"Let's go. We are willing to admit defeat. It seems that we still underestimated the God of Death. He may be a different kind of person!"

Leave these words behind. Stark walked out slowly first.

Lillie followed closely behind and quickly followed.

Looking at Stark approaching quickly but not running away.

In the distance, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou took a deep breath.

They knew clearly that Shiba Kuroha's visit to Hueco Mundo not only eliminated the potential threat of Amagai Shusuke.

After taking back the unruly top-level Daxu in front of him.

I'm afraid Shiba Kuroba has truly become the King of Hueco Mundo.

However, when I thought about the commotion caused by this news reaching Jingling Court, there were also changes in other people's expressions.

This really moved Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou.

"Ding Dong..."

A crisp prompt sounded without any warning, pulling Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou back from their thoughts.

Looking at the intelligence messages popping up on the communicator, their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

"Kuroyu, something serious has happened!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro was the first to lose his temper.

As soon as he finished speaking, he planned to rush towards Black Feather.

Unfortunately, as soon as they approached a hundred meters, the eyes of those hollows after the breakthrough fell on Hitsugaya Toshiro, and the spiritual pressure contained in him washed away.

Feeling the fluctuations of spiritual pressure on his body, Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression changed dramatically.

Soon, Shiba Kuroba came to his senses and walked out of the crowd.

The overwhelming spiritual pressure that penetrated the Arrancar's body, which was still watching him eagerly, disappeared in an instant.

The desert that was originally messed up by the spiritual pressure suddenly regained its calm.

Looking at this feeling, every word and action seems to be giving orders to the Arrancar.

A trace of solemnity appeared on the faces of Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou.

They knew clearly that after today, Shiba Kuroba was no longer an ordinary alcoholic.

I'm afraid there is still a layer of identity as the King of Hueco Mundo.

However, when they thought about the scenes and childish gestures of the Arrancar just now, their cheek muscles twitched.

However, when I thought about the news coming from the communicator.

Hitsugaya Toshiro was the first to lose his composure and said: "Kuroba, there is news from the 13th Guards Team."

"Two days ago, Kuchiki Rukia was sentenced to the Double Urgency by Central Room No. 46 for violating the iron rules and instilling the power of the God of Death into a living person."

"One day ago, Hinamori found Sosuke Aizen killed in the fifth division team building."

"It's just that because Hinata Sen didn't have enough evidence to prove his innocence, he was ordered to be imprisoned by Central Room 46."

E Chang's words echoed between heaven and earth.

Broken Bee's expression suddenly changed.

They didn't expect that in just a few days after leaving, many things would happen in the 13th Guards Team.

However, what shocked Broken Bee even more.

Aizen Sosuke actually made a plan and let outsiders witness his death.

Moreover, the person who was framed was the vice-captain of the fifth division and the childhood sweetheart of Toshiro Hitsugaya.

It can be said that at this juncture, Zaihou could clearly feel that Hitsugaya Toshiro's unstable spiritual pressure fluctuations were surging in the dark due to his anger.

If it weren't for the dozens of Arrancars watching him on the opposite side, in order to avoid any misunderstanding.

I'm afraid Hitsugaya Toshiro could no longer hold back and his small universe exploded.

"Have things reached this point? It seems we should set off."

Shiba Kuroba glanced lightly at the blood moon in the sky.

He knew that now was the time to leave Hueco Mundo.

The preparations he had made during this period were enough to make Soyousuke Aizen suffer.

"Kuroba, don't worry. When I came here, I was always ready to pass through the gate. Now that you are ready, let's return to Soul Society immediately."

Hitsugaya Toshiro spoke hastily.

However, as soon as he said this, Shiba Kuroba shook his head and rejected it.

"No, Captain Hitsugaya, you are the ones who will return to Soul Society!"

"I still have to go to this world to make final preparations."

This time, the situation progressed so quickly that it actually exceeded Shiba Kuroba's calculations.

However, in order to win, Kuroyu still planned to make further preparations.

At the very least, he needs to find someone to help him hide the Arrancars such as Balegang.

It wouldn't be bad to let Aizen Sosuke, who fled to Hueco Mundo and wanted to be king, become a bachelor commander.

"Are you going to the present world?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression couldn't help but froze.

"There is only one day left before Rukia Kuchiki is executed. Doesn't it seem a little inappropriate for you to run away to the present world now?"

Regarding this question, Broken Bee on the side also subconsciously turned his questioning eyes to Black Feather.

If I hadn't learned from Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni early in the morning, the main force against Aizen Sosuke this time was Shiba Kuroba.

I'm afraid Broken Bee will be equally frustrated.

"Don't worry, do you think Lucia will really be executed?"

Shiba Kuroba said with a warm smile.

"Even if I can't arrive in time, Captain Yamamoto will help me perform the play. If Sosuke Aizen finds out, we don't know what expressions we will have when we play him."

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Suihou's expressions froze.

Seeing the playful smile on Shiba Kuroba's face, a chill ran down his spine.

At this moment, they finally understood what a true villain is.

"Lord Kuroba, do we need to go to the present world next?"

Harribel spoke first.

After restraining the huge spiritual pressure in her body, the excitement on her face was smoothed away, but the former lightness in her eyes still could not cover the joy in her heart.

After all, in Harribel's eyes, only those who are strong enough can protect the people they need to protect.

"Yes, you need to come with me next."

Shiba Kuroba nodded in agreement, looking past the many figures.

"Stark, you are no exception."

"However, I believe you will not refuse my arrangement!"

Stark's expression darkened. He was not a fool. Instead, he was better at making calculations because of his deep and cold personality.

After the conversation just now, he knew clearly that not only was he sold, but he was also involved in trouble.

However, this sudden change in life caused a glimmer of light to flash in Stark's lonely eyes.

It feels like, sometimes it might be good to change your lifestyle.

At least, with the lineup in front of him, Stark also wanted to see who this strange god of death was planning to trick.

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