Yes. Kyubey nodded and said, It can turn entropy into filaments and then collect them with wooden sticks.

Damn, isn't that just marshmallows?

Elsebell looked at Kyubey with disgust and said, Then you collect a piece of entropy for me first, and I'll take it over to try.

Okay. The Kewpies immediately stood up from the ground. One Kewpie was responsible for rocking the joystick, two Kewpies were pressing the machine to prevent it from falling over, and the other Kewpie stood on top of the machine, holding a wooden stick. Shaking at the exit.

Damn it, don't tell me, it's a little bit cute.



After about an hour, the four Kyubeys had collected a portion of entropy. Elsebell stuffed the entropy into Kyubey's mouth, then pinched the Kyubey's head and said, You guys wait here. .”

Okay. Kyubey shook his tail obediently.

Asami, Kyoko and Xiaonagisa, we're getting ready to leave. Elsebell shouted towards the kitchen, Stop eating secretly, come and gather here!

A few seconds later, the magical girl trio, holding half a cake in one hand, a teapot in their arms, and a teacup in the other hand, appeared staggeringly in front of Elsebell.

No, can't you put it down first and come back to eat?

That won't work! Sakura Kyoko shook her head. She and Momoe Nagisa said in unison: The only thing you can't live up to is delicious food!

Okay, as long as you are happy. Elsebell shook her head speechlessly and said, Then let's get ready to go?

Okay! Sakura Kyoko rubbed her hands excitedly and said, I wonder what kind of world it is like. Will there be any delicious food?

‘Delicious... stuff? ’

After Isabel narrowed her eyes and recalled the structure of the Dark Souls world, she couldn't help but fell into deep thought - is there anything to eat in the Dark Souls world?

Braised... maggot man? Steamed…casas sandworms? Or barbecue...human pus?

Well, it’s not impossible as long as you eat it.

Elsebell glanced at Sakura Kyoko with a subtle look on her face, and then opened the time and space door to the world of Dark Soul——

Everyone, including the princess, is preparing to go to the world of Dark Souls.

After all, the princess has just experienced the game content of Dark Souls 3. Now she can go to the real world to see the Fireproof Wife. Naturally, she happily agrees. And if the princess wants to go, Lingxian and Shijiang will naturally have to follow. .

So, let’s just go together.



After passing through the space gate, everyone arrived at the destination of their trip, the Fire Sacrifice Site.

When they were standing on the ground of the Fire Sacrifice, a woman wearing a black robe, long silver hair, and a mask on her face walked over with light steps and said in a voice that could make people addicted: Welcome everyone to come——

Oh, fire-proof girl!! Seeing this fire-proof girl who was full of weirdo temperament, Kaguya rushed over excitedly, then held her hand and shouted: It's my wife, it's my wife. My wife herself!”

Eh? The fireproof girl looked at Kaguya with some trouble and said, Well, this lady, I am not your wife...

Ah, my wife's hands are so slippery! My wife's body smells so good! Kaguya completely ignored the fire-prevention girl's weak resistance, and circled around the fire-prevention girl like a dead nerd who saw her love to show off. My wife looks good!”


Sakura Kyoko on the side showed a disgusted expression and said: This guy's behavior is the same as the nerd I saw licking comic books when I was buying snacks before, kimo!


The master craftsman on the side covered his chest.

Why, why does the princess look so crooked? Where is the elegant and elegant princess we promised you! No, the princess will have to undergo special training when she gets back!

Originally, the master thought that the princess just liked to play games - it was nothing, the princess did not need to go to school, it was good to have something to kill time, and it also saved the princess from getting moldy in the room every day! But this does not mean that the master will look at the princess and shout like a dead man: I'm so excited! I'm super excited!

The master thinks it doesn’t work! So the master took a step forward, grabbed Kaguya's collar, dragged her back, and said: Princess, you need to calm down.

No, my wife, my wife ah ah ah - Kaguya screamed extremely miserably, and those who didn't know thought she was shouting her own king's Jigara - but in fact the fire prevention girl breathed a sigh of relief. The look made Elsebell happy.

Hello, Miss Fireproof Girl. Elsie Bell smiled and held the hand of the Fireproof Girl, and said, We are here to conduct an experiment this time. If the experiment succeeds, the world will no longer need Worry about perishing.”

