senior magical girl???

End of this chapter

No, I have no interest at all in becoming a strange creature like a magical girl. Elsebell stared at a pair of dead fish eyes similar to those of Kakashi-sensei, waved her hand, and said.

What a strange creature! Sakura Kyoko was not happy at the time. She ate the Pocky in her mouth several times, and then walked up to Elsebell dissatisfied and said, We are talking to each other. The witch who endangers the world...

Well, I can’t say any more.

Sakura Kyoko looked at the witches lined up on the table in front of Elsebell, her eyes lost their luster in an instant, and she muttered: Why do you suddenly feel that witches...are so hot?

It's quite rubbish, Breaking the Sky is a planet-level combat power - to be honest, Elsebell really can't understand why this work gave birth to a high-ranking being like Yuan Shen.

You know, even the end boss in the anime, the witch who is a stage device that Akatsuki Homura calls Witch Night, is only a planet-level combat power. Even Madoka's witch transformation is called The worst witch who is called the witch of relief has no combat power beyond planetary level.

But, it’s so awesome! In the midst of a group of planetary-level combatants fighting and fighting, a circle god appeared that spanned time, space, and cause and effect, and his combat effectiveness soared directly from level 1 (planetary level) to level 8 (single universe level)— —As for whether she has reached level 9, Elsebell is not sure.

Forget it, we will study this matter later. Elsebell withdrew her thoughts, then focused on Tomoe Asami, and said: It seems that you are quite cautious, in my absence , I didn’t tell these little brats what kind of magical girls they really are.”

I don't want to create a witch. Tomoe Mami smiled bitterly and said, Why do you want to tell them such desperate things?

Hey, as long as there is salvation, it's not despair. Not being saved is despair. Elsebell shrugged her shoulders and said, Okay, let's not talk about anything else. Magic girls, get ready to face despair. ?



Emmm, it's true. Elsebell held three soul gems in her arms, and in front of her lay three girls whose eyes had lost their highlights and looked like dead fish.

Lord Ai Sibel... When Lord Yachi Eirin revealed this to me three days ago, didn't you say you should be more tactful? Asami Tomoe was speechless, How come I'm here with you? …”

The old double standard is weird.

That's because... Elsebell's body swelled to its full size in an instant. She knelt on one knee in front of Tomoe Asami. When Tomoe Asami said, Hey, what, what, what, what happened, why, Sir Elisebell? With a look in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and pinched Tomoe Mami's finger, then kissed the back of her hand, then he came close to Tomoe Mami's ear, lowered his voice and said, My gentleness is only Show it to a cute girl like Asami.”

As soon as the words fell, Elsebell retracted into her lolita form with a swish, and then ran towards the refrigerator with a small jump - I'm a little thirsty, I want a bottle of Bingkuoluo from 1982!


After Elsebell let go of her hand, Tomoe Asami let out a cry as if she had been punched. She covered her face with her hands and took two steps back, then squatted on the ground - her face was so hot! !

If you look at it from the side, you can clearly see that Tomoe Mami's ears are red, so red!

Just when Tomoe Asami was so ashamed that she wanted to commit suicide, Elsebell looked at the Coke in the refrigerator with disgust and said, Who bought this? Why is it Pepsi!

Ah? The princess who was playing PS5 looked over and said with a confused look on her face: What's wrong with this Coke? I saw it on sale downstairs. It was quite cheap, so I bought it.

There is a saying, Pepsi-Cola is not even as good as a toilet cleaner! Elsebell looked at the Pepsi-Cola in the refrigerator with disdain and said: Don't ask, just ask, Pepsi-Cola and xz are contaminated!

Oral area. The princess did not hesitate to humanely destroy the Pepsi-Cola in the refrigerator - the hot chicken who is not as good as a toilet cleaner is crawling for me!


At this time, Sakura Kyoko, who was on the ground, raised her head with a dazed look on her face and said, You just revealed such a desperate thing to us, why are you still in the mood to complain about Coca-Cola?

Didn't I say it before? What can be solved is not called despair, what cannot be solved is called despair. Elsebell picked her ears and said: Since I don't care that you are not desperate, then I must Is it because I don’t think this is despair, don’t you understand?”

Can you...solve what happened to us? Xu Xuanxuan raised her head and looked at Elsebell eagerly - her eyes and expression were exactly the same as Tomoe Mami's back then.

Uh-huh, of course. Elsebell leaned on the table, then pointed to the soul gem she placed on the table, and said: You don't even think about it, if I can't solve your problems, you I’m afraid she’s turned into a witch long ago!”

My soul gem... Sakura Kyoko came over, looked at the four crystal clear gems on the table, and couldn't help but said, Is that mine?


Hearing Elsebell's subconscious voice, Sakura Kyoko and others fell silent.

No...can't you tell the difference yourself?


Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Okay, I have a way. Elsebell picked up a gem and jumped out of the balcony, leaving a distance of about twenty meters. After staying for three or four seconds, she rushed back.

Oh, it was Akiko who fainted, so this is yours. In the silent eyes of the magical girls, Elsebell took out a sticky note, wrote [Akiko's] name on it, and pasted it on On the soul gem in your hand.

to be honest……

After using this method to find the girl corresponding to the gem in turn, Sakura Kyoko got up from the ground and looked at the soul gem with a sticky note on it. She couldn't help but said: I feel like my soul gem is a bit like a convenience It’s the same as the discounted lunch boxes in the store.”

I feel the same way. Tomoe Asami covered her face.

