Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 295: Drink some wine first to strengthen your courage

"Shoot him, Sharpshooter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ichimaru Gin made a backhand move and grabbed the Zanpakutō in his hand. The moment the cold light circulated on the blade, there was an awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air, and it exploded like thunder again.


A white bolt was locked on the ruins with an attitude of penetrating the void.


The piercing sound of the air was simply endless.

Everyone just felt a blur in front of their eyes, but before they could react, the attack had already gone straight to Kurosaki Ichigo's door.

This speed is so fast that people don't even have the chance to save them.

As soon as he got up from the ground, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression suddenly changed after he was hit so hard that he could barely catch his Zanpakutō.

Looking at the rapidly enlarging attack in his pupils.

He never thought that there was a figure belonging to Jing Ling Ting behind him.

If this blow really hits him, it will definitely penetrate his body.

And the attack with unabated power will also fall on Doudanfang.

I'm afraid that by that time, even with Doudanfang's huge body, he would also end up seriously injured.

These methods are really cruel.

This is different from the development of acting scripts mentioned at the beginning!

Are you going to play yourself to death in this play?


Inoue Orihime's urgent cry sounded.

At this moment, they were obviously powerless, and the only thing they could do was to watch the attack coming, and at the same time let out a helpless cry.


The sound of piercing air echoed.

The blade with a cold light reached Kurosaki Ichigo's throat in an instant.

Pass directly through.

A shocking scene appeared in everyone's minds.

However, the long-awaited scene of blood tightening never appeared.

At least, in their eyes, the blade that should have penetrated Kurosaki Ichigo's throat did not appear even slightly.

It was as if something of ignorance had swallowed me up.

"What the hell is going on."

Kurosaki Ichigo finally came to his senses. The long-awaited death had indeed not come, but the clothes at his spine were obviously soaked with sweat.

He lowered his head and looked at his throat.

The first thing that caught his eye was a small black hole vortex that was tiny enough to accommodate the blade.

The fatal blow that was originally chasing him was obviously diverted at the critical moment.

"Is it Shiba Kuroba?"

The feminine smile on Ichimaru Gin's face was like a poisonous snake. It paused for a moment, and then showed an extremely teasing smile.

"I didn't expect that you, who disappeared in Hueco Mundo, would still appear here."

"Now it seems that you are here with bad intentions!"

The visitor is evil?

The guards present could not help but look stunned.

During this period, Shiba Kuroba's reputation as a drunkard resounded throughout the Serenity Courtyard.

After all, every big event that happened, as long as it was related to him, was extremely ridiculous.

It can be said that no one in Jingling Court is unaware of the existence of this crazy newcomer.

Ichimaru Gin suddenly made this comment, which made them swallow their saliva.

"Isn't this master drunk again?"

When these words fell, the eyes of everyone present jumped, including Gin Ichimaru.

At least, the scenes that happened in Hueco Mundo not long ago are lingering in my mind like a brand.

However, as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the first thing that caught his eye was a figure walking slowly towards him.

When he could see Shiba Kuroba's face clearly, Ichimaru Gin showed a rare unexpected look.

This time, Shiba Kuroba appeared, actually staying awake.

In their eyes, this side of Shiba Kuroba, who had always been drunk and making crazy troubles, was overturned.

"you're awake?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Shiba Kuroha who fell beside him, with the same expression of disbelief.

After all, during this period, he also learned about many glorious deeds related to Shiba Kuroba.

It's just that these brilliance are indeed accompanied by a sense of chaos.

"If I hadn't woken up yet, I'm afraid you would have been strung up."

Shiba Kuroba glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo.

For this existence, who should have been the protagonist and stole the show, is now reduced to a green leaf.

This gap is indeed a bit big.

However, this is no wonder Shiba Kuroha.

After all, I have cheats and I am awesome.

This is an eternal law that cannot be changed at all.

Kurosaki Ichigo's cheek muscles were twitching.

Faced with Shiba Kuroba's sarcasm, he almost couldn't help himself and said that this scene was too difficult to perform.

Facing the blow Ichimaru Gin had just dealt, he was simply acting with his life.

However, as soon as these words came to his lips, they were suppressed by Kurosaki Ichigo.

He knew clearly that Shiba Kuroba was a key figure on whom Kisuke Urahara and Makoto Urahara, as well as the entire Soul Society, had high hopes.

It is also the biggest variable.

Now that he appears, it also means that their group of little clowns must come to an end.

It can be said that what Kurosaki Ichigo wants to see now is how Shiba Kuroba will deal with the dilemma in front of him.

Is it really possible to rescue Kuchiki Rukia?

Looking at Shiba Kuroba who ignored him, the smile on Ichimaru Gin's face faded slightly and he spoke again.

"Kid, since you know this guy, wouldn't you come back at this juncture with those ridiculous thoughts and plan to rescue Rukia Kuchiki?"

"Your courage is indeed commendable, but don't forget that you caused such a big incident in Hueco Mundo, which has already made Captain Yamamoto angry. If you interfere in Rukia Kuchiki's affairs now."

"I'm afraid no matter how talented you are, you will eventually be convicted by Central Room 46."

"Once this time comes, I'm afraid Captain Yamamoto won't be able to protect you, and will even take action against you personally. This will cause you to stand on the opposite side of the Protector Team 13."

"Could it be that you are planning to make an enemy of the entire Thirteen Guards Team by yourself?"

E Chang's words echoed in the field.

The expressions of the guards at Baidaomen and even Doudanfang who had escaped the disaster suddenly changed.

They knew very well that in Soul Society, if they were to go against the 13th Guardian Team.

That means that in this world, we will lose our foothold.

The only places to go are the present world and Hueco Mundo being exiled.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through their minds, and everyone's eyes turned and locked on Shiba Kuroba.

They desperately want to know.

At this juncture, what choice would Shiba Kuroha make.

As he lowered his gaze, he was the first to catch his eye, a warm smile on his face.

Shiba Kuroba's eyes suddenly turned and fell on Ichimaru Gin.

"Your threatening words really scare me."

"So do you have any wine? I want to drink some wine first to strengthen my courage. I will knock you all over later!"

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