Li Shimin rolled his eyes at Li Lizhi, and he couldn't be more biased.

However, he also nodded secretly.

Well done! First let the eldest grandson Chong, Gao Fuli, Chu Yanfu lose her hereditary qualifications, and then let Lu Shi's precious son become a lifelong stall.

All of a sudden, the back strength of the four families was much weaker.

At this time, Empress Changsun and Li Jing looked at each other, Empress Changsun also nodded.

Li Jing immediately announced: "No. 6 candidate, the first in the martial arts test!

"This is the end of the imperial examinations for the fifth-rank and Shangguan family's children.

"Tomorrow morning, publish the list!

As soon as the voice fell, all the people were boiling.

I don't know why, they don't know Lin Hao, and even because Lin Hao wears a mask, they don't even know what this exam No. 666 looks like.

However, they are just happy for Candidate No. 666! "No!

"Number, number 66!

"No. 66, No. 66!

". . .

Everyone is shouting 666.

People completely ignored the man lying on his back, and they didn't even know when he was taken away by the imperial physician.

They just wanted to do one thing at the moment, shouting Lu Lu Lu! Li Shimin smiled when he looked at Lin Hao who had returned with glory.

He secretly said in his heart: "Tomorrow, is... the time to reveal everything!


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Chapter 86 86: Entering the palace to face the saint, it is better to leave a book and leave

From the end of the stage to the time of leaving the examination room, many uncles, aunts, girls and children surrounded Lin Hao! Apart from saying hello and wishing this non-local examinee, their main purpose was to explore the secrets in the half-face mask .

This requirement is definitely not met.

After all, God knows if there are... people from noble families, are there... people who can draw lifelike pictures at a glance.

It was hard to stand out from the crowd, and it was hard to get to the restaurant.

, Only then did he enter the protective circle of Jinwuwei.


"Just say it outside!

Old Li was so angry that he was blowing his beard, but he didn't blame others, he also wore a half face mask.

Li Lizhi also has a fake beard glued on, so it's normal that people don't recognize her.

Besides, it is not necessarily that the soldiers in the capital know the emperor.

Li Shimin nodded and said, "After all the exams are over, why are you still closed?

Jin Wuwei said rigorously: "The martial law must be released until tomorrow!

Li Shimin and Li Lizhi nodded, and yes, it was the right way to relax before the decision was made.

Lin Hao looked at Li Lizhi and smiled lightly: "Thank you for visiting me.


Li Shimin frowned and immediately interrupted his shy and smiling daughter, for fear that she would reveal it tonight.

He said rigorously: "I'm here to see you!

Haha! Lin Hao laughed: "Come on, if it wasn't for your daughter, you probably wouldn't be able to get out of the house.

"I guess your confinement period is not over yet, go back quickly!

"Don't worry, it was discovered by your tigress.

Li Shimin nodded fiercely, remembering everything.

When I went back, I told the queen, and said, 'Guanyin maid, your future son-in-law said that you were a tigress, and that you were still pretending to be a little girl when you were middle-aged.

' Thinking of this, Li Shimin smiled with a successful conspiracy.

However, it is time to go back.

Presumably, Li Jing and the others were already waiting for him in the imperial study.

Li Shimin smiled lightly and said, "Yes, it's time to go back.

"Daughter, go!

Lin Hao looked at the backs of the father and daughter, and remembered the smile on the corner of Old Li's mouth just now.

Since he also wore a mask, the smile at the corner of his mouth was particularly obvious.

How do you see it, why do you think there is a pit! At the third quarter of Hai Shi, in the imperial study.

Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair, Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong and others were all here.

They were discussing and tickling the pen, and finally sorted out the list of the two subjects of civil and military.

The champion of liberal arts: No. 66 student—Lin Hao, the governor of Shanzhou. The champion of martial arts: No. 66 student—Lin Hao, the governor of Shanzhou. There is no luck at all, it’s all a factor of strength.

The other ten candidates in Shanzhou were all in the civil and military double examinations, and all of them were in the top [-] in civil and military affairs.

Especially Geng Gong, the liberal arts is the eighth, and the martial arts is the fourth.

The second place in Wu Ke is Su Lie's son, Su Qingjie.

The third place is Yuchi Baolin, the son of Yuchi Gong.

Among them, the most worthy of attention is not the top one, the champion who will be named with a red cinnabar pen when publishing the list.

Rather, the last two are the worst candidates to write with red cinnabar.

They are Qin Qiong's son and Cheng Yaojin's son.

Qin Huaidao: Wen and Wu gave up the examination! Cheng Chusi: Wen and Wu gave up the examination! They both don't need to take the examination, they are... Feng Yu Duwei, the bodyguards of the emperor, empress and princess.

The two of them are not hereditary, they are 'special tricks'! Yawn! When Li Shimin yawned, "That's it!

"I'm bothering Fang Aiqing and all the officials of the province to stay up all night.

"Tomorrow at nine, make a list in the east and west cities.

"At the same time, send out heralds and send the bulletin board to each state capital.

"We will trouble Wei Aiqing and Li Aiqing to discuss and decide on the transfer arrangements for the candidates.

"It's just that, the champion of civil and military affairs, I want to see you tomorrow morning.

As he spoke, he smiled impurely at the corner of his mouth and said: "I, I will personally add an official and a noble to him!

Everyone also yawned, and everyone threw their hands together and said, "I will obey Your Majesty's will.

As soon as the voice said, they all retreated.

Those who should work overtime go to work overtime, and those who should go home and sleep go to sleep.

The capital officials of the Tang Dynasty looked at the scenery, but they were actually more tired than dogs.

The emperor said a word, work overtime in the middle of the night.

That is, the higher the official position, the more tiring.

It is no exaggeration to say that you wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.

Tonight, it's not just adults who are working overtime.

Lin Hao, also in his room, turned on the lights for the first time and worked overtime at night.

In the side room, Wu Yong came in wearing a coat and said, "Sir, why don't you rest.

"It's about nourishing the spirit!

Lin Hao, who took off his mask, smiled lightly and said, "Are you going to see some peerless beauty?


Wu Yong said anxiously: "How can you think of that!

"You must be the top scholar in both civil and military affairs, and you must enter the palace to face the saint tomorrow.

"I can't look at you with two dark circles under your eyes!

"Before entering the Taiji Hall, you have to pass through the Zhengyi Hall, look in the mirror, tidy up your clothes, and tidy your hair!

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