Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 288 I seem to have six little balls too

In the huge open space, everyone's eyes were fixed on Shiba Kuroba.

There was more or less fear in his eyes.

Even Hueco Mundo's Arrancar is no exception.

This superimposed increase in speed is accompanied by strength.

When they thought of this, everyone's eyes fell on Feng Yeyi of the Fourth Courtyard.

They desperately want to know, facing the monster-like Shiba Kuroha.

After the defeat, Feng Yeyi of the Fourth Academy, does he have the confidence and means to regain his position?

Or just gave up.

Chaotic thoughts spread in everyone's minds.

While a depressing atmosphere filled the entire place, everyone's nerves were tightened.

"Urahara, is there really nothing wrong with Yoruichi?"

Hiyori Sarugaki couldn't help but speak.

They are all friends who defected together in Soul Society.

Normally I can't see eye to eye.

But at this juncture, I still can't help but care.

"Don't worry, Ye Yi's methods are not as simple as you think. She should take action next."

"This is her secret skill that she spent a lot of effort to create. Although it lasts for a short time, this move is just like her name of Shun Shen. It only takes a split second to determine the outcome."

Urahara Kisuke showed a mysterious smile.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was obviously shaken.

At least, the confidence that I didn't have much at first seemed to have skyrocketed at this moment.


Feng Yeyi from the fourth hospital took a deep breath and looked at the hateful guy in front of him who was drunk.

I felt very unhappy, but in order to use that secret skill, the most important thing was to maintain a calm state of mind.

Only in this way can explosive power and time be well controlled.

Thinking of this, Siyuan Fengye looked at Shiba Kuroha who was still drinking, and his emotional fluctuations undoubtedly calmed down.

"Shiba Kuroba, I really can't use your Shunku superimposed mask, but I think you should have overlooked that Shunku is also extendable."

"Although I have just completed this move, if your methods stop here, I think you will just give up."

Awe-inspiring words stammered out of the mouth of Feng Yeyi from the fourth hospital.

The words were obviously mixed with a high level of fighting spirit.

And this hint of fighting spirit is undoubtedly an opportunity for Feng Yeyi of the Fourth Academy to further improve Shunxu.

If we say that Feng Yeyi of the Fourth Courtyard a moment ago was a sword covered in dust.

Now it has undoubtedly become sharper, blooming with a breathtaking flavor.

Both the Arrancar side and Urahara Kisuke and the others all had solemn expressions on their faces.

At least, in their perception, they could clearly feel that an extremely dangerous aura was sprouting in Feng Ye's body in the fourth courtyard.

"Instant coax?"

Shiba Kuroba raised his eyelids, raised his head and downed the wine in his hand.

"Hiccup, are you talking about the thunder god form? I happen to be able to do it too!"

The small voice, at this moment, seemed to become a magic voice, echoing in the world and unable to disperse for a long time.

Faced with this unexpected statement, no matter it was Urahara Kisuke or all the Arrancars.

Even if it was Feng Yeyi from the fourth courtyard, the concentrated fighting spirit could not help but stagnate.

If it were said that this reply came from someone else's mouth.

Feng Ye and others in the Fourth Courtyard might just laugh it off.

However, these words now come from Shiba Kuroba, a drunkard who is addicted to alcohol.

This undoubtedly tightened their nerves.

In other words, isn’t this just drunken bragging?

However, this idea just appeared in my mind.

The next moment, Shiba Kuroba steadied his body slightly, shook his head, and muttered.

"Is there any wine? I seem to have forgotten how to use it, but if there is wine, I will definitely remember it."

Speaking extremely seriously, at this moment, it was like a hurricane passing through.

The atmosphere of great anticipation that enveloped the venue collapsed in an instant.

Feng Yeyi from the fourth hospital roared hysterically while his cheeks twitched.

"Shiba Kuroba, if you dare to tease me, I will teach you a lesson."

"Instant Coax·Thunder God Form!"


The violent spiritual pressure exploded in the body of Feng Yeyi from the fourth hospital.

Shun Hu, who had been compressed into spiritual clothes, changed once again.

While the aura was rising steadily, the spiritual clothes behind him also changed.

Originally used as a spiritual maintenance garment, it could quickly attack and provide strong amplitude of spiritual power. After gritting his teeth, Siyuan Fengye took the lead in evolving into a spiritual pressure magatama.

Moreover, this spiritual pressure is obviously no longer in an ordinary form, and there is also a crackling sound of thunder arcs rubbing and colliding.

An indescribable dangerous atmosphere spread with Feng Yeyi in the fourth courtyard as the center.

However, this is clearly the beginning.

As the first magatama emerged, the second and third ones gradually took shape.

When the three magatama came together and were connected by spiritual power.

Feng Yeyi in the fourth hospital, the spiritual pressure that penetrated his body exploded like thunder.

The surrounding space, under this high-intensity compressed spiritual pressure, stirred up like ripples.

The ground beneath his feet could not withstand this huge force and cracked open.

Feel this sharp aura rising to the extreme.

Even Grimmjow and the other Arrancars, who initially looked down upon the God of Death, had a look of horror on their faces.

Originally, after they transformed from their peak state into Arrancar, many Arrancars still had arrogance in their hearts to a greater or lesser extent.

I still despise the God of Death.

If it weren't for Shiba Kuroba, people like Grimmjow and others might not have treated him well at all.

But now Siyuan Feng Yeyi's action has undoubtedly dispelled their thoughts of underestimating the enemy.

"Shiba Kuroba, this is my thunder god form. As the number of magatama increases, it means that my strength will become stronger. Although I have only initially mastered it, I can exert the power level of the three magatama."

"However, I should be able to deal with you now!"

Siyuan Fengye's eyes suddenly opened, and the violent spiritual pressure dormant in his body was activated to the extreme.

While the earth roared, the air, and even the space, seemed to be torn apart and penetrated.

When the ripples were surging, Siyuan Kaede Yeichi appeared in front of Shiba Kuroha.

That resolute and resolute attitude made many people finally realize the demeanor of Shunkami Yoichi.

The attack was as fast as thunder, causing many people's pupils to shrink suddenly.

Of course, there are exceptions to this contraction.

At least, Shiba Kuroha, who was in a drunken state and looked confused, finally showed an expression of realization on his face while constantly disturbing his head in the face of the oncoming attack.

As he hammered his left palm with his right hand, he couldn't help but muttered.

"Oh, I remember, I seem to have six little balls too!"

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