Really? An ethereal and melodious voice spat out from the seductive lips of the fireproof girl. Even though she couldn't see the upper half of her face because of the blindfold, she could only see the lower half of her face. You can tell that this is a super invincible and beautiful young lady.

Brother Sheshe, thank you!

Of course, I am... Before Elsebell could finish her words, a familiar voice came from outside the Fire Sacrifice.

Bad beast, little love! Let go of your hands!

Like a victim who found out that Lao Wang was in his own home, Loki rushed toward Elsebell like crazy and screamed: Don't attack the fireproof girl!

God Loki, have you misunderstood me? Am I the kind of scumbag who would attack girls casually? Elsebell asked sincerely.

You are, Loki said seriously, You are, you are!

Good guy! Elsebell scratched her head and said, Okay, I am.


Then I'm going to attack the fireproof girl? Elsebell looked at Loki.

I'm sorry, I was wrong. You're not, please don't! Loki kept Elsebell's thigh and started crying.

Compared to this, what about Finn and Ais? Elsebell pushed Loki away and asked.

They are challenging the dancers. Loki scratched his head and said, I don't know if they can beat them.

Then I won't wait for them to come back. Elsebell lifted the cage in her hand and said, Miss Fireproof Girl, please take me to the original stove. Let's try whether Kyubey can be used as firewood. .”

Okay. The fire-proof girl nodded, and she said softly: Please come with me, Lord Elsebell.

Ah, the voice of the fire-proof girl is so nice. If such a voice could scream...I'm fine, thank you brother!

By the way, Loki - Elsebell looked at Loki and said, Take those three little girls over there and let them practice at the lower level.

Okay, okay, don't do anything to her! Loki looked at Elsebell with an uneasy look on his face - this guy can turn Artemis into a carnivorous type, but what if the fireproof girl also... Assi! Damn it, why can’t I, the mighty Loki, be so awesome?

Come on, Marvel’s Loki is so cool, but he’s not a little princess at all?

Chubby. Elsebell looked at Kyubey sitting obediently in the cage and said, You'd better pray that entropy can be burned~ This is the best way to save your world.

Okay, how do you pray? Kyubey tilted his head. He looked at the nearby stove and said, Burn me, okay?

You hammer, get in here! Elsebelle immediately threw the cage containing Kyubey into the furnace with a disgusted look on her face.

End of this chapter

At the same time that Elsebell was following the fireproof girl to find Kyubey, Loki was looking at the three magical girls in front of him with salivation - the young girl, the foodie and the big Nana!

It's impossible to resist!

Are you three preparing for the novice tutorial, or are you going to start with the main film? Under the vigilant gazes of the three magical girls, Loki wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and asked.

What's in the beginner's tutorial? Sakura Kyoko asked strangely, If it's basic, it's not necessary.

It's not very basic. Loki thought for a while, but Teacher Guda was still a bit intimidating. There is a boss waiting for you. Normally speaking, if you can't even defeat that boss, you probably don't deserve it. From Novice Village.”

Then let's go through the novice tutorial! Sakura Kyoko took out a box of Pocky from her pocket. While eating like a hamster, she said confidently: It's just a mini-boss in the novice village. The problem is not that big. The car will overturn in a minute!

As a magical girl who has lived for many years and has defeated many witches, Sakura Kyoko is quite confident in fighting - how difficult is the boss of Cricket Novice Village?

Ho, wait a minute. Loki took out three rings from his arms and said, No, this is the updated Ring of Darkness. You put a drop of your blood on it.

This... ring of darkness? What's the use? Tomoe Mami took the ring and asked strangely.

Only in this world, you can be resurrected after death. Loki said, The three of you can form a team. The rules after forming a team are as follows. If the team is completely destroyed, then you will be resurrected at the bonfire and drop All the [Souls] stored in the body! If not all are destroyed, the survivors can go to the bonfire to resurrect their teammates after the battle, and only one-tenth of the [Souls] will be dropped.

What is a soul? A soul? Tomoe Mami suddenly became nervous.

Souls are resources dropped by killing monsters in this world. You can use them to improve your abilities or buy items in the store. Loki explained, It will not affect you.

