Forget it, I can’t even convince myself, how can I convince others?

But Kyubey, if you can't use it for cooking, what's the point of its existence? Elsebell showed a troubled expression and said, Its only feature is infinite regeneration and infinite replication of itself. This It’s useless except taking up space… wait?”

Unlimited copies of yourself?

Elsebell touched her chin, looked at the phone in her hand, and opened the chat group silently.

[Lord Ai-chan]: What, I remember Loki went to the world of black souls?

[Loki]: Ah, yes, Finn and Ace are still sending fire. What's wrong?

[Lord Ai-chan]: Oh, tell them, I may bring some specialties over there after a while to see if they can be used there.

[Loki]: Claw specialty?

[Loki]: Make it clear! ?

[Loki]: Hello, where is the person?

【Loki】: a plant

Elsebell, who turned off her phone, touched her chin and said, Can Kyubey have a fever?

It stands to reason that when the King of Fire in the Black Soul World burns himself, he burns his soul, his self, and his existence. From this perspective, it seems... Kyubey can also burn?

You can give it a try. Elsebell nodded, and then wrote down Kyubey's plan to use it as firewood in her notebook.

What are you thinking about? Hua Ma looked at Elsie Bell and asked.

Hey, it's nothing big. It's nothing big. Elsebell waved her hand and said, I'm just thinking about an interesting idea.

If you have some free time, why not make me a cup of strawberry smooth milk, add a little ice and half sugar. Kaguya, who was already lying on the sofa and playing PS5, said without raising her head, Master, help me. I'll pay.

Here, a special potion. The master sighed, then took out a light blue test tube from his arms, as if the universe was contained in it, and said: The effect of the starry sky potion is within fifteen minutes. , raising your magic defense to level 9.

Yes, it's very impressive. Ai Sibei happily accepted the master's potion, and then said in a sly manner: I'll start working on it now, and I'll finish it in ten minutes.



When Elsebell placed the prepared fruit milk in front of Kaguya, Asami Tomoe had already walked out of the room with a pale face, and her right hand was holding the head of a Kyubey.

Oh haha~

Elsebell raised her eyebrows! In her memory, in the early days of the animation, the senior seemed to treat Kyubey as a pet and a close friend. Normally, he should be held in his arms, but now this...

Well, the ruthless iron hand's attitude is not like treating a friend.

I've asked clearly. Tomoe Mami threw Kyubey to the ground in front of her, then looked at her hands with a pale face and said, Not only did it confirm your statement, but it also told me... I am already It’s a corpse.”


Elsebell realized that Tomoe Asami knew the truth about the magical girl——

In normal magical girls, such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Saint Girl or Sailor Moon, their transformation props are often just transformation media, but in the Magic Circle world, the transformation of magical girls The medium - the soul gem - is not just a transformation tool, but their true soul.

For the magical girls in this world, their souls are no longer in their bodies, but condensed into soul gems, and their bodies are just puppets controlled by the soul gems - it feels like WIFI or Bluetooth remote control Same.

Ha...haha... Tomoe Mami looked at her hands in despair and said bitterly: So I was already dead a long time ago? Now I am just a corpse... What is this? A zombie? ?Zombies? Or dead bodies?

I'm telling you, can you please stop being so startled and act like a black man? Elsebell pinched the soul gem she had just stolen with a look of helplessness, and the crystal purple light shrouded her right hand. , If I were not here, the desperate energy you are generating right now would be enough to turn a dozen magical girls into witches.

But how can I calm down in such a situation! Tomoe Mami's mood has become slightly hysterical. In fact, the reason is very simple, because the miracle of her becoming a magical girl was that a family of three had a car accident and then made a wish not to die.

The results of it? Good guy, she obviously made a wish not to die, but in the end she was actually dead.

Elsebell thought for a while and asked, If I told you that we could put your soul back, would you still make a fuss?

Can it be stuffed back? Tomoe Asami was stunned, then sniffed, wiped her tears and said, Then it's okay.

Good guy, you change your face so quickly. Is this the nature of a woman?

Oh, woman!

After despising the woman's behavior, Elsebell gave a thumbs up to Tomoe Asami and said: Anyway, just be patient! As long as you follow us, there will be great benefits!

