After speaking, he patted Geng Gong and said, "Go down and rest!

"Let two people help me carry the bright silver gun.


At this moment, everyone stood up.

They guessed that the opponent should be the subordinate of the masked major general.

They saw the general's love for his subordinates, and also saw the true martial arts spirit.

"No, good

"No, you must go to the champion of Wu!

"No, take off the noodles!

"That's right..., it doesn't matter if there is a wound on the face, this is a sign of a hero!

". . .

Lin Hao bowed his hands to both sides and thanked them. He was certain to take the champion, his face was not hurt, and it was impossible to take off his mask.

Again, he didn't want to be so troublesome.

Lin Hao leaped and jumped to the ring in the center of the Jiugongge to sit down and look at the two who were playing the exhibition match.

The tricks are very handsome, and the fighting is very beautiful.

The air flips, the sword flowers are flying, and the gun flowers are fluttering, which is very ornamental.

However, such an ornamental fight was selectively ignored by everyone.

On the contrary, he and Geng Gong were recognized for their seemingly unruly and almost reckless fight.

Just because the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty was at its peak, any talented person who drinks and recites poetry in Hualou is a knight who can travel the world with a sword.

They all understand that routines are practiced individually.

In practice, there is nothing to see.

Martial arts are not dance skills either!" Zhao Laosan, be safe, don't let them shake.

Oops! "I've been tired all day, and I haven't eaten a single bite of rice. It's too heavy, my legs are weak, and I can't walk straight!

When everyone looked again, they saw two candidates carrying a silver spear with a bright silver body and a dragon head that swallowed a blade: wobbly and walked onto the ring.

Yo "This... Major General is going to use a long weapon.

"How heavy is this?

"Xiang Yu's Overlord Spear is only [-] jins, how many jins is this?

"It's just that flower stand that can hold it

". . .

Among the common people, those who knew what to do began to discuss.

Among the hundred officials, Li Jing smiled.

He understood that this vengeful bastard governor was about to make a bad move.

Li Daozong and Hou Junji, who had witnessed the war, looked at Lu Shu, and the corners of their mouths raised a schadenfreude smile.

"Old boy, you collect your son's body and wait for your son to lie down for a lifetime!

All the generals were even more shocked. For such a small body to use such a powerful weapon to look at the posture, it should be heavier than Qin Qiong's golden mace, Yu Chigong's steel whip, and Su Lie's black iron eight-edged stick.

Lu Shu's eyes widened instantly, and he rushed to Li Jing and said, "General, this is a foul!

"It is expressly stipulated that you are not allowed to use your own weapons.

"He used his own weapon, foul!

At this moment, Changsun Wuji, Gao Shilian, and Chu Suiliang also came to fight the mud.

"That's it..., General Li, you can't use your own weapons!

"Just let him change to the wooden-handled spear!

Li Jing frowned and said coldly, "That was the first two games, and the last one was all with my own weapons.

"Except... hidden weapons, you can use whatever you are good at

"If people's weapons are heavy, they violate the rules.

"Then you can also ask your son to change to a heavier weapon!


Lu Shu hated Li Jing so much that he gritted his teeth, but in addition to... gritted his teeth, he could only grit his teeth.

Military power is in the hands of others, and they are still masters and masters, except... gnashing their teeth, they can't do anything.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin came over, and his buddy patted Old Master Lu on the shoulder.

"Dr. Lu, Lu Daru, your son is a genius of the Fan Yang Lu clan!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong also began to praise.

"That's right..., I heard from Dr. Lu earlier that Lu Tianji studied martial arts with various famous masters in his early years, and was very famous in the Fanyang realm.

"Is it all fake?

"That's right, how can a talented boy lose?

"Don't worry, don't worry!

"Look at how beautiful it is.

". . .

Li Daozong Hou Junji and others also started their slaughter.

Lu Shu's face was only blushing, he smiled without a smile, and nodded.

What is difficult to get off on a tiger, this is called hard to get off on a tiger.

At this moment, the two useless guys couldn't carry it any more than one meter away from Lin Hao, and the bright silver gun smashed to the ground.

Bang! With a loud noise, Lu Tianji, who was performing vigorously, came back to his senses.

Ya ah! Lu Tian was jealous of a beautiful [-] degree turn around with a whirlwind kick, and directly kicked that Cui's son off the ring.

The Cui Clan's disciples even flipped in the air before hitting the ground with their backs, and they cooperated well.

When Lin Hao saw this, he seemed to have returned to the pedestrian street in the metropolis and saw the recruitment performance of Taekwondo.

That's right, it's... such a routine! "Win!" In the next game, student No. 66 will play against 444 candidates.

Lin Hao held the gun in one hand and said coldly, "So you are 444!

"This number is not auspicious, why don't you abstain!

Lin Hao friendly reminder.

Humph! "A mere country bumpkin, how dare he go against the aristocratic family.

"My 444.

I'm going to tell you... those who dare to go against the aristocratic family, how to spell death.

Lin Hao nodded, grabbed the gun barrel with one hand, and circled around.

The tip of the gun points to the ground and the tail of the gun points to the person, and it can be used as a stick.

On the stand, whether it was the common people or civil servants and generals, they all sighed.

It's an insult, just a blatant insult! Ming said, look down on him, he doesn't deserve to point a gun at him.

Lin Hao smiled faintly and said with the loudest voice: "In order to show respect for your noble family, I will hit you with the end of a gun, so what?


"This man is too much!

"Without martial virtue, no accomplishment, he is simply a martial artist!

". . .

Among the hundreds of officials, there was a voice of rebuke.

Li Jing was also very helpless when he saw it.

Use the gun head! It is illegal to say that people use heavy weapons.

Let them let you go! They say they have no martial virtue, no quality! This is called only allowing state officials to set fires, and not allowing people to light lamps.

It's just that many of them don't know that that person is...Lin Hao, that is...the state official, the state official who can burn mountains and never burn houses.

Li Jing can be considered to understand this Lin Hao, to offend you, you must offend you to the point of life and death.

As for the consequences, I'll talk about it later! Li Lizhi smiled when she saw this.

She said happily, "Yes!

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