Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 279 I’m sorry I sold you


The sound of swallowing saliva suddenly sounded.

All the Hollows present, even Harribel and the Vastod, looked at Shiba Kuroha's hand that stopped shaking, and their eyes suddenly straightened.

It feels like finding a treasure.

It exudes a fiery smell.

Facing Shiba Kuroha's right hand that fell to grab the cork of the bottle, there was even more urgency.

Even Stark was no exception and was directly led.

Stark's eyes suddenly straightened.

However, compared with others, his concerns are obviously different.

At least, what Stark is eager to find out now is whether the scene in front of him is an act.


The wine cork was popped open.

A sudden and coincident sound of deep breathing sounded.

Looking at it, whether it is an ordinary Achiukas or a high-level Daxu such as Bailegang.

The intoxicated expression on his face simply made Stark's expression stagnant.

This acting is too realistic.

However, as soon as this idea emerged in his mind, the aroma of wine blowing in his face made Stark subconsciously take a deep breath greedily.

The smell of this wine gave Stark a feeling as if it was directly hitting his soul at this moment. The strength of his soul that had been stagnant miraculously loosened up.

Faced with this sudden change, an extremely ridiculous idea quickly emerged in Stark's mind.


It should be said that as soon as this idea emerged, Shiba Kuroha threw the bottle of wine into the sky.

The next moment, in full view of everyone, the sound exploded into pieces.


Debris was flying all over the sky, and the brewed wine was falling like rain all over the sky at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Xu who was present suddenly went crazy.

In particular, Grimmjow and others had witnessed with their own eyes the process of Balegon breaking his face.

The impulse that sprouted in my heart was simply impossible to suppress.

Even Ulquiorra, who had always remained calm and composed, opened his mouth and swallowed a huge amount without caring about any image at this moment.

Looking at No. 10, a being who can be placed in a high position in Hueco Mundo, he is now plundering the drinks scattered in the sky in an extremely funny manner.

For Stark, that was simply ruining his outlook.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you'd probably never believe it was true.

Faced with those extremely greedy gestures, Stark began to feel a little unable to hold back.

The scene was so realistic.

At least, he had no way of seeing any clues.

Undoubtedly, a ridiculous thought once again appeared in Stark's mind.

Subconsciously, he raised his head to look at the scattered drinks in the sky, and finally couldn't help but open his mouth.

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of wine fell into his mouth, and Stark felt as if his soul was being penetrated.

While his body was shaking violently, the spiritual power in his body was even more uncontrollable, and was directly detonated like crazy.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sounds of spiritual pressure explosions sounded without warning.

At the same time, the forceful wind blows head-on.

Stark turned his head suddenly and followed the sound.

The first scene that caught his eye made him couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It felt like my eyes were almost bursting open.

After all, at this moment, he felt like he had seen a ghost.

This was the first time I realized that Arrancar was such a child's play.

Just drink some mixed wine and you'll be able to do it.

Then the pain he endured in the past was still bitter.

Isn't this wasted?

Chaotic thoughts flashed through Stark's mind, and his face was filled with disbelief.


It should be said that at this moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Suihou were also stunned.

They were originally doubtful about the bet they just made.

But what they didn't expect was that Shiba Kuroba really succeeded.

And they are still making Arrancarto for people in batches.

this method. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

Seeing the spiritual pressure rising from the sky, Stark suddenly woke up and planned to continue to plunder some wine to try.

But looking around, everything is gone.

The only thing he could do was to watch the Xu who was present change.

I don't know how long it took, but a roar like a beast suddenly sounded.

A figure with light blue hair took the lead in breaking through the spiritual pressure beam and rushed out.

Laughter rang out with unbridled excitement.

Grimmjow's figure was soon revealed.

At the same time, Harribel, Ulquiorra and others also slowly walked out of the spiritual pressure beam that exploded.

No matter how calm and composed they were in the past, they were still feeling the powerful spiritual pressure transformed within their bodies.

There are also physical changes.

There was a trace of excitement that was difficult to conceal on his face.

Feel the impact of spiritual pressure that gradually heals, and the desert returns to calm.

While Shiba Kuroba secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he looked around the field and found that Harribel, Nellie and other Hollows did not differ much from the original work when they transformed into adults.

At least this is in line with my own aesthetics.

As for the bet just now...

The thought of being able to take Stark, who came to the door, under his command.

A smile couldn't help but appear on Shiba Kuroba's face.

At least, in Kuroba's eyes, he would do this if the hopeful Aizen Sosuke rushes to Hueco Mundo to take in his younger brother.

When he found that Xuye Palace was empty, he became a bachelor commander.

Under such a result, I'm afraid I don't know what his expression will be.

Thinking of this, Shiba Kuroba was really looking forward to meeting Aizen Sosuke again.

After all, Kuroyu had prepared a lot of backup plans for him.

Liliette in the distance was stunned!

Looking at the scene in front of me, the silhouettes of successful Arrancars, I felt like I couldn't recover.

Turning his slightly stiff neck, he subconsciously looked at Stark in front of him.

Each word came out with difficulty in Lilliet's mouth.

"Stark, I'm sorry, I sold you!"

"I don't know that Arrancar would be so childish. Is this because we have been on the wrong path all along..."

A series of words spat out from Liliette's mouth, which brought Stark back to his senses.

Feeling the powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations not far away, he took a deep breath and secretly clenched his fists.

"Let's go. We are willing to admit defeat. It seems that we still underestimated the God of Death. He may be a different kind of person!"

Leave these words behind. Stark walked out slowly first.

Lillie followed closely behind and quickly followed.

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