"This is the bastard Lin I like, kill the heart first, kill the heart before killing.

Li Shimin frowned when he saw his baby daughter who was jumping with joy.

It's over, I was led astray by the bastard Lin!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collection, push

Chapter 85 85: The battle of the champion has become a live teaching [Subscription]

Lin Hao's words, for... a martial arts practitioner, is simply more cruel than death! Because Lin Hao's words undoubtedly trampled Lu Tianyu's dignity on the ground, and he vomited. A mouthful of phlegm.

Anyone with a bit of blood must kill Lin Hao.

If you don't kill it, then you're not a man.

Lu Tianji ran to the weapon shelf and took out a moon-shaped sword, which looked very domineering.

Ya ah! His eyes were red with blood, and he shouted angrily, and from a long distance came a snowflake to cover the top.

The pace is good, and the stance is also good.

A large sword was on the top of his head, and afterimages appeared in the dance.

Looking at this way, it is true that he has received formal martial arts teaching.

However, routines are always routines.

When! After a loud bang, Lu Tianji was shocked and fell to the ground, even with his knife.

Just now, after covering the top with snowflakes, he slashed horizontally at Lin Hao's head.

And Lin Hao didn't move at all, just lazily held the gun in one hand and blocked it with the rear of the gun.

"This, this is incredible.

"The power of this No. 666 is too strong!

"I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen such a strong warrior.

". . .

Lin Hao walked up to Lu Tianji, who was lying on the ground, and said loudly, "Get up!!!

"Children of aristocratic families, lying on their stomachs like dogs, what kind of skill is it?

"I tell you, the correct use of the snowflake cover is to practice waist strength, arm strength and wrist strength.

"During the melee, there are enemy soldiers on all sides, maybe you can use this trick to clear the siege.

"This move can indeed be built up by spinning, and it can strike a strong force.

"However, in the face of masters, the key is to be fast and accurate, you are too slow.

"With a light lift and block, you will fly with a knife in your hand.

Lin Hao's voice was very loud. If he taught the students the same, he seemed to hate iron and not steel, and he taught in a hoarse voice.

Above the stands, the generals all nodded.

"It makes sense!

"A son of an aristocratic family, a big family, how can he lie down like a dog?

When they said this, they looked at the ministers of the aristocratic family.

Especially that... the word 'dog' is really intriguing.

And this time, the minister of the noble family couldn't even lift his head. The so-called genius boy of the Fan Yang Lu family, the head of the five surnames and seven hope, was actually taught as a dog. It was a real shame and he was thrown home.

Lu Shu grabbed the fence and saw such a scene, his eyes were already red with anger.

Lu Tianji stood up, the strong sense of shame made him angry.

He lifted the big knife into the air two meters high, like chopping wood, raised the big knife high, and slashed it down.

Lin Hao just, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, took a step back with his body technique.

Dangdang! The wooden arena has been chopped off.

This knife is still good enough to chop wood.

Drink! Lin Hao just carried a gun with one hand: he smashed back with the tail of the gun at will, hitting his arms directly.

Ah!!!! A scream covered the crunching sound of bone cracks.

Lin Hao casually just...a side kick that directly kicked him flying.

Lu Tianji lay down on the ground like a dog again, gushing a mouthful of blood.

Lin Hao pulled out the knife embedded in the board of the ring and threw it in front of him.

"stand up!!!

"Children of aristocratic families, how can you lie down?

It was this hoarse, highly insulting educational opening remark that the audience could hear.

The generals nodded again and said, "Why are you lying down like a dog again?

"What about the morals of high-ranking families?

"There is no way, in the face of absolute strength, lying on the stomach is still the only way.

". . .

Lin Hao hated the iron and said to Lu Tianyu, who was vomiting blood: "How much did those martial arts masters charge, the routines are good, have the masters fought with you?

"I don't think so!

"It is estimated that even the housekeeping and nursing homes have not really fought with you.

"Because I'm afraid of hurting you, afraid of losing my job.

"So, in your world, you are invincible, you are the genius of the Fan Yang Lu family!!!

When Professor Lu heard these words, he simply wanted to find a place to get in.

Lu Shu hurriedly ran to Li Jing, bowed his hands and said, "General, it's over.

"That... Lin... No. [-] is the champion!

Li Jing shook his head and said, "Only if both sides of the battle admit defeat by themselves, as an elder, don't wipe out the fighting spirit of the children.


Li Jing glared at Lu Shu and said coldly, "Could it be that this General is wrong?

Lu Shu didn't dare to speak anymore. In this world, except... the emperor, no one dared to say that Li Jing did something wrong.

Even Empress Changsun is not qualified! Pfft! Lu Tian spit out a mouthful of blood and stood up with difficulty.

He was unconvinced, obviously he never lost.

How could it be as Lin Hao said, others are looking at his family's money and power, and dare not win.

However, the facts speak louder than words, and that's it.

Ya ah! Lu Tianji, who had lost his hands and could not lift his sword, jumped into the air, using his waist and leg strength to make a whirlwind hanging in the air.

I wanted to use the back of my foot to kick Lin Hao's head, knocking him out.

Thus, turning the tide of the battle! Lin Hao nodded and counted.

All of a sudden, he lost his hands.

The kick just now made him short of energy for life, which was equivalent to losing his stamina and abolishing his martial arts.

Looking at his move, you need to be able to use your waist and legs, and you can still bully people in the future.

Drink! All I heard, Lin Hao shouted, guns in both hands, and turned around.

Lu Tianji was empty, and just as Lin Hao turned around, his back was exposed.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes, and his murderous intent burst out.

A sharp shot slammed into his back.

Pfft! Before Lu Tian's jealousy hit the ground, he poured a mouthful of blood into the air, and even felt a foggy feeling.

Finally, Lu Tianji fell down, this time he was lying like a paralyzed man, his legs were just twitching, he didn't move consciously.

Lin Hao smiled lightly and said, "It must be almost the same when I practice martial arts, and I didn't have a good grasp of the distance.

"Otherwise, this step down, I have to give up!

As soon as the words fell, Lin Hao carried the gun and left.

The outcome is already decided, and it is meaningless to continue to stay.


"This is the bastard Lin, this is the bastard Lin who kills the heart first, and then kills the heart.

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