Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 247 I just plan to give a generous gift

All this time, in Hueco Mundo.

There are only a few Daxu who can evolve to Vastod.

Even Bailegang, who calls himself the King of Hueco Mundo, has only reached the level of Vastod in human form.

The road to Arrancar has also not been explored.

In the original work, only Stark, who ranks first among the Ten Blades, successfully breaks through independently.

Completely transformed into a human form.

It can be said that the proposal given by Ulquiorra now would have been considered a hit in the past.

"Sorry, I reject your negotiation."

Harribel said calmly.

"The guy behind you promised to give us the opportunity to be an Arrancar, and this kind of Arrancar is not comparable to the experience you gave us."

"That's a one-step transformation!"

A small voice came out, mixed with an unmistakable taste.

After witnessing Shiba Kuroba's actions one after another, Harribel's heart was obviously shaken, and she gradually became convinced.

Ulquiorra was stunned for a moment, and glanced around subconsciously.

He felt that the world was simply crazy.

"Harribel, are you crazy? You choose to believe in a god of death rather than your companions. Are you sure that he can really help you Arrancar?"

"Look at the mask on my face, it's an ironclad fact."

"As long as we join forces, we will definitely be able to defeat him, and then any secrets can be dug out!"

In Ulquiorra's eyes, the broken mask was the honor he had discovered on his own.

However, now he is denied by the same kind for the sake of a god of death.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears and seen it with his own eyes, Ulquiorra would never have believed it.

As for the calmness and coldness of the past.

After experiencing many things in succession, he has already gone to hell.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, your broken mask is really not that good."

"Of course, if you want to fight again, I can accompany you seriously. After all, it's rare for me to be sober."

"Only this time, I will hit you, and my super-speed regeneration won't be able to catch up."

Ulquiorra's muscles suddenly tensed.

There was no time to think about it, so he hurriedly pulled away and retreated.

After retreating dozens of meters, he turned around and looked behind him.

He looked at Shiba Kuroba, who was snoring and making trouble while drunk just a moment ago.

Now he seems to be doing nothing.

This huge gap made his heart feel as if it was being grasped tightly by invisible hands.

It can be said that Ulquiorra now feels like he has been cast into a shadow.

"Grimmjow, you have to be more calm in the future, otherwise you will be like Ulquiorra and be thrown out of the shadows."

Sun Sun couldn't help but said sarcastically.

"Shut up, I don't need your guidance. I won't act like a fool and ask for trouble in front of Mu Po. It's just nonsense to join forces to kill him. That guy doesn't even have three Zanpakutos. use."

Grimmjow glared and said angrily.

Ulquiorra was stunned and glanced subconsciously at Shiba Kuroha's waist.

The three hanging Zanpakutō seemed a bit annoying.

The fight just now seemed very complicated.

However, the time before and after was only a few minutes.

Most importantly, facing this one-sided battle situation, Ulquiorra could not distract himself from other things.

It just made him never expect that he had just vowed to form an alliance and join forces.

When he saw the three Zanpakutō, he became as pale and weak as a clown.

As Vastod, of course he had fought with the God of Death.

But it is clear what the power of Death is.

In the fight just now, the opponent didn't even use his Zanpakutō and just suppressed him.

This is a fart.

"Okay, Ulquiorra, you should understand now why I didn't choose you."

Harribel said calmly.

"Not only did you lose, you couldn't even maintain your former composure and coldness. This proves that you didn't even have the slightest chance of winning in your heart from the beginning."

"However, you don't have to doubt it. Next, you will understand why I refused your invitation."

After the words fell, whether it was Harribel or Grimmjow, their eyes all turned and locked on Shiba Kuroba's heart.

Black Feather patted the dust on his body and said: "Okay, it's already late. I promised you that after conquering Ulquiorra, I will let you see the Arrancar's method. Now considering the time, I should It’s time to close the net.”

"Have you confirmed the place with the most Yachucas?"

It was not that Shiba Kuroba had not sobered up in the past five days.

After seeing the brewing progress bar that could not be improved no matter how hard I hunted ordinary Hollows and Kilians.

Shiba Kuroba thought of the fastest way to cash out.

Three days ago, after he woke up from alcohol, the memory fed back by the system made Shiba Kuroba clearly know what happened.

When Ichimaru Gin sent by Sosuke Aizen was directly destroyed by him.

Kuroba believed that Aizen Sosuke's plan would be advanced.

He didn't have time to continue dilly-dallying here.

The only thing I can do is to speed up the pace.

"We have confirmed that within a few hundred miles, all Hollows who have reached the level of Achiukas have been recruited by Balegang. It seems that he has received the news that Grimmjow and I have taken refuge in a god of death. Under his command."

Harribel said calmly.

In the past, she would have felt ashamed of taking refuge in a god of death.

But now even Ulquiorra, who had figured out the Arrancar method on his own, was defeated.

At least this can help her share the hurt in her soul.


Shiba Kuroba raised his eyebrows, touched his chin and said, "No wonder Ulquiorra doesn't even have one of Achiukas' subordinates, otherwise he could have supported us for a few more minutes."

How many minutes?

The muscles in Ulquiorra's cheeks twitched.

Looking back on the scene just now, he couldn't even hold on for two or three minutes.

I am afraid that Achucas, who comes the most, will not help matters.

However, for Ulquiorra, these messy thoughts only flashed through his mind.

The most urgent thing to know now is what is the plan mentioned by Shiba Kuroba.

When he thought of this, Ulquiorra was the first to lose his composure and asked urgently.

"What on earth do you want to do with Balegang and Achiukas? Aren't you going to use the same empty words to trick them into joining your command and becoming the King of Hueco Mundo?"

"Bailegan's ambition will not be easily surrendered."

As one of the few Vastods in Hueco Mundo, Ulquiorra had obviously fought against Balegang before.

"I'm sorry, you think my level is a bit low."

Kuroyu smiled warmly.

"This time, I just plan to give a generous gift."

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