Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 245: Sharpen your gun and practice combat before the battle


The huge black coffin condensed into shape in an instant.

Ulquiorra, who was in it, just felt his whole body tighten.

The irreversible numbness is like dense needles piercing every cell in the body.

Feeling the pain that penetrated deep into his bone marrow, Ulquiorra's tense muscles showed a slight stagnation.

The next moment, a cold voice roared.


The violent spiritual power was surging, causing Ulquiorra's skin to be instantly covered with a layer of steel armor.

The initial feeling of paralysis in the body caused by the black coffin's surprise attack was weakened in an instant.

With this chance to breathe, Ulquiorra didn't have time to think too much.

He quickly raised his right hand.

"Virtual flash!"


A black and red virtual flash penetrated instantly.

The newly constructed black coffin collapsed with a sound, turning into black fragments that filled the sky and scattered between the sky and the earth.

Feel this short parting world.

Ulquiorra didn't have time to think and rushed out.

With his backhand, he forcibly gathered the spiritual power in his hand and condensed the strongest weapon - the Moonlight Sword!

This is an attack method derived from his exploration of the Arrancar process.

It can use the crazy compressed spiritual power to unleash the most powerful attack.

It can be said that Ulquiorra firmly believes that no matter how weird the other party is.

As long as this move can hit.

The opponent will either die or be seriously injured!

He originally planned to hide this move and use it as a trump card to deal with the annoying Bailegang.

Now it's just an early start.

At least, the drunken boy in front of him was able to win Harribel, who couldn't even regain Balegang, under his command.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Ulquiorra's mind.

His eyes were immediately locked on Kuroyu's body, and he increased his speed to the extreme.



The ghostly figure disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at that Shiba Kuroha, who showed no respect for martial arts at all, started with a sneak attack with his ultimate move.

The only thing Ulquiorra could do was try his best to avenge himself.

"Hiccup, in addition to the black coffin, I seem to remember a stronger broken path. Let me look through the book first..."

Shiba Kuroha struggled to open his heavy eyelids and turned out the notebook.

"How to activate high-level ghosts instantly?"

Ulquiorra was stunned.

Looking at Shiba Kuroha who was flipping through a book in the middle of the battle, the muscles in the corners of his eyes were twitching, and in the end he couldn't even control his facial expressions.

He appeared behind him, but he could clearly see what Shiba Kuroba was looking at.

Ninety-five of the broken paths!

The above description was clearly reflected in his eyes.

The difficulty of this ghost path is instantaneous, but the chance of success is one in ten thousand.

At least the meaning described in the handbook has been achieved by zero people in the past!

The words reflected in his pupils caused a smile to form on Ulquiorra's cold cheeks.

Many conditions for success flashed through his mind.

The young man in front of him was drunk and confused.

The ghost path that I saw was instantaneous, which has never been possible in the past.

Now, to top it off, he was reading the book backwards.

Based on these three elements alone, Ulquiorra suddenly had a firm thought. He suddenly clenched the moonlight sword with the five fingers of his right hand and stabbed it out angrily!

"Go to hell, you damn little devil!"


The distance is so close, but it is approaching in the blink of an eye.

When the air ripples in the space along the way, it feels like the space is being torn apart.

Looking at the figure so close to him, the moonlight sword in Ulquiorra's hand pierced through instantly.


Black mist splashed out, and the moonlight sword was completely submerged in an instant.

He looked at the dark vortex that appeared behind Shiba Kuroha without any warning.

and the Moonlight Sword disappeared out of thin air, Ulquiorra was stunned.

This is not consistent with the imagined picture and the unfolding result!

What was originally a heart-breaking blow was plunged into a bottomless whirlpool.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ulquiorra would never believe it.

"Huh? Why are you behind me?"

Shiba Kuroba raised his eyelids, and after barely standing still, he suddenly closed the manuscript he was holding in his hands.

"Hiccup, I've kept you waiting for a long time. The teacher is honest. Reviewing the past and learning the new can really come in handy."

"Breaking Dao Ninety-Five, I seem to have learned it!"

Intermittent words mixed with the strong smell of alcohol came out of Black Feather's mouth.

Wipe it directly to the waist with your backhand.

"I feel like I'm still a little short of it. Allow me to have a drink of wine to refresh my brain!"

The muttering words sounded again.

He looked at Shiba Kuroba who quickly took out the wine bottle and started drinking it.

Even Ulquiorra, who always claimed to be calm and composed, his expression suddenly became distorted.

He claims to be one of the few strong men in Hueco Mundo.

After every battle, no one faced him with caution.

Now he not only fought against a drunkard, but also lost one after another.

The most important thing is that this guy read the book backwards to sharpen his gun in actual combat.

This is not a shame, what is it?

Confronted with this drunken contempt.

At this moment, let alone the city.

That's bullshit!

"Ulquiorra, I advise you to run away quickly. When this guy is drunk and holding a book, he means what he says!"

Harribel's words suddenly sounded.

The twist on Ulquiorra's face suddenly stiffened.

As an enemy, he had no idea that Harribel would remind him at this juncture.

This inevitably made him doubt which sentence was true and which sentence was false.

"I got you!"

Words full of alcohol came rushing towards me.

His right hand, which had been in vain for a while, passed through the whirlpool and pressed down on Ulquiorra's chest.

The next moment, a huge surge of spiritual power exploded in Shiba Kuroba's body like a volcano erupting.

Ulquiorra's expression suddenly stiffened as he was so close.

At the same time as the hair all over his body exploded, he didn't have time to think too much. He used the sound to the extreme and quickly retreated.

However, as soon as he moved, the drunken words that seemed to have nothing to do with him sounded again.

"Hiccup, I'm short of mana, I need to replenish my mana first!"

As he said that, Kuroyu wiped his face with his backhand.

The next moment, a pale and ferocious mask covered his face first.

Ulquiorra was stunned.

In his eyes, doesn't this belong to virtual power?

How could it appear on the God of Death?

However, before he could react, an even greater spiritual power emerged, centered on Shiba Kuroba.

In an instant, it swept across the land with a radius of one kilometer.

Along with the sound of the earth collapsing, the entire area was directly enveloped by violent spiritual power.

Being in it, Ulquiorra instantly felt as if he was falling into a deep mire.

"Broken Dao No. 95: Five dragons are destroyed!"


The violent spiritual power directly broke through the rock formations and the earth.

The thousand-meter-long spiritual dragon condensed under the eyes of everyone, and locked on Ulquiorra's body in a bird's-eye view.

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