But he had already heard about the name 'Bastard Lin' when he was in a coma.

Sure enough, it's a bastard! Just the ability to not open a pot and mention it in public is not a bastard.

Empress Zhangsun rolled her eyes at the white back, and said in an angry voice, "This kid.

This kid is quite interesting! After she witnessed Lin Hao's ability, she really wanted to summon this future son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Empress Zhangsun shook her head fiercely.

It's not even a double champion! Why, she thought of the word 'future son-in-law! Hehe! Li Lizhi smiled proudly in the weapons pile in the rest area of ​​the candidates.

As if she was doing something innovative.

It is also an innovation, and it is definitely an innovation for the princess to escape from marriage.

However, in the front row of civil and military officials, the eldest grandson Wuji, who was standing on the fence, gritted his teeth in hatred.

He had never experienced such humiliation.

Who else dares to humiliate his son like this, except... that... Lin Hao, who doesn't care about official voices at all.

"Lin Hao, if I don't kill you, my eldest grandson, Wuji, swears not to be a human being.

The eldest grandson Wuji squinted his eyes and made up this vicious determination.

In fact, this determination has already been made, but it has never been killed.

Ah!!! Changsun screamed and said to Gao Filigree and Chu Yanfu who were about to hand over their bows: "Come and help and kill him.

Oh! The two nodded, thinking about handing over the bow and going back.

Jin Wuwei shook his head and said, "If you hand in your bow, you will not be able to enter.

The two were still very loyal, and ran back with their bows.

Jin Wuwei shouted again: "If you don't hand your bow, it's not a grade!

However, no one listened to Jin Wuwei, the three of them surrounded Lin Hao under the watchful eyes of everyone, trying to bully the less.


"Knowing that he is the eldest Sun Chong, how dare you be presumptuous

"Do you want to die?

Lin Hao smiled lightly and held up the mask.

Really want to take off the mask and let them know who they are.

It is estimated that they will surrender by then.

However, he would never show his face in front of everyone, and would never let Changsun Wuji know what he looked like.

Even if Changsun Wuji already knew that he was... Lin Hao.

Hehe! "I've had enough!

Lin Haojian replied with a smile.

Ya ah! The three of them directly used bows as weapons, and attacked Lin Hao from three directions.

Lin Hao's eyes froze, he leaped into the air, and slapped the two of them in the face with scissors, directly letting the two men eat Xiangxian.

At the same time as he landed, he kicked sideways, hitting Changsun Chong's murderous mouth.

Pfft! Changsun Chong knelt down on the ground, right on his knees to Lin Hao.

At the same time, a mouthful of blood spit out.

Woohoo! The sting of the murderous mouth made him cry.

Looking at the two people lying on the ground, their faces were swollen like a pig, and they cried.

Lin Hao smiled with satisfaction, he did what he said.

If it wasn't for an exam, if this was a real battlefield, these three legs would definitely kill them.

Lin Hao collected their bows one by one, carrying one pair on his back and two in his hands.

"What is he doing?

"One bow is enough, so why grab the bows of those two.

"don't want!!!

Gao Shilian and Chu Suiliang saw that the situation was wrong and immediately shouted.

Ya ah! I only heard a loud shout, Lin Hao held two bows in one hand, and pulled two strings in the other, and directly broke the two horn bows.

Broken in two, the bow, connected only by one string, was ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

Lin Hao took out the bow on his back again and calmly aimed at it.

Whoosh! On a grass target, the bullseye that no one hit was hit by Lin Hao.

"Right on the bullseye!

When Jin Wuwei saw it, he immediately reported his results! "Amazing!

"This one should be a non-local candidate, not to mention his great skills, it really doesn't give face to these three people.

"He is, he has ruined the achievements of three people.

". . .

Just as he took the bow to hand in the results, the people cheered.

Because the three people who have been intimidating for a long time have been cleaned up.

You must know that those who are eliminated in the first game will be dismissed from official positions and will be replaced.

To put it bluntly, it is a polite saying that you will not be hired for life.

The first game is to eliminate those who are incompetent, these three people who could have survived, all were eliminated.

Li Shimin saw it, and his heart was too excited.


Li Shimin was very happy, because these three people were eliminated, which meant that the eldest grandson family, Gao family, and Chu family lost their hereditary qualifications.

He had reasons, justifiable reasons, to keep them on the bench forever.

"Nice job!

Wu Yong looked at the father and daughter who were more excited than him, and gave them a blank look.

People are already miserable enough, how much hatred does this father and daughter have with them! After Gao Fukui and Chu Yanfu stood up, they picked up their rotten bows and supported their eldest grandson to rush to hand over their achievements.

Jin Wuwei looked at the rotten bow and said: "On the battlefield, the weapons have been destroyed by the enemy, can you still live?

"My two young masters, I'm sorry!

"If you want to achieve success, you have to go to General Li!


, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to Feilu to remind you: collection of three things to read, push

Chapter 79 79: Major general from other places, deeply loved by local people 【Subscription】


The embarrassed three people are about to get angry at Jin Wuwei.

But when I think about it, people also act according to orders, and they also act according to the rules and regulations.

Besides, they also pointed out a clear path.

If you want to get results, you have to find Li Jing, the chief examiner of martial arts.

Directly above, in front of the stands of the royal family and the civil and military officials! Three young masters, all covered in mud, with hair loss and scattered hair, appeared in front of a group of members of the royal family, and appeared in front of the civil and military officials.

Everyone wanted to laugh, but they were too embarrassed to laugh.

The princesses, they just cover their faces and snicker.



"That person violated the rules, he only needed to grab a bow, but he insisted on breaking our bow.

Gao Fulfillment looked at Li Jing and pleaded aggrieved.

"That's right..., he's a bastard who doesn't leave room for anything.

"Uncle, please, let us live!

Chu Yanfu also pleaded.

Changsun Chong said shamelessly, "Uncle, my nephew is about to shoot an arrow, but he grabs it, this is against the law!

"Yeah yeah!

"Brother Li, according to the rules, there are [-] places, for my eldest grandson Wuji's sake...

Li Jing frowned, gave Changsun Wuji a blank look and said, "Hold on!

"Old man, talk to the three nephews first.

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