Does that mean that if we all keep 0 souls, we can die casually? Sakura Kyoko touched her chin and put forward a very constructive proposal.

How can you upgrade if you have no soul? Loki complained. She stretched out her right hand and said, Take my hand and I will teleport you to the starting point.

Okay! Sakura Kyoko grabbed Loki's hand and asked curiously: Speaking of which, is that monster powerful?

It's very powerful. Loki thought about Ais who was whipped away suddenly, nodded vigorously, and said, However, it is not invincible.

Ais was also stupid to fight the monster head-on. In fact, as long as she found the right way to fight, she could easily defeat Mr. Guda.

Then, let's go! Sakura Kyoko said enthusiastically.




After appearing in the cemetery, Sakura Kyoko and the other three quickly transformed into magical girl forms, and then looked around with a hint of curiosity.

By the way, don't you think the style of this world is very depressing? Nagisa Momo looked at the sarcophagi around him tremblingly, and whispered: It can't be the world view of a horror game, right?

Probably not... Tomoe Mami's expression froze, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the surrounding environment full of dark wind, and said without tears: But, why do I feel... It seems to be true…”

Why do you care so much! Sakura Kyoko carelessly held up her lucky E certificate, strode forward and said, He can't have a few skeletons popping out and chasing me to chop him, ah ah ah ah !”

Just as she turned the corner, Sakura Kyoko saw two hooded skeleton soldiers holding broadswords staring at her with their deep eyes.

It's really a skeleton... Wow!!

The next moment, Baie Nagisa was so frightened that he cried.

Don't... don't panic! Sakura Kyoko stammered, It's all fake, it's all fake, it's just a stunt! Take my trick!

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

The glistening spear tip penetrated the skull's eye socket without any hindrance, making a crisp collision sound, and Sakura Kyoko's expression suddenly hardened.

Really... really a skeleton!

Wow wow wow the skeleton is coming!!


Don't come over!!

Amidst the panic, the three magical girls punched the two old masters to death.


After holding on to the spear and taking a few breaths, Sakura Kyoko gritted her teeth and said, Damn it, you scared me to death! What! Why are the monsters in this world like this!

Because it's... the dark wind? Tomoe Mami sniffed and said, Didn't Lady Elsebell always say... the dark soul?

Damn it, I was deceived! Sakura Kyoko angrily clenched her spear and said, Asami, and Xiaonagisa, let's speed up! Hurry up and beat that boss away, and then go ask Elsie Lord Bell!


Tomoe Mami is always afraid of fighting alone, but now with her teammates, she is no longer afraid of anything and feels full of strength.

Go for it, Tomoe Mami!

The journey ahead was nothing to the three magical girls. After lighting a bonfire on the edge of the cliff, they communicated easily.

What, it still feels very simple! Sakura Kyoko sat by the bonfire, looking at the element bottle on her waist, and said: The big square in front is the final boss we are going to fight, right? Knock it away in one go!

Yeah! Tomoe Mami nodded and said, Then let's go!

Let's go! He had calmed down. So Momoe Nagisa, who turned from fear to excitement, raised his right hand and said in a sweet voice: Knock that duck away!

Give up, even if you act cute, you won't get a single favor vote!

The three magical girls didn't know that once the bonfire was refreshed, the monsters around them would be refreshed. After they stupidly cleared away all the monsters around them, they confidently looked at the tall man with a sword in his belly in front of them. figure.

Yes... it's a bit big... Baie Nagisa swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stammered, Is it dangerous?

Don't worry! It's definitely just a show-off! Sakura Kyoko was now more confident. She carried a spear on her left shoulder, waved her right hand, and said loudly: Follow me, let's charge!


The magical girls rushed towards Teacher Guda desperately, gathered around, took pictures, and drew their swords, all at once!

Come on! Sakura Kyoko confidently tightened her spear and said, The previous skeleton monster was only at this level. You can imagine that this boss is not difficult to provoke!

That's it! Nagisa Momoe clenched his bubble machine and said, I will try my best to assist you two!

Leave it to me! Tomoe Mami looked at her companions and said with a smile: My body feels so light now, and there is nothing to be afraid of-

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