
Changsun Wuji's face instantly turned ugly, he finally asked someone once, but Li Jing was so disrespectful.

Li Jing looked at the three nephews and said, "On the battlefield, the enemy will not snatch your weapons.

"On the battlefield, the enemy will not destroy your weapons



Li Jing immediately put away the tone and expression of his elders, and said coldly and mercilessly: "The rules are... the rules, which cannot be surpassed.

When Changsun Wuji heard this, he didn't give face.

He hurriedly ran to the queen and said, "Empress Empress, Changsun Chong is your nephew!

Empress Zhangsun still said ruthlessly: "The country is in the front, and the family is in the back.

"This is a national policy, and it cannot be sloppy.

It's just that Chong'er's skills are not as good as others!

Changsun Wuji was about to say something, but at this moment, he could only endure it.

After he bowed his hands and bowed, he backed away.

During this period, he looked at the candidate rest area that was already sparse.

According to the regulations, eliminated candidates can no longer go to the rest area, whether they are going to heal their injuries or whatever.

That is the resting area for the winner! "Lin Hao, it must be you, the old man will never stop with you.

As soon as he finished speaking, the eldest grandson Wuji looked at Lu Shu and said, "Lu Tian is jealous, there is a chance of winning.

Lu Shu nodded and said, "Tianyu is my Lu clan's martial arts genius, and I learn martial arts from famous masters all over the country, no problem.

"Hope you don't need him!

Zhangsun Wuji looked at the candidates' rest area, not very relieved.

After all, Lin Hao's strength is placed here, if he can't kill him in the second knockout match, God knows that this Lu Tian is jealous of defeating Lin Hao.

In the second knockout match, Changsun Wuji arranged for someone who could be reasonable and kill Lin Hao like an accident.

In the rest area! Old Li handed it to Lin Hao and said, "Do you know that you offended the eldest grandson Wuji, Gao Shilian, and Chu Suiliang all at once.

"You're not afraid of this... Is it bad for you to put pressure on Your Majesty by the royal relatives?

Lin Hao took a sip of water and said, "You thought His Majesty was you, and was beaten by your wife, and obeyed his wife's advice.


Lin Hao smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, he is a ruthless man!

Li Shimin frowned slightly, he already understood what he said.

"how you said that

Lin Hao said bluntly again: "It was originally!

"When he ascended the throne, Datang was... a mess, if he wasn't ruthless, how could he look like he is now?

"Because what should be ruthless is ruthless, so it has the reputation of Tian Khan.

Phew! Li Lizhi breathed a sigh of relief again.

This Lin Hao always speaks like this, if he only listens to half of his praise, it is a curse.

Li Shimin smiled lightly, nodded and said, "That makes sense!

"By the way, I give you the contract.

Having said that, Li Shimin took out the contract and gave it directly to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao doesn't want to salt fish at the critical moment. During the time between exams, he is looking at business affairs.

After reading it, Lin Hao nodded and said: "No problem, after I go back, I will give you the things.

With that said, he gave the potato planting technology rental contract to Wu Yong.

Dong-dong! Dong-dong-dong! The rhythm of the war drums, which made the soldiers subconsciously solemn, sounded again.

After the tee drums, Li Jing stood on the high platform again and preached the rules.

"Next, start the second martial arts test!

"As a general, it is very likely that you will be surrounded and killed.

"Squeeze down, and each of you will be attacked by fifty guards wearing red, blue, white, yellow, and purple cloaks, holding swords, swords, shields, and spears.

"You can't use your own weapons, you can only be surrounded with bare hands, and if you want weapons, you can only grab them from them.

"After the start, pay attention to the proportions, the guards must not injure the candidates' lives, and must not beat the disabled.

Control the capture, even if the candidate is killed.

"Students, don't maim the guards!

"At that time, one hundred candidates will start the exam, and there will be a total of six exams.

"All martial arts examiners will calculate their grades based on how long you persisted, how you responded, and how you fought.

"The six hundred people will have a ranking, and they will achieve results one after another, which means that in this martial arts competition, everyone has achieved results.

"Take the top [-], and tomorrow you can fight against each other for the champion of martial arts!


Da Da! I saw that five 55-thousand-person formations, dressed in cloaks of various colors and armed with various weapons, entered the arena in five rows and five columns.

They formed a hundred circles by themselves, with fifty people in a circle, and they were staggered on five floors.

After they were surrounded, Jin Wuwei named people for the test.






Lin Hao frowned slightly, he was obviously the last to end.

I've only rested for a while..., why do I have to play again.


After Lin Hao sighed, he handed the water bag to Li Shimin, then stood up: "Here!

At this time, all the people looked over.

It's still this white-clothed major general, or this man wearing a half-face mask.

Everyone is looking forward to this dark horse from out of town! , Can create another miracle.

They don't know him, they don't know who he is, they don't know exactly what he looks like.

All they know is that this major general from other places helped them rectify the three evil young masters in the capital, and from then on was no longer eligible for hereditary official positions.

Based on this, I will support him!" No, I wish you success!

"No, you must level up!

"Brother, you are the best.

After Lin Hao came off the stage, he thanked the people on both sides and entered the encirclement in the center.

Changsun Wuji looked at the encirclement, and then looked at Lu Shu.

Lu Shu smiled sinisterly and nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

Zhangsun Wuji narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Kid, go to hell!


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Chapter 80: Differential treatment, extremely unfair 【Subscription】

Under the sun, nearly 666 pairs of eyes in the audience were looking at the one in the center of the field..., the encircling circle! Among them, [-]% of them were expecting that Candidate No. [-] would win.

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