Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 246 It’s even scarier when he sleeps


The air was shaking violently, and the whole world seemed to be shaken by spiritual power.

"One, two, three, four, five!"

"This kind of spiritual strength is too abnormal..."

Sun Sun was trembling all over.

Looking at the spiritual dragon entrenched in the sky, even his legs and feet were getting weak.

At least, from her point of view, if this blow fell on her, she would definitely die!

"The monster is indeed a monster. I will never provoke him until I'm in front of him..."

Grimmjow's face was extremely pale.

He is the pinnacle of Yachucas.

However, facing this indescribable fluctuation of spiritual power, I still felt trembling.

Even with his violent and violent personality that represents destruction, he simply couldn't muster up the will to fight.

"it's over!"

Harribel spoke calmly.


The sound of the dragon's roar echoed through the sky like thunder.

The five spiritual dragons entrenched in the void suddenly clenched the five fingers of Shiba Kuroha's right hand.

With a desperate attitude, he rushed straight towards Ulquiorra, who had already locked onto him.


Ulquiorra roared hysterically.

He never thought that when he was half-footed on the road of Arrancar, he would face failure.

Most importantly, he was defeated at the hands of a drunken man.


Five spiritual dragons penetrated the earth in an instant.

The huge spiritual energy impact turned into a furious wave and rolled back in all directions.

The land with a radius of 10,000 meters was directly shattered by this force.

Even Grimmjow and others who were watching the show on the periphery did not have time to think too much and quickly withdrew and retreated.

"Madman, simply madman. Every battle affects so many areas. If you are ruthless, you will even kill your own people..."

Grimmjow quickly dodged a falling wave of sand and looked back at the center of the explosion behind him with lingering fear.

Facing the gradually subsided storm, he showed a stiff look.

"Tell me, will that guy regret now that he didn't surrender just now?"

"No matter what, every time this lunatic takes action, it makes people tremble with fear, and his methods are endless..."

When he thought of the ninety-five ghost path just now, Grimmjow undoubtedly felt a sense of joy in his heart.

At least Grimmjow was thankful that he met Shiba Kuroha earlier than Ulquiorra.

The suffering he encountered was also the black coffin of the ninety-nine ghosts.

The hardships suffered between the two are vastly different.

However, just after making this comment, Harribel on the side shook her head lightly and said.

"Grimmjow you are wrong!"

"If we really pursue the case, that guy will have endless tricks."

"On the contrary, he grew up too fast."

"The first black coffin still needs to be chanted, the second time it can be used instantly, and the third time it has broken through the ghost path ninety and reached the ghost path ninety-five."

"If he didn't cheat and was able to improve his strength again and again in a short period of time, it would be enough to show that his talent for learning is that of a monster."

"Of course, if you say that he might have mastered these advanced ghost ways early in the morning, the scenes he just learned were just pure acting."

"It's absolutely rare to be able to use the Ghost Way to such an extent at such a young age."

"If I have to use words to describe him, he is also like a monster."

Having said this, Harribel raised her head and looked towards the center of the battlefield.

"At least, this time, I believe we are not following the wrong person."

Grimmjow's expression froze.

These days, he has surrendered to Shiba Kuroba.

However, I am also convinced.

Otherwise, the incident of being tortured in the last fight would not have happened.

However, this time, I saw with my own eyes that as Vastod, Ulquiorra, who had walked out of the Arrancar road, was completely defeated.

This made Grimmjow deflate like a balloon.

"Harribel, did you say Ulquiorra is dead?"

Grimmjow suddenly spoke.

Harribel glanced at it lightly, and with a shudder, she used the sound step to sweep towards the center of the battlefield.

"Same as you, that guy likes to convince others with his virtue."

"It's just that this is martial ethics. I think he likes to fight before talking. At least this way he can be convinced of his defeat."

Grimmjow was stunned.

He didn't expect Harribel to give such an answer at all.

However, it was precisely because of this that Grimmjow smiled with satisfaction.

as a being that represents destruction.

Doesn't he just like to use violence to solve problems?


Violent coughing sounded among the ruins.

Ulquiorra, half of his body stained with blood, stood up unsteadily, looking at the figure still snoring and sleeping more than ten meters away, he almost broke his teeth.

Recalling the vivid scene just now, I subconsciously clenched my fists.

Deep in his heart, a voice from an unknown source seemed to be persuading him to take action.

If it were in the past, the cold pride in his heart would definitely make Ulquiorra disdain to attack a sleeping opponent.

But after experiencing the scene just now, he knew clearly.

This kind of timing may be his only chance to win.

If you miss it, I'm afraid the final result will be the same as before.

When he thought of this, Ulquiorra tensed his tired muscles again and struggled to take a step forward with his right leg.

A sudden voice came out.

"Ulquiorra, I still remind you that the danger is the least when he is awake."

"If you attack now, I'm afraid you will incur a stronger blow. In the attack just now, he has been merciful and missed your fatal spot."

"But you only have one chance. If you die, everything will be lost!"

Harribel fell behind Ulquiorra, just watching quietly, without the slightest idea of ​​taking action.

As for Grimmjow, Sun Sun and others who appeared after her, it was no exception.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with me, I just act as a bystander.

Ulquiorra was undoubtedly confused.

If Harribel is waiting for Xu, choose this moment to block him and rescue the sleeping Shiba Kuroha.

Ulquiorra would also think that he was sure of winning.

However, the cold-eyed attitude now made Ulquiorra feel anxious, and he felt uncertain.

Listen to the steady and rhythmic purring in your ears.

A ridiculous thought flashed through my mind.

Could it be more terrifying when he is asleep?

Ulquiorra panicked.

Especially after going through the fight just now. That kind of overwhelming strength.

Especially seeing the ferocious mask appearing on Kuroba's face.

This made Ulquiorra the first to lose his composure and grabbed Grimmjow's shoulders.

"Tell me why you want to follow a god of death and what he can give you!"

"If you join forces with me, I will guide you in how to discover the Arrancar."

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