Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 296 Don’t forget that he is a monster

Drinking wine to strengthen your courage?

The people present were stunned for a moment, looking at Shiba Kuroba with a warm smile on his face.

This feeling is like crazy.

Or rather, he was still in a state of drunkenness despite the rare occasion when he sobered up.

Doudanfang, who was standing aside, couldn't help but said: "Master Kuroyu, aren't you drunk?"

Doudanfang is the guard of Baidaomen and a member of the Thirteen Guards Team.

However, his status is that he is the lowest member of the Thirteen Guards Team.

At the same time, Doudanbo was also an old minister of the Shiba family and one of the subordinate lower nobles.

The relationship with Shiba Kukaku is not shallow.

Now Shiba Kuroba suddenly threatened to overthrow the Seireitei.

This fierce attitude undoubtedly caused Doudanfang to be drunk.

"Doudanfang, I'm not so confused that I can't tell whether I'm drunk or not."

Shiba Kuroba couldn't help but roll his eyes, and then smiled and said: "Captain Ichimaru, have you healed your scar and forgotten the pain?"

"You were severely beaten in Hueco Mundo. Please give way, otherwise the result this time will not change!"

A small voice stirred up a storm at this moment.

Especially the members of the third team who arrived with Ichimaru Gin.

In their eyes, Ichimaru Gin was like a venomous snake, giving people a chilling feeling down their spines.

But isn’t this exactly the characteristic of a strong person?

During the mission of the 13th Guards Team, Ichimaru Gin rarely took action.

However, every time he takes action, he kills the enemy instantly before everyone can recover.

Such weird methods are paired with that sinister and venomous smile on his face.

It has undoubtedly become a reassurance for all the team members.

"Shiba Kuroba, you are going too far. I know that your relationship with Rukia Kuchiki is unusual, but the Protector Thirteenth Team and the majesty of the captain are not something you can challenge."

Kira Izuru, who stood aside and had long bangs, was the first to walk out of the crowd.

"You are indeed very strong. You were directly parachuted into the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force and became a vice-captain-like existence."

"But you never know what level the captain's ability reaches. What's more, Captain Ichimaru has always been in the third division and has never been to Hueco Mundo."

"So, you said you defeated Captain Ichimaru. These are all your boasts and you want to mislead our hearts. You should try to contain them."

"If you insist on fighting, as we are both vice-captains, I can't let you pick the coach from the beginning."

"When it comes to feelings, Renji and I are no worse than you and Kuchiki. However, this is the decision of Central Room 46, but you cannot be willful. If you insist on challenging the majesty of the 13th Guards Team, I am afraid you will be sent to the same place. The above two persons must be executed urgently.”

The awe-inspiring words were mixed with an unquestionable flavor.

At least, in their eyes, those who are not fools would think twice about such intimidating words when faced with such a large Guard Team 13.

"Sorry, don't compare your plastic friendship with me. I'm just pursuing love."

Shiba Kuroba smiled warmly, and when he took a step forward, his entire body disappeared.

Appeared again, already behind Kira Izuru.

"You've been generalized!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shiba Kuroba's right hand turned into a sword, without any fancy, and slashed straight towards the back of his neck.

"So fast!"

Kira Izuru's expression suddenly changed drastically. Unfortunately, at this juncture, he did not expect that Shiba Kuroba would take action as soon as he said so.

I really dare to be an enemy of the 13th Guards Team.

The only thing he could do was to watch the attack fall.


The huge force was released, causing Kira Izuru to stumble, leaning forward and hitting the ground hard.

Along with the splashing of sand and dust, there was an uproar immediately in the field.

As the vice-captain, Kira Izuru was unable to survive a move in the hands of Shiba Kuroba.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one would believe it.

Especially those words, could it be that he was challenging the majesty of the Thirteen Guards Team?

"Shiba Kuroba, you dare to attack Vice Captain Kira, come with me quickly!"

As the third seat, Ursol was the first to lose his temper.

However, as soon as they took a step out, they were stopped by Ichimaru Gintanshou.

"You are no match for him, stand down!"

"He is not your stupid young man who just walked out of the thatched cottage."

Before going to Hueco Mundo to assassinate Shiba Kuroha, Ichimaru Gin also held a contemptuous attitude towards Shiba Kuroha.

But after this battle, Ichimaru Gin understood that if we use the standards of ordinary people to measure the Shiba Kuroha in front of him.

I'm afraid that's the real disadvantage.

"Captain Ichimaru, our Third Division is a support team. It is true that we are not as good at fighting as the Eleventh Division, but we have more than 20 people here. It is not a problem at all to deal with a newcomer."

Ursol said urgently.

"What's more, this is the Jingling Court. I don't believe that anyone can really ignore the rules!"

As seniors, not to mention Ursol, Rao and other team members were no exception, and they felt dissatisfied with the contempt for Shiba Kuroba, a newcomer.

In their eyes, Shiba Kuroba might actually have some strength.

But no matter how strong he is, can he take on the entire third division, right?

Looking at the team members who were determined to go their own way, Ichimaru Gin showed a feminine, snake-like smile.

"Since you don't listen to the captain's advice, if you can intervene in the battle, feel free to intervene."

"However, I still remind you, put away the contempt in your heart, don't forget, he is a monster!"



The huge amount of spiritual pressure exploded in Ichimaru Gin's body.

The moment the air wave rolled back, the crowd was allowed to step out. Ursol, who was about to intervene, and his team members' expressions suddenly changed, and they were subconsciously forced to take seven or eight steps back.

Seeing that Ichimaru Gin, who didn't even have the intention to continue testing once he made a move, started with a swastika against a mere new vice-captain.

Is this because you look down on your opponent and lower your own status?

However, just as this thought flashed through their minds, their eyes fell on Shiba Kuroba again.

The words that fell on their ears shook their nerves.

"It seems that you haven't fully understood the lesson learned last time. Since you want to fight, then I will step on your body first!"

Shiba Kuroba smiled warmly and grabbed the Zanpakuto at his waist with his backhand.

The sword buzzed slightly, and the blade was unsheathed in an instant, and a wave of spiritual pressure rolled out like a furious wave, detonating suddenly.

"Swastika·Swallow it·Great Dark Sky!"


The dark wave, like a hurricane, quickly surged away with Shiba Kuroha as the center.

Everything he passed was the earth and the sky, which were instantly stained black with ink.

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