Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 278 No possibility of winning

"What if you win?"

Shiba Kuroba said with a warm smile.

"Sorry, you have no chance of winning!"

The small voice seemed to be filled with magic sound at this moment, echoing in the heaven and earth for a long time without any way to dissipate.

The laziness on Stark's face suddenly dissipated, and Lillie beside him was the first to lose his composure and said: "You, God of Death, are too arrogant."

"Who knows our empty Arrancar better than Stark?"

"Since you want to bet, then I will agree to it, but if you lose, I want you to become my subordinate!"

Lilliet, who split off from Stark to relieve her loneliness, feels like a willful little lolita compared to Stark's laziness and loneliness.

However, it is precisely because of this willful little temper that Shiba Kuroba likes him very much.

"Okay, I agree with this bet, let's get started! As long as I can make them Arrancar, then you can join me!"

Shiba Kuroba smiled and spoke again.

This feeling of cleanliness made Lillie's expression stagnant.

Especially looking at the warm smile on Kuroyu's face, an extremely ridiculous idea came to his mind.

Could it be that I sold Stark myself?

However, when I think about the person in front of me, it is just a mere god of death, and it has nothing to do with Xu.

This undoubtedly made Liliette's concerns disappear in an instant. She waved her fist and said, "Okay, we have an agreement."

"But you won't tell me how long it will take for this kind of thing to be done, right?"

"If it's this kind of indefinite bet, we're not interested."

Stark on the side patted Lillie's head indifferently.

"She's right. If you are like Bailegang and like to play with your own ideas, I don't have time to accompany you."

Regarding Shiba Kuroba's cheerfulness just now, Stark actually felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Unfortunately. No matter how he tried to figure it out, he couldn't figure it out.

The only way is to take advantage of this opportunity.

"Haha, no need. I can solve the Arrancar matter now. I don't want the good subordinates I managed to get to slip away under my nose."

Shiba Kuroba smiled warmly, and took out the False God's wine flask that had already bottomed out and not a drop of wine was left.

This move immediately made Grimmjow's eyes become fiery.

He jumped up, like a ghost, and came to Shiba Kuroha's side.

The salivating posture and the saliva dripping on the ground made people feel like they were possessed by Erha.

However, Xu, who was present now, obviously didn't care too much. Even Bailegang, a person who had broken his face, couldn't help but show an eager look on his face.

A strange atmosphere filled the desert, and Stark and Lillie's expressions froze, and they looked confused.

Lillie couldn't help it anymore and spoke first: " won't tell me that you plan to use this thing to break the surface, right?"

"You should have a certain temper when joking. This joke is not funny."

As Stark's ghost, Lillie certainly has some shared memories.

At the same time, I also know how difficult it is to break through.

However, now Shiba Kuroba, apart from talking nonsense at first, took out a wine bottle that didn't even contain half a drop of wine.

To Stark, this was not only a bad joke, but also an insult.

A trace of displeasure quickly appeared on his indifferent and lonely face, and he said: "Kid, you've gone too far."

"Baile Gang, can you still endure this insult to our empty God of Death?"

"Why don't you help me and suppress him first!"

As the first and strongest person in Hueco Mundo to be an independent Arrancar, Stark believed that his words were somewhat convincing.

At least, in the past, Balegang had invited him to cooperate again and again.

On the premise of claiming to be the king of Hueco Mundo, he even committed himself to saying that they would sit on the throne together.

It is for this reason that Stark believes that Balegang will definitely agree to him.

"Stark, you are farting. I am a mascot. How can I betray Lord Black Feather?"

Balegang was furious.

That decisive and unquestionable tone confused Stark.

This is completely different from the way he thought it would unfold!

Could it be that this hip flask really has some auxiliary effect in making Hollow break the surface?

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Stark's mind. Lillie was about to say something, but was blocked by Stark's hand.

"Okay, since you are so confident, let me see how you can make them break their faces."

"Don't worry, I will give you a day. This is my biggest concession."

Stark reluctantly suppressed the emotional fluctuations in his heart and maintained an indifferent and lonely posture.

It can be said that facing Shiba Kuroba in front of him, he did everything.

Originally, Stark did not believe that he had anger points.

Now it seems that there is still no way to escape mortal life.

"Haha, one day, thank you in advance, but I only need the watering time of one song."

Shiba Kuroba smiled warmly and snapped his fingers.

"Master Kuroba, the water has arrived!"

Grimmjow quickly stepped forward with a bottle of water that had been prepared in his mouth.

That flattering gesture was such that she didn't even have any moral integrity.

Especially when seeing other Xu's expressions, even Stark felt unsure.

However, as soon as this idea came to his mind, Stark quickly rejected it.

This must be an act!

Stark stared straight into the field.

He now wished he could see some clues on the faces of Shiba Kuroba and even other Xus.

However, the scene that caught my eye was still the same slurping and drooling posture.

Shiba Kuroba casually took the water and poured it into the wine flask.

The level of neatness and the feeling it gives people are not the same as the first time.

The strange scene plunged the scene into deathly silence.

Seeing these realistic scenes, Stark's eyes widened and he secretly clenched his fists, completely unable to maintain the indifference and loneliness of the past.

He just hopes that someone can tell him that everything in front of him is an illusion.


The sound of swallowing saliva suddenly sounded.

All the Hollows present, even Harribel and the Vastod, looked at Shiba Kuroha's hand that stopped shaking, and their eyes suddenly straightened.

It feels like finding a treasure.

It exudes a fiery smell.

Facing Shiba Kuroha's right hand that fell to grab the cork of the bottle, there was even more urgency.

Even Stark was no exception and was directly led.

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