Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 251 I simply like heroes saving beauties


Chaka's expression was stagnant, and he hurriedly lowered his head and looked down.

Under the splash of white sand under his feet, a dark sickle was revealed.

There is no trace of fancy, just cut towards Chaka.

"Super speed!"

Nellie roared urgently.

In a flash, he bumped into Chaka first.

With the help of the sudden increase in speed, he directly missed the killing sickle.

The black sickle instantly slashed at the huge rock.

The entangled strong wind directly crushed the rock into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Chaka, who had escaped unharmed, suddenly turned pale.

"Haha, I didn't expect that a woman like you is really as capable as the rumors say."

The soft voice came out in the desert.

Under the scythe that broke through the soil, a mantis-like figure with four arms quickly appeared.

The aura emanating from it was undoubtedly reaching the pinnacle of Yachucas.

"You are Nnoitra, and you have become Balegang's lackey?"

Nilielle's expression turned cold.

As one of the few Vastods, Nellie still roughly knew how many difficult guys there were in Hueco Mundo.

"Haha, Nellie, what you said is too unpleasant. I am just responsible for stopping you."

Nnoitra laughed strangely.

"Now counting the time, it's time for Balegang to arrive."


Nilielle suddenly woke up and shouted urgently: "Chaka, Kadishe, you run away quickly, I will stop him."

Nellie was indeed not afraid of Nnoitra, who only had the peak strength of Achukas.

However, when I think about it, behind him is Bailegang, who claims to be the king of Xuye Palace.

Once he appears, I'm afraid there will be a dead end waiting for them.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Nellie's mind.

When he hurriedly looked back at Kadishe, the first thing that caught his eye was the look of terror on his face.


A majestic sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

The spiritual power dormant in Nellie's body suddenly exploded, and she quickly dodged away with Chaka.

As soon as he moved more than ten meters away, the ancient throne suddenly fell from the sky.


Yellow sand splashed, kicking up large amounts of dust.

The figures of Yachukas appeared one after another, directly surrounding this basin.

This is a dead end!

"Haha, Nellielu, I didn't expect you to be really good at running, so I spent a lot of time on it."

Wearing a purple plush robe, Bailegang descended from the sky and sat on the throne. He held his cheek with one hand and showed an interesting expression.

"During this period, I have repeatedly shown my good will to you, asking you to join Xuye Palace and become a general who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. This is such a powerful honor."

"It's a pity that you rejected me three times and even ran away. This makes me very distressed."

"However, Neutra is right. A mere female, who thinks she has some pretty good power, dares to disobey a male, just like that bitch Harribel."

After the words fell, Bailegang's expression suddenly darkened and he raised his big hand.

"Teach her a lesson first. If she doesn't die, give her a chance to surrender. Don't expect anyone to save you. I am the King of Hueco Mundo, and no one dares to disobey me."


Black and red beams of light suddenly lit up.

In this desert, they are like stars.

Feeling this dizzying and terrifying atmosphere.

Nelly Ellu's expression suddenly changed dramatically.

If she was alone, with her speed advantage, she might have a chance to escape.

Unfortunately, facing Chaka and Kadishe, these two followers, Nilielle obviously couldn't let go.


Dozens of false flashes, like horses, shot out across the sky.

With postures from all directions, they moved toward Nellie and the three of them.

It directly illuminated most of the sky.

"Hiccup, the Eighty One of the Binding Dao, it seems to be called Duan Kong!"

Intermittent sounds sounded without warning.

The powerful spiritual power fluctuations suddenly surged.

Four empty shields appeared first around Nellie and the others.


The violent blast wave rolled back like a tidal wave, setting off large swaths of wind and sand that rolled and dispersed.

Even Nnoitra, who was slightly closer, was forcibly forced to retreat dozens of meters away and landed beside Bailegang.

A pair of eyes were fixed directly on the center of the explosion, and the first thing that came into view was the intact Nilielle and Chaka.

The violent scene made Nnoitra's expression change.

He has always been jealous of women who have the power to overpower him.

Therefore, when he learned that Bailegang needed him to join forces to deal with Nellie, he agreed without hesitation.

I thought that the blow just now could make Nellie suffer a lot.

Then, he will step on the latter's head, humiliate him to the extreme, and satisfy his perverted psychology.

Little did he expect that everything he had thought about would come to nothing.

"Whoever dares to interfere in our affairs, get out of here."

Nnoitra roared hysterically.

Even Nelly Ellu and others who were rescued not far away, their expressions suddenly changed.

As Bailegang said, this is Hueco Mundo. As the king of Hueco Mundo, few people dare to openly challenge her.

Not to mention, come to the rescue.

The most important thing is that the method just presented to her is somewhat similar to the Death in her memory.

As a Hollow, she was actually saved by the God of Death who had been opposed since ancient times.

This result left Nellie unable to figure out the outcome.

"Hiccup, why are you howling? I don't want to say goodbye, I just want to be a hero and save the beauty."

Intermittent drunken words sounded behind Nnoitra without any warning.

The strange scene caused a large chill to come out of the soles of its feet.

Huo Ran turned around and looked behind him, and the first thing he saw was a figure that couldn't even stand firm.

"too fast!"

Nnoitra's nerves suddenly became tense, and before she had time to think about it, the black sickle in her right hand slashed towards him with an awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air.

The close distance caused a flash of excitement in Neutra's mind.

The enemy in front of him was not only arrogant and provocative, but also smelled of alcohol.

This is undoubtedly the head that is delivered to the door.

"Kid, I don't know who you are, but I want your head."

A ferocious smile appeared on Nnoitra's face.

He looked at the dark sickle that quickly flew out of his hand and reached the tender white neck.

It was as if he had seen a scene of victory.

However, as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the next moment, he saw the eyelids struggling to raise.

"Shijie·Boundless Gravity·Chonglan!"

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