Xiao Ai, when you say this, you feel very much like a villain. The master craftsman on the side said quietly: At least you are a colonel-level villain.


Elsebell coughed with an embarrassed look on her face and said, Anyway, Asami, would you like to do research with Master first? I want to talk to Kyubey.

We'll discuss the research later. Let's talk to Kyubey first. The master glanced here and said, I also want to talk to Kyubey.

Me too! Kaguya came over biting the straw of the fruit milk and said, My female instinct tells me that the melons here are delicious!

Do you still have female instincts? If your living habits were different, you would definitely become a fat, fat nerd, okay? It’s just that you have such a good skin, otherwise I wouldn’t be happy to lick your jio!

Hey, did I expose something?

Ahem, you didn’t see anything!

What do you want to talk to me about? Kyubey, who looked like a cat and a rabbit, jumped in front of Elsebell. She tilted her head and said with a cute look on her face: People I haven't seen before - you guys Isn’t he a creature of this universe?”

Who would have thought that Kyubey's voice actor has also played roles for Hiiragi Kagami, Hachikuji Maya and Hideyoshi? By the way, the CVs of Dragon Maid’s Kang Nakong, Aheiyan’s Elementary School Boy, and Saikawa are also Kyubey’s CVs.

Yes~ Elsebell squatted in front of Kyubey and said, You are the manager of this universe... No, you call yourself the incubator, right?

That's right. Kyubey nodded.

I don't exist in this universe, so I don't want you to use the same chat method of hiding the truth that you used to trick magical girls. Can you do that? Elsebell looked at Kyubey.

Emmm. After Kyubey thought for a few seconds, he tilted his head and said in a cute manner: Compared with this, do you want to become a magical girl? If you become a magical girl now, not only will your wish increase by 1.5 times , and it also comes with a cute Kewpie, and we can reimburse 80% of your daily consumption.”

Good guy - Elsebell shouted at that time, Good guy, I know you are recruiting magical girls, but if you don't know, are you here to recharge your new game?

No, I didn't even have this benefit at the time... Tomoe Mami whispered beside her.

You're such a noob. Kyubey said that to be honest, that's my nindo.


Tomoe Mami thought for a while, then raised her head and looked at Elsebell, and said, I remember you said that Kyubey shares consciousness and can be resurrected infinitely, right?

Yes. Elsebell nodded.

Then Tomoe Asami took out the senior's bomb and banged Kyubey's head.

Huh. Tomoe Asami breathed a sigh of relief and said, It's cool.

The next moment, another Kewpie jumped in from the window. It slowly walked to the body of the previous Kewpie and asked, Does this relieve its anger?

It's temporarily relieved. The senior muttered.

Okay. Kyubey nodded, and in the eyes of his senior sister with horror, disgust, and resistance, he ate his body completely, not even a trace of blood was left.

Could it be that you are Fujiang? Are you afraid of being reborn with your own blood?

That's disgusting, Tomoe Mami said.

Okay, okay, it's Kyubey after all. Elsebell pinched Kyubey's head, threw it onto the autopsy table, and said, Don't even think about letting me become a magical girl. No, I feel like you don’t have that ability.”

Hmm... how do you know if you don't try? Kyubey tilted his head and said, With your ability, if you become a magical girl, you might become the strongest magical girl ever?

Come on, do I need to become a magical girl, a high-risk profession, to become stronger? Elsebell waved her hands in disgust and said, Let me tell you, I have something serious to discuss with you. If you try to persuade me again, If I were a magical girl, would I be angry?

Sister, I am really going to be angry!

Okay, tell me. Kyubey nodded obediently as he listened to Elsebell's threatening words - it was not at all annoyed by the threat. After all, Kyubey was a creature without emotions.

End of this chapter

What is the existence of Kyubey?

Why does it hatch magical girls?

Magical girl, what is it?

Witch, what is it?

Ever since she knew her truth, Tomoe Mami's heart has been filled with all these messy problems. If it weren't for Elsebell, who could be relied upon as a life-saving straw, she would have collapsed countless times.

