Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 289 I’m determined to be this mascot

Slightly playful words came out of Shiba Kuroha's mouth.

Siyuan Fengye was stunned at first as he took action. The next moment, when he was about to touch Shiba Kuroha's hand, he seemed to hit an invisible barrier.

The strange scene made her expression froze.

An indescribable and huge pressure, centered on Shiba Kuroha, exploded.

The spiritual light beam that shot through the sky and the earth caused the barrier that originally covered this open space to collapse.

The next moment, the huge spiritual pressure that penetrated the body seemed to be stirred by a pair of invisible hands.

They gathered together in an instant, and transformed into a magatama posture in front of everyone.

One, two, three...

Along with the rapidly rising spiritual pressure, the moment three magatama appeared.

Everyone's nerves were obviously stretched to the extreme.

Even Kaede Yeichi of the Fourth House who took action also opened his beautiful eyes and stared straight at Shiba Kuroha.

After seeing Shiba Kuroha displaying the Shunku Thunder God form that she was able to create with all her efforts.

Fourth courtyard Feng Yeyi's confidence was once again defeated.

However, when faced with Shiba Kuroha, three magatama crystals formed in an instant.

There is still a bit of tenacity in Siyuan Fengye's heart.

He just wanted to know if he could surpass himself.

However, this idea just popped into my mind.

The next moment, the scene that greeted his eyes was like taking a stimulant.

The fourth magatama suddenly condensed.

Followed by the fifth and sixth ones!

After the six magatama were formed, the spiritual pressure fluctuations erupted from Shiba Kuroha instantly increased to the extreme.

The spiritual force stirred up by the wind was like a frenzy, rushing towards Feng Ye in the fourth courtyard.

The close distance made it impossible for Siyuan Feng Yeyi to hide.

The whole person was like a cannonball, rushing away and flying backwards.

This speed was obviously several minutes faster than when she attacked.

Seeing this scene, Urahara Kisuke and others turned pale and tried to save them, but it was obviously too late.


An afterimage passed through the void.

Later, as if he had arrived first, he arrived behind Feng Yeyi in the fourth courtyard.

The right hand that he stretched out, without any fancy, penetrated directly through the high-compression spirit coat of the thunder god form, and pressed it on the back of Feng Yeyi in the fourth courtyard.

The rush came with a huge impact, and the next moment, it was directly offset by Shiba Kuroha's spiritual pressure that penetrated his body.

The violent spiritual pressure that filled the sky gradually subsided.

What was left was a messy courtyard and a grocery store that was almost overturned.

There is also a broken barrier that is directly penetrated.

Looking at this devastated scene.

Whether it was Urahara Kisuke or all the Arrancars, their faces felt a little unnatural.

Especially Balegang, the ambitious mascot.

With a gloomy face, his expression changed several times.

His whole body deflated like a balloon.

At this moment, he finally knew that no matter how hard he tried, the thin figure in front of him was like a mountain, pressing on his chest. It gives people an insurmountable feeling.

When I think of the previous fight in Hueco Mundo.

Compared with the spiritual pressure emanating from that battle now, it definitely felt like a child playing house.

"What's wrong, mascot? You're not going to betray a monster, are you? We'd be happy to help you collect the body."

Harribel glanced sideways and said.

"However, I still advise you not to think about those childish thoughts. No one here wants to replace you as the mascot."


Bailegang suddenly became angry.

However, there is a feeling that there is no way to refute it.

Let’s not talk about Shiba Kuroba’s Kuronashi, but Tenkei’s Gui Ren power.

This huge spiritual pressure alone has made Bailegang unable to muster the will to fight.

This kind of seeking death is unscientific.

Looking at the glances from all around, even the glances of those he finally gathered were mixed with hesitation.

Bailegang knew clearly, after witnessing Shiba Kuroha's various methods and the oppressive spiritual pressure like a mountain.

I'm afraid he will start shouting now.

These subordinates will not agree.

"Baile Gang, if you don't want to die, I advise you to put away those shameful little thoughts of yours."

Stark glanced lightly and said.

"Otherwise, I don't mind fighting you!"

The words were spoken in an indifferent voice, with an undoubted flavor mixed between the lines.

As the first autonomous Arrancar in Hueco Mundo.

Stark definitely has the confidence to say such a thing.

Faced with such aggressive words, Bailegang's face turned red and he couldn't bear to accept it. Finally, he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

"Girl, don't label me as a rebel, I'm the mascot for sure!"

"Whoever slanders me again will definitely get angry with him!"

The sudden episode suddenly broke the depressing atmosphere in the venue.

Looking at the majestic former King of Hueco Mundo, Balegang was able to say such a thing.

Undoubtedly more shocking.

However, the only good thing is that with the help of this small episode, the situation was finally smoothed out.

Siyuan Feng Yeyi had a face full of unwillingness. After biting his red lips, he snorted coldly and dissipated all his spiritual pressure. Looking at Shiba Kuroha who still looked drunk, he couldn't help but stamp his feet. , said: "You guy, you can't make people feel better."

"It feels so unpleasant to be defeated by an unconscious guy!"

At the end of the sentence, Siyuan Feng Yeyi's face turned red with anger.

But Shiba Kuroha in front of him was still a little unsteady on his feet.

The only good thing is that the powerful spiritual pressure that this guy released has been completely destroyed, and Shunxu's thunder god form is no exception.

Otherwise, if this guy is angered, he goes berserk.

I'm afraid it wouldn't be a surprise to chop down all the people here.

"Okay, let's put an end to this farce, otherwise it will really hurt our muscles and bones. Next, we have to deal with Sosuke Aizen, but it will take a lot of effort."

Urahara Kisuke patted Siyuan Kaede Yoichi's shoulder, looked around at all the Arrancars, then turned back again and said.

"It's time to find out why this kid got so many Arrancars and how he became the King of Hueco Mundo."

"And why are you bringing these Arrancars here..."

A series of questions spewed out, obviously diverting everyone's attention to these issues.

Faced with this time, Shiba Kuroba's intention suddenly came.

Even Urahara Kisuke couldn't figure it out.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Shiba Kuroha, and a trace of urgency appeared on his face.

After all, at this juncture of dealing with Aizen Soyousuke.

They didn't want Shiba Kuroba to lose his temper.

However, as soon as this glance fell on Shiba Kuroba, the next scene they saw made them confused.

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