Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 281 Kisuke Urahara’s trump card

In this world, Karakura Town!

Urahara Store, underground training ground.

Two black figures quickly passed through the field, causing a series of piercing sounds. The figures that were chasing after them suddenly saw a sudden surge in spiritual pressure.

The next moment, he was catching up in a roundabout way in the sky and appeared in front of the black shadow in front. At the same time, the Zanpakutō he held in his hand, without any trace of the cold light, struck down head-on.

The increased speed of the explosion and the rapid slashing made Urahara Kisuke's expression stagnant. The next moment, he had no time to think about quickly retreating.

"I've been waiting for this moment to capture you!"

A black thread flashed out from the sleeves and wrapped around Benihime, one of Urahara Ki's assistants.

The posture that was originally hurriedly dodging showed a trace of stagnation.

At the same time, the Zanpakutō in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand was already striking Urahara Kisuke head-on.

Feeling the strong wind coming towards him, a smile flashed across Urahara Kisuke's face and he gave up his dodge completely.

Because just now, Kurosaki Ichigo's unexpected method had caused him to lose the opportunity.

Now this blow is already very good for Kurosaki Ichigo who has restored his power of death.


The Zanpakuto passed in front of Urahara Kisuke, and finally hit the ground hard. The huge impact caused the ground to shatter.

The hat that was originally on Urahara Kisuke's head was finally torn open.

Looking at this scene, Kurosaki Ichigo showed a hint of joy and immediately said excitedly.

"Success, I finally succeeded in cutting off your hat."

"Look at me, who is more powerful compared to that guy!"

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo who suddenly stuck the knife on the ground with an excited face, Urahara Kisuke showed a warm smile and said: "Now you have completely become a Shinigami and have your own Zanpakutō."

"Although there is still a little gap with that guy, the gap is not far away."

"Originally, I planned to improve your strength by one or two. Unfortunately, time waits for no one. They have already arrived."

As he spoke, Urahara Kisuke broke free from the cloth belt wrapped around Benihime, and at the same time gave up half of his body, revealing the faces behind him.

"Ichihe, we are here!"

Chado's voice sounded first.

Looking at the three figures that suddenly appeared, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression froze.

Originally, when he went to Soul Society this time, he thought he would fight alone, but he never expected that there would be reinforcements.

The moment his eyes fell on Uryū Ishida, his face showed surprise.

"I just want the guy who despised me back then to see how powerful I am and let him understand that a Quincy cannot be despised or provoked."

Ishida Uryu raised his glasses and took the lead in speaking in a deep voice.

The scenes that happened in the suburban park that day were all vivid to Ishida Uryū.

At the same time, it also became an indelible nightmare in my heart.

The only way to overcome the fear in your heart is to show yourself in front of it.

It is for this reason that Uryū Ishida got involved in this farce.

"I want to protect Kurosaki-san..."

Inoue Orihime also spoke in agreement.

"Haha, it seems you are quite popular."

Urahara Kisuke chuckled and patted Kurosaki Ichigo on the shoulder.

"Get ready and head to Soul Society. Taking into account the time, it should be almost time."

After leaving these words, Urahara Kisuke turned around and went to prepare.

"Is there still a little gap?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the Zanpakutō in his hand and said.

"Then continue to surpass him in the next battle!"

Looking at the three people who suddenly walked towards Kurosaki Ichigo, the fourth courtyard Kaple Night who transformed into a black cat jumped and landed in front of Urahara Kisuke and said.

"Urahara, are you really going to let them go? Or should you wait for that brat's notification."

"After all, these brats don't know how terrifying the Guard 13 and Aizen are. If they are not careful, they may easily be ruined in Soul Society."

"Furthermore, since that brat has known about Sosuke Aizen's conspiracy early on, I think he might prepare more means to deal with it."

Recalling the first meeting, Siyuan Feng Yeyi felt unbearable to look back.

However, Siyuan Kaede Yeichi also had to admit that Shiba Kuroha had a lot of weirdness.

At least, in her eyes, this alcoholic was completely unfathomable.

"Yoruichi, Kurosaki and the others may not have grown up yet, but as long as they are given a little time, they will definitely achieve a lot in the future."

Urahara Kisuke raised his fan to cover his mouth and smiled.

"What's more, I prefer to take the situation into my own hands, and I don't want to believe that the preparations I have made will be ruined by that brat."

Having said this, Urahara Kisuke subconsciously looked towards the distance and saw the many figures walking up the road.

"Hingzi, am I right?"

Because Shiba Kuroba's early appearance obviously interfered with the plot of the original work.

At least Hirako Mako and other masks gathered in the Urahara store in advance.

"Hmph, Urahara, don't you use us as one of your means? Then that brat may not be able to compare with your trump card."

Hirako Mako said while picking his teeth.

"However, these little devils you found this time are really good."

"If my strength improves, I might be able to fight Sosuke Aizen, replacing the importance of that brat."

Recalling the meeting that day, Hirako Mako learned about the true role of Kyoka Suigetsu.

He already has a 50-50 attitude towards whether he can defeat Aizen Sosuke and take revenge.

At least, not until it was confirmed that everything Shiba Kuroba said was true.

The appearance of Ichigo Kurosaki undoubtedly gave Mako Hirako and others an extra card to play.

"Haha, you are right, Pingzi. We should do something, otherwise it would be bad if we let that brat lead us by the nose."

The smile on Urahara Kisuke's face became even wider.

"If I let him know that my trump card has grown, I don't know what his expression will be."

After leaving these words, Urahara Kisuke quickly walked towards the entrance to the outside world.

According to the intelligence, the time for Lucia's execution is very close.

He must let Hibi Tetsusai join forces with himself to penetrate the world-traveling gate that smuggles into Soul Society.

Only by taking action in advance can Urahara Kisuke find a sense of overpowering Shiba Kuroba.


The sound of the air vibrating echoed without warning.

Huge spiritual pressure enveloped him like a tidal wave.

Urahara Kisuke's face couldn't help but froze as he took a step forward, and he hurriedly raised his head to look at the sky.

Kurosaki Ichigo was the first to say angrily, unable to calm down.

"What kind of existence is this spiritual pressure? It's full of all kinds of terror and all kinds of negative emotions..."

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