Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 252 A relationship that develops rapidly


The sound of the knife sounded without warning.

Nnoitra lowered her head subconsciously, and the first thing she saw was the half-sheathed Zanpakutō hanging on Shiba Kuroha's waist.

Originally, the sharp blade was about to cut off the tender white neck easily.

At this moment, it seemed as if it was enveloped by invisible gravity.

This weird feeling quickly spread throughout the body.

The next moment, Nnoitra didn't wait for her thoughts to come back.

It was as if a large amount of iron and lead had been poured into his entire body, and he was completely out of control as he hit the ground heavily.


The huge impact force was released, causing the thick rock formations to shatter.

As the spiderweb-like cracks spread, Nnoitra was forcibly embedded in the rock formation inch by inch.

The strange scene made Xu, who was present, suddenly turn pale.

Nellie, who was rescued not far away, was no exception.

She never thought that as a virtual person, she would provoke an unexpected god of death.

"Bailegan, hurry...hurry and save me!"

Nnoitra roared urgently.

He now felt as if his whole body was about to be crushed at any moment.

This was different from the plan he had heard about originally.

However, Bailegang, who was sitting on the throne, obviously did not take action immediately. He just stared straight at the God of Death in front of him and said coldly.

"Are you the Death God who recruited Harribel and Grimmjow during this period?"

"A drunk man appears in front of me. Is he planning to throw himself into a trap?"

"Then let me give you a try, the king's power!"


Balegang suddenly stepped forward with both feet.

The huge skeleton seems not to be affected by gravity.

It just disappeared on the spot.

Appearing again, he had already bypassed Shiba Kuroha and appeared behind him.

The big withered white hand that poked out was even more entangled with threads of black gas.

There is no trace of fancy, it is printed directly on Kuroyu's shoulders.

"Be careful, this is the smell of decay. If you are slightly contaminated, it will turn into ashes in the blink of an eye!"

Nellie reminded her urgently.

She didn't know why this god of death would rescue Xu.

But in the current situation, Balegang has already become a common enemy.

She didn't want this drunkard smelling of alcohol to be dealt with in a single face-to-face encounter.

"Hiccup, wife, are you concerned about me? But don't worry, I'm invincible!"

Shiba Kuroba raised his head slightly, looked at Nellie, and burped.

young married woman?

Xu, who was present, could not help but look stagnant.

Nellie is no exception.

A moment ago, the relationship was still about the hero saving the beauty.

Now when I look back, I have become what others call a daughter-in-law.

This relationship must have developed too fast.

However, this messy thought just flashed through Nellie's mind.

The next moment he was directly suppressed.

What she was concerned about now was not a relationship that was progressing rapidly.

Instead, it was Shiba Kuroba's safety.

Nelliel asked herself that there were only a few Vastod-like beings in Hueco Mundo.

However, if she was left to deal with it alone, Balegang and a group of lackeys.

She is powerless.

Therefore, if she was given a choice, Nellie would definitely not want this relationship with her to develop so quickly that the God of Death would die so quickly.


The decaying aura instantly broke through the invisible gravity around Black Feather's body and hit his back.

Facing this violent blow, a rare smile appeared on the cheek of the skeleton of Balegang.

"Haha, you god of death, you dare to poach people under my nose, I thought you had some extraordinary abilities."

"I didn't expect that I would be generalized as soon as I met him."

"I forgot to tell you that I am different from other Vastod. As the King of Hueco Mundo, I have the strongest ability."

"Everything I touch will end its life in an instant. You may be a good kid, but you only have a few seconds left to live. Please bear your grudge against me in this last moment!"

The unbridled laughter echoed in the desert for a long time without any way to disperse.

Achukas, who was surrounded here, also showed a smile.

In their eyes, Balegang can become the king of Hueco Mundo.

It is precisely because of his transformation that he has this powerful ability.

Let them see the despair of decay and decay before they are willing to surrender.

The God of Death in front of him had indeed brought down the powerful Nnoitra in one encounter.

But when he thinks that he will be wiped out by his own king, an irrepressible sense of honor still emerges in his heart.

Prove that they didn't choose the wrong person.

"How many seconds do you think it is? One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain and hunt the tiger?"

Shiba Kuroba slightly raised his eyelids.

The words mixed with the smell of alcohol instantly broke the atmosphere in the venue.

The unbridled laughter stopped completely at the same time.

All in all, it was Baile Gang who had sworn solemnly just a moment ago.

The look he looked at Shiba Kuroba was full of disbelief.

With his pupils constricted, he felt even more like he was seeing a ghost.

This is Balegang's trump card.

It is the decline and decay that they fear.

Now it doesn't work!

What the hell is this?

"It's impossible. I am the King of Hueco Mundo. I control the power of aging and decay. This is the most powerful weapon. I grant you death in the name of the King of Hueco Mundo!"

Bailegang suddenly woke up.

When a person thinks he has the strongest means, but he falls short at a critical moment.

Even Baile Gang felt hesitant.

The black energy in his right hand surged wildly, and he struck Shiba Kuroha head-on again.

In Bailegang's eyes, since there are not enough tricks, he obviously intends to use quantity to make up for it.

"Death sighs!"


A large swath of black energy rolled towards Shiba Kuroyu like a tidal wave.

It gives the impression that it is like a huge black curtain, covering it directly.

In an instant, both Shiba Kuroha and the whole land were directly covered by the sigh of death.

Not to mention the desert, even those rocks were washed away by this black air.

There is also a sense of rapid decay and decay.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into ashes.

"Haha, damn God of Death, I don't know how you escaped the first blow, but since you dare to challenge me, the King of Hueco Mundo, I will let you die without a burial place."

Balegang laughed hysterically.

In this life-or-death situation, there is nothing more satisfying than killing an enemy who has embarrassed oneself.

However, this smile just appeared on Bailegang's face.

The next moment, the scene that caught his eye made his pupils shrink and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

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