Okay, okay, it's just a small matter, don't worry about it. Elsebell waved her hand and said, What's important now is how you are going to choose your future - whether you choose to return to being an ordinary person or not. Do you want to continue to be a magical girl?

Well, I have a question... Sakura Kyoko raised her hand and said: If - I mean if - that crisis is solved by you, it seems that we magical girls will not be needed, right?

Silly boy, this world doesn't need it, but other worlds might still need it. Elsebell waved her hand and said, You can go to other worlds to save the world!

Eh... forget it. Sakura Kyoko muttered, I can't even save myself, so I'm going to save the world.

Maybe there are particularly delicious things in other worlds? Elsebell blinked and said pointedly: After all, he is a hero who saves the world, so there should be no problem eating Haagen-Dazs, right? ?”

Okay, save the world...leave it to me! Sakura Kyoko patted her chest and said with a cheerful face: This kind of arduous task will be entrusted to me!

You see, to deal with foodies, you need to take the right medicine.

Compared to Sakura Kyoko, who was getting angry, Xubuchi Xuan and Akiko were much calmer. After the two girls looked at each other, they unanimously chose to quit - they hoped that Elsie Bell could make them return. For ordinary girls, if possible, it would be best to delete the memory of all this.


Elsebell agreed to them.



On the fourth day, the master studied the soul gem of the magical girl and the power of the magical girl itself, and then spent fifteen minutes optimizing the entire magical girl system - yes, fifteen minutes.

In the words of the master, such a stupid system only allows me to waste 15 minutes. An extra minute is an insult to me - I have this time, shouldn't I take care of the princess?

The soul gem was made into a solution and then injected back into the girls' bodies to return their souls to their original place! Two of them had their memories deleted, and the other two became real magical girls.

So, we are now soul gems, and they are the kind that will not become polluted? Sakura Kyoko concluded after listening to the master's three-minute explanation.

Very good, I didn't understand it at all. Master Jiang withdrew his gaze and said, Just understand it like this.

Shijiang said that the reason why he has been able to live for such a long time is because he has never been as knowledgeable as a fool. If you don't understand, you don't understand. I will never be angry, and I will never say it a second time.

Yes! Sakura Kyoko nodded excitedly. She raised her right hand high and said loudly: Balala energy, Sharo Sharo, whole body transformation!

Red light shrouded Sakura Kyoko's body, and she transformed back into the spear magic girl - but she felt that her strength was much weaker than before?

Lady Yachi Eirin said before that our power has been initialized and we need to re-train. Tomoe Mami whispered.

But...where are we going to exercise? Sakura Kyoko was dumbfounded, The witches are all gone, how can we fight monsters and level up?

Don't worry about that. Elsebell gave a thumbs up to Sakura Kyoko with a sassy face and said, Kyoko, do you know about the Dark Soul?

What is that? Sakura Kyoko looked at Elsebell with a confused expression.

The other world will, as expected, cooperate with this world for a long time. Elsebell rubbed Asami's fleshy thighs and said, That world has a mature upgrade mechanism. You can hunt and kill in that world. Monster, improve your strength.”

Of course, just be the salary king.

End of this chapter

Three days later.

Today is the day that Kyubey and I agreed to transport entropy that can be materialized and send it here.

Da da da--

Just when Elsebell was leaning on the balcony, waiting for Kyubey to appear, along with a crisp and lovely voice, a little lolita with long silver hair and two braids pounced on Elsebel. On the body, he said in a sweet voice: Sister Ai, can you make cheese cake for Xiaozhu?

She is Momoe Nagisa, and she is also the Snack Witch Charlotte - witches are originally the darkened form of magical girls, so after studying the witches for half an hour, the master successfully transformed them into magical girls.

For some reason, most witches retain the memories of their witch days, and these memories trouble and torture them, causing them to make the choice to give up their identities as magical girls, delete their memories, and return to ordinary people.

Only Momoe Nagisa—probably because she is young and has not been transformed into a witch for a long time, and she has not harmed anyone, her thinking has not been affected at all, and she still retains the magical girl spirit. identity.

Isn't there still something in the refrigerator? Elsebell turned around and reached out to touch Baijiang Nagisa's head, asking strangely.


Momo Nagisa let out a lovely cry. She covered her face with her little hands, looked at Ai Xibeier anxiously, and said, Xiao Nagisa secretly ate it when she got up to pee at night! Because Sister Ai did it. The cheesecake was so good!”

I woke up half the day to eat some cake! Elsie Bell stretched out her hand and knocked Nagisa Baiji on the head angrily, and said, Did you brush your teeth after eating?

No! Momoe Nagisa looked like he was ready to be spanked.

Very good, very energetic! Elsie Bell grabbed Nagisa Baijia, and then she slapped her buttocks three times. When she put Nagisa Baijiang down, the little Loli suddenly covered her buttocks with tears in her eyes. He ran into Tomoe Mami's arms, begging for comfort.

Ahem, sister Ai is busy. Tomoe Mami held Nagisa Momoe in her arms and said, Let me make you some black tea.

Yeah! Okay! After Momoe Nagisa's attention was diverted, he nodded happily - for her, she can mess with him as long as he has food and drink!

While Tomoe Mami was making tea for Nagisa Momoe, Elsebell saw four Kewpies landing in front of her like hard laborers, carrying what looked like a machine for making marshmallows.

You're not going to tell me that this thing is an entropy materialization device, are you? Elsebell asked.

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