Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 253: Explode with one punch

In the vast desert, the unbridled laughter stopped abruptly without warning.

Looking at the black mist that had completely submerged Shiba Kuroha, it rolled rapidly like a furious wave.


It should be said that the black mist sweeping across the desert now seems to be eaten up by an invisible giant beast.

Even the black mist that had already dispersed seemed to be pulled by invisible hands.

It was absorbed back abruptly.

Wait until three to five seconds pass.

Shiba Kuroba, who was originally overwhelmed by the sigh of death, once again appeared in front of everyone.

That intact posture and the sound of snoring made Bailegang feel a huge sense of shame.

"You bastard, you're just a bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Balegang roared hysterically.

He grabbed it from the air with his right hand, and a strange-looking ax appeared in his hand.

The five fingers clenched suddenly, without any fancy, and slashed towards Shiba's black feather force.

In Bailegang's eyes, since decay and decline were a trump card, there was no way to eliminate Shiba Kuroha.

Then use the simplest and most direct method.

"Want to fight?"

Black Feather suddenly raised his head and narrowed his drunken eyes.


The crazy compressed high-density spirit son exploded in Heiyu's body.

The heavy ax that struck head-on was caught by Shiba Kuroha just an inch before it was possible.

The next moment, before Bailegang could react, Shiba Kuroba suddenly exerted force on the five fingers of his right hand.


The strange-looking ax was crushed into pieces in response, turning into debris that scattered all over the sky.

Bailegang's pupils suddenly shrank.

However, looking at Shiba Kuroha who was so close, a hint of madness flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"Kid, it seems that I really underestimated you. No wonder Harribel and Grimmjow surrendered to you."

"However, at this distance, you fell into the trap. I really want to see if you dare to take my punch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, after Bailegang's attacks failed one after another, he obviously gave up his weapon, made a fist with his backhand, and hit Shiba Kuroha head-on.

However, the sigh of death wrapped around this fist is undoubtedly thicker.

It seems that after successive defeats, Bailegang directly bet his most powerful force on this one.

"Hiccup! Boxing? I like it too!"

Shiba Kuroba let out a wine belch, suddenly raised his head, clenched the five fingers of his left hand suddenly, and took a deep breath.

At this moment, Bailegang noticed that the kid in front of him seemed to have lost some of his drunkenness.

The clenched fist of his left arm, along with all the muscles in his body, seemed to be stretched to the extreme at this moment.

It gives the impression that it is completely like a horned dragon.

"One bone!"


With one punch, it seemed as if even the air had been penetrated.

Originally, he was eager to see Shiba Kuroba fight with him in a drunken state.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the decay and decay of Death Sigh eroded Shiba Kuroha.

However, Bailegang never expected it.

The fist struck by Shiba Kuroba was not only like a cannonball, it penetrated the void.

It even caused the sigh of death that enveloped his fist to be torn apart.

At this moment, Bailegang suddenly discovered that from the beginning to the end, Shiba Kuroyu's body surface was covered with a layer of devouring power that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

His so-called death sigh had not yet touched Shiba Kuroba's body.

It was immediately swallowed up.


Bailegang's expression stiffened.

Unfortunately, it was too late to wake up.

The moment the huge white bone fist collided with Shiba Kuroha's fist.

The huge impact force was released like a frenzy.

Bang bang bang!

The bones exploded to pieces, giving people a taste that was like decaying bones.

Everyone on the scene has not yet come to their senses.

The fist had already hit Bailegang's abdomen with a powerful gesture.


The bones were breaking, and as the huge power was released, Balegang flew out like a rag bag.

Wait until a deafening explosion sounds.

The huge rock mountain behind was directly shattered.

The vast desert fell into deathly silence.

Nnoitra's expression suddenly changed as she just escaped. Without any time to think about it, she quickly pulled away and planned to escape.

At this moment, he was completely panicked.


It should be said that all Yachucas present were no exception.

In their eyes, Balegang is the King of Hueco Mundo, with a ceiling-like existence in terms of combat power.

Now he was stabbed by someone, and he couldn't even take a single move.

This is too shocking.

"Sorry, I'm afraid you can't leave yet!"

An afterimage jumped out of the darkness and stood directly in front of Nnoitra.

Those Yachukas who originally wanted to flee were quickly stopped by Sun Sun and other Xu.

Seeing the scene of the tree falling and the hozen scattering, the people present did not feel the slightest surprise.

However, when Nnoitra was waiting for the void, she saw Harribel and Ulquiorra appearing next.

While his pupils contracted and he gasped for air, he finally understood that this battle with Balegang was probably not an unjust loss.

Wastod, who originally thought he had taken refuge in Shiba Kuroba.

Harribel is the only one.

Now suddenly number two pops up.

This is an existence with the same strength as Bailegang.

Now both are under each other's command.

This means that even if the other party does not take action personally.

I am afraid that Harribel and Ulquiorra, the two men of Vastod, are enough to suppress Bailegan.


When I thought of this, many Xu subconsciously looked at Nellie behind him.

In their eyes, this god of death went all out to get here, all for the purpose of rescuing the third Vastod.

In case Nellie, who has always had a tough temper, is willing to surrender.

Then the Death God in front of him will have three of the top Daxu of Vastod as his subordinates.

The combined power of this force means that the position of King of Hueco Mundo will change hands.

The king of Hueco Mundo will be the God of Death.

"Ahem, Harribel, Grimmjow, and Ulquiorra, I didn't expect that this God of Death's methods are really amazing, and he actually made you surrender."

Bailegang coughed violently, climbed out of the ruins, and said with unhappiness on his face.

"If you agree to become my subordinates earlier and join forces with me to strengthen the power of Xuye Palace."

"We can easily defeat this little brat."

"Harribel, Ulquiorra, it's not too late now. As long as we put aside our prejudices, this Hueco Mundo still belongs to us."

The awe-inspiring words are mixed with the flavor of endless temptation.

He looked at Bailegang who had most of his chest ribs broken and his entire body almost penetrated.

Even Harribel and the others' eyes couldn't help but shrink.

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