Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 294 Obliterating variables

"The speed has increased?"

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

Seeing the oncoming attack, he quickly raised his hand to block.

Bang bang bang bang!

Thunderous thumps sounded one after another.

Ten axes fell in a row, shattering the ground in an instant.

Under the huge impact, large waves of sand and dust were set off.

Rolling backwards.

That powerful and heavy attack caused many people's expressions to change drastically.


Ten axes fell, and the continuous attack was like a furious wave.

The huge impact force was released, and the earth was shattered into pieces.

Cracks spread like spider webs.

"Haha, this is Captain Doudanfang's killing move. This kid may be able to take the next blow, but when ten axes fall, the power is not as simple as one plus one."

"Don't forget, among the four-men team, the captain of Doudanfang became the dominant one with this move!"

"I think that kid's body has been chopped to pieces..."

Chaotic cheers rang out again in the field.

However, the next moment was like an old duck being strangled by the neck.

The sound suddenly stopped.

The dust rising into the sky dispersed with the wind at this moment.

When everyone came back to their senses, they saw an intact figure again.

"This ax is indeed very heavy, but if it wants to block our progress, this little trick alone cannot be used as a roadblock."

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a smile and tightened the Zanpakutō in his hand again.

Seeing this sudden scene, Doudanfang couldn't help but froze.

The next moment, his face was full of fighting spirit.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you kid, you are really different, but I don't believe that you can take my strongest blow!"

The fighting spirit on Doudanfang's face surged, and he suddenly clenched the ax in his hands.

The muscles in his arms suddenly swelled.

The next moment, without any fancy, he slashed hard again.

"Technique·Long Live Doudan Festival!"


The twin axes were like thunder, piercing the air directly.

The surge in power undoubtedly made the attack more rapid.

What's more, the attack just now was caused by one axe, but now it evolved into a double axe.

It can be said that the power of this blow increased fourfold.

Doudanfang is confident that this attack can break rocks more than ten meters high.

However, facing all this, Kurosaki Ichigo took a deep breath, clenched his Zanpakutō tightly with both hands, and suddenly raised his head.

The spiritual pressure dormant in the body was suddenly detonated.

"Crescent Moon Chong!"


Black spiritual power surged on the blade.

The unparalleled attack followed Kurosaki Ichigo and he moved instantly.


The black light flashed and crossed with the huge ax head that was slashing down.

When everyone came to their senses, Kurosaki Ichigo had already appeared in front of the entrance.

The black spiritual pressure wrapped around his body was instantly dissipated.

The two heavy giant axes in Doudanfang's hands, which were maintaining a strong slashing stance, broke apart immediately.

The sudden scene made the Death God guarding the Baidao Gate suddenly stiffen.

A moment ago, they had given Doudanfang absolute hope of victory.

He never expected that the other party would really destroy Doudanfang's attack within thirty seconds.

This kind of method, placed in the 13th Guards Team, would probably be impossible for ordinary Death Gods to achieve.

"You lose, we are leaving. I hope you can stop me next time we meet."

Kurosaki Ichigo put his Zanpakutō on his shoulder with his backhand and said with a slightly heroic tone.

This was his first fight after arriving in Soul Society, even though it was just a fight with a guard.

But at least, in the shadow of the luxurious lineup not long ago, there is a slight relief.

At least, let Kurosaki Ichigo know that this world is not full of monsters.

It's just that super monster who gathered a group of monsters under his control.

Chaotic thoughts flashed through Kurosaki Ichigo's mind, and now he has regained some ground.

However, the most important thing is to break through this entrance and go to rescue Rukia Kuchiki.


It should be said that it is delaying time.

After witnessing with my own eyes the unparalleled strength displayed by Shiba Kuroba and others.

Now Kurosaki Ichigo doesn't have the slightest confidence that he can rescue Rukia Kuchiki.

When he thought of this, Kurosaki Ichigo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Now that we have won, it's time for us to set off!"

Putting aside these words, Kurosaki Ichigo took the lead and turned around and rushed towards the open door.

Now the most troublesome Baidaomen guard Doudanfang has been solved.

So the next thing to deal with is these guards who don't pose much of a threat.

As long as they are cleared a little bit, most of the purpose of this break-in will be accomplished.

However, as soon as this idea came to his mind, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression suddenly changed drastically.

An inexplicable aura of death enveloped his heart, and he quickly raised his Zanpakutō to block without having time to think about it.


A white cold light passed through the void like a bolt.

He struck directly at the Zanpakutō in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand.

Under the huge force, it exploded with a thunderous collision.

Kurosaki Ichigo just felt as if he was hit head-on by a train and flew backwards.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, he forcefully knocked Doudanfang away.

The two of them hit the wall ten meters away together.

Along with the sound of collapse, the wall cracked and shattered, turning into many debris scattered all over the ground.

The huge open space fell into deathly silence.

Seeing that Ichigo Kurosaki, who was supposed to be in high spirits after breaking through the White Path Gate, was suddenly knocked away.

This scene undoubtedly tensed everyone's nerves.

"Yes, it's Captain Ichimaru Gin of the Third Division. He was the one who knocked Rika away just now!"

An exclamation suddenly sounded.

Everyone's eyes were directly drawn to the figure who appeared behind the gate at some unknown time.

The smile that spread like a poisonous snake and the slightly narrowed eyes swept over everyone, making people feel chilly.

However, this eye-catching gaze finally fell on the ruins smashed by Kurosaki Ichigo and Kabutanbo.

"As expected of a variable, even my sneak attack was able to be blocked in time, but it is precisely for this reason that it is really necessary to eliminate that variable."

"If you want to blame it, that kid walked in front of you."

"Shoot him, Sharpshooter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ichimaru Gin made a backhand move and grabbed the Zanpakutō in his hand. The moment the cold light circulated on the blade, there was an awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air, and it exploded like thunder again.


A white bolt was locked on the ruins with an attitude of penetrating the void.

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