We are incubators, one of the most advanced races in this world... no, this universe. Qiubey sat on the table, his mouth in an ω shape, his little tail wagging, trying his best to show his cuteness On the one hand, The entire universe is under our surveillance.


Tomoe Mami was dumbfounded at the time. How could a nice Kyubey become an alien?

We have detected that the entropy of this universe has been growing. However, the 'entropy' that the universe can accommodate is limited. Once the entropy reaches the peak that the universe can accommodate, heat death will come. Kyubey looked at the people in front of him. , replied.

Entropy? Heat death? The illiterate princess on the side frowned. She tilted her head and said, What are these things?

Emmm, Princess, you can understand it this way... Master Jiang thought for a while and said: Suppose your body is a universe, then entropy is a virus. This virus will gradually invade your body and be destroyed by the virus. If you invade the part, you won’t be able to concentrate magic.”

I see, entropy increase is the process of virus proliferation. If the virus completely invades my body, I will not be able to contain a trace of magic power, which is...heat death? The princess nodded her head thoughtfully and said: Sounds a bit scary.

However, the universe will expand, and the upper limit of entropy will also increase. Theoretically, there should be no heat death. The master looked at Kyubey and said: With your technology, you will not be unable to discover this problem, so... this Is it a closed-loop universe?”

Yes. Kyubey nodded helplessly.

I see, so the method you chose to reduce entropy is... Master Jiang put his eyes on Tomoe Asami and said, Use them?

Yes. Kyubey continued to nod and said: We have discovered that human emotions can burst out with amazing energy when extreme emotions such as hope and despair are produced, and this kind of energy made out of nothing becomes our resistance to entropy. The only way to increase it.”

Tsk. Elsebell clicked her tongue a little unhappily and said, So, these children who are full of hopes to become magical girls are the 'eggs' created by you from the beginning, right? Their only existence value , is to generate despair and then hatch into a witch.”

That's right. Kyubey nodded without any concealment and said, This is the only way to save this world and this universe.


Elsebell touched her chin and said, Before we came, this was indeed the case.

To be honest, although I despise Kyubey's approach, in this universe, there may be only one way to avoid the arrival of heat death - entropy and energy are opposites. As entropy increases, energy decreases, while energy Increase entropy and you decrease it!

However, after we came here, I felt that there might be another way. Elsebell touched her chin and said, Yeah, and it's a win-win solution.

What do you mean? Kyubey looked at Elsie Bell and said, If you have other, more efficient methods, we will do our best to assist you.

There are methods, but that method is based on being right with you, but if it is cooperation... Elsebell touched her chin and said: There must be a prerequisite.

What premise?

You incubators, can you capture 'entropy'? Elsebell looked at Kyubey with a smile on her lips and said, I mean, materialize 'entropy'.

Please wait. Kyubey lowered his head, and then began to synchronize his messages.

Throughout the universe, an unknown number of Kyubis conveyed Elsebell's request through their thoughts, and then uploaded it all the way to the incubator's base camp.

Materialization of 'entropy'?

“Is there any point in materializing it?”

Are you planning to destroy the 'material' entropy?

But that makes absolutely no sense! Entropy is a concept, and it is not easy to destroy the concept.

Maybe then it will become necessary to consume 2 units of energy to destroy 1 unit of entropy, but instead create 2 units of entropy.

What! Ha Beer!

However, this was Party A's request after all, so the incubators could only hold their noses and start research.



This side of the earth.

Okay. Kyubey raised his head and said, If nothing else happens, it will be delivered here in a week.

Okay, let's see you in a week. Elsebell smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch Kyubey's head and said, Also, you are not allowed to hook up with magical girls during this week, is that okay?

As you wish. Kyubey replied.

Okay, you can roll the ball. Elsebell casually twisted Kyubey's neck, then threw it on the dissecting table and said, Okay, Master, you can dissect it.

Tsk, don't kill it before I dissect it.

Is Master still planning to dissect a living Kyubey?

Of course, I want to see if Kyubey has a normal neurological reaction. Master Jiang replied.

Okay. Elsebell nodded. She walked out of the balcony leisurely and shouted outside: Here comes another Kewpie. Master will dissect it alive.

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