Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 287 So fast that you don’t even know you will die

The faint words echoed between heaven and earth.

Looking at Shiba Kuroba who was serious for a moment and started talking nonsense when he opened his mouth.

The expressions of the people present and the Arrancars couldn't help but froze, and the corners of their mouths were twitching.

Sure enough, this is alcoholism!

For the sake of drinking, he even risked his life.

But it was precisely because of this reason that everyone present knew very well that Siyuan Feng Yeyi was risking his life.


Feng Ye from the fourth hospital took a deep breath and said with beautiful eyes twinkling.

"You guys really haven't changed."

"However, it is this kind of straightforward temper that I can't wait to see you deflated."

"Since I can propose this kind of bet, I have to be prepared!"

Speaking of this, Siyuan Fengye kept looking at Shiba Kuroha.

"Come on, today I will show you how powerful the name of Shunshen is."

The awe-inspiring words echoed between heaven and earth.

The eyes of both Shinigami and Arrancars present fell on Shiba Kuroba.

After all, as Siyuan Kaede Yeichi said, the bet she made now did take advantage of Shiba Kuroha.

But it also just shows that Feng Yeyi of the Fourth Courtyard came prepared.

"Urahara, Yoruichi should be fine, right?"

Hirako Mako was the first to lose his temper.

Although this farce is good, if the fourth hospital Feng Yeyi fails, then they will also be implicated and embarrassed.

"Haha, if it were before, Yoruichi might not be sure, but now she has initially mastered that move. It is not a problem to win in terms of speed."

Urahara Kisuke laughed dryly.

"After all, the title of Shun Shen is not obtained casually."

"If he remains the same as before, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take advantage of Yoruichi."

Having said this, Urahara Kisuke subconsciously looked at Shiba Kuroba.

He was really interested to see how Shiba Kuroba would react at this juncture.

What will you do when faced with the threat of the title of Shun Shen?

However, as soon as this idea emerged in his mind, the next words that fell in his ears made his expression stiffen.

"Shunshen? Is this edible? Judging from the name, it looks so unpalatable."

Shiba Kuroba murmured, struggling to open his eyelids that were a little heavy due to alcohol.

The next moment, the spiritual power dormant in the body suddenly exploded.

Instant coax!

The outer body of Shiba Kuroha's body was instantly covered with a substance-like coat of spirit.

However, this is just the beginning.

A ferocious mask quickly spread over Shiba Kuroba's face.

The spiritual pressure that was already rising rapidly suddenly surged to the extreme.

face. This kind of superposition method, which had been encountered last time, showed a hint of solemnity in the expressions of the shinigami such as Feng Yeyi and Heiko Mako of the fourth hospital.

But at least I was mentally prepared, so I quickly accepted the changes on the field.

"It seems that we still underestimated that kid. How could things change in just seven or eight days..."

Hirako Mako secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, as soon as he exhaled this breath, he soon saw Shiba Kuroba's mask squirming quickly like liquid, changing in front of everyone.

A sharp horn spread out at the same time.


A violent sound like a ferocious beast exploded like thunder.

A surge of spiritual pressure like a tidal wave exploded in Shiba Kuroha's body.

Everyone inside seemed to be hit head-on by a huge wave at this moment.

An illusion of drowning suddenly emerged.

This kind of arrogant spiritual pressure impact was undoubtedly beyond their understanding.

Even Feng Yeyi's expression in the fourth hospital suddenly changed dramatically.

They never thought that Shiba Kuroha's mask could change its form.

Moreover, the intensity of this increase in power exceeded their expectations.

However, they knew clearly that now was not the time to be shocked.

Instead, let's see what Shiba Kuroba is doing.

"He's gone!"

Someone screamed in surprise, causing the situation that was already tense to the extreme to be suddenly broken.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed and they hurriedly looked towards Feng Ye in the fourth courtyard.

A ghost-like figure had already appeared in front of her.

The right hand that stretched out like lightning caught the wine in Siyuan Fengye's hand like lightning.

too fast!

The people present were once again confused.

At least, chills ran down their spines when faced with such extreme speed.

If Shiba Kuroba is not going towards the sake jug now, he is going towards them.

I'm afraid I'll stab any one of them directly in the back.

This speed is enough to make them so fast that they don't even know they are dead.

At this moment, they were thankful that Shiba Kuroba was a heavy drinker.

Moreover, they did not stand against him.

Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life.


The sound of swallowing saliva suddenly sounded, breaking the shock in the audience.

Seeing Shiba Kuroha's eyes staring straight at the wine bottle, he casually opened the cork.

The stunned people were immediately awakened.

Feng Ye from the fourth courtyard roared urgently with his cheeks turned red.

"You bastard kid, you are cheating, this bet does not count, give me back the wine!"

The spiritual pressure in Feng Ye's body in the fourth courtyard was instantly detonated.

The same instant coax appeared in her body. The original Shunpo Kido Baida, the combination of three exquisite methods, produced the instant coax.

It was an honor that originally belonged to Feng Yeyi of the Fourth Academy.

However, now facing Shiba Kuroba, there is obviously something lacking.

At least, facing Hei Yu who was so close at hand, the moment Feng Ye of the Fourth Courtyard took a step forward to reach out.

Shiba Kuroha, who was still eyeing the wine, disappeared out of thin air like a ghost.

Appearing again, it was like teleporting, appearing dozens of meters away.

He raised his head and drank the wine.


As the drink entered his mouth, Kuroyu's eyes became more confused. He raised his eyebrows slightly and let out a satisfied belch.

"Good wine, why do I feel like I'm enlightened?"

"It seems like he's getting stronger again!"

"So, you better admit defeat, otherwise you won't even be able to catch me by the hem of my clothes!"

Looking at Shiba Kuroba who turned his head and muttered to himself, the expressions of those present couldn't help but froze.

Does one sip of wine make you stronger?

Is this a joke?

At least, in their eyes, this horse riding is child's play.

Especially in the eyes of Siyuan Feng Yeyi, it was simply a provocation.

This time she came prepared.

The purpose is to regain his place in the title of Shunshen.

Now it's not just Shiba Kuroha who has the upper hand.

And gave such a shameful evaluation.

This is intolerable and intolerable!

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