Among them, [-]%% of the people hoped that he would die in this exam.

Lin Hao stood in the middle of the encirclement, just felt a little strange! "No!

"These people are ghosts!

Lin Hao was led by Jin Wuwei from the edge of the field to the encirclement in the middle.

In the meantime, he saw other encirclements.

It was no different from his encirclement, it was made up of fifty people wearing five-color cloaks, and they were all made up of soldiers with various weapons.

But when he stood behind his encirclement and took a closer look at the [-]th Guard who was about to capture him, he realized the difference.

The difference is huge.

First of all, the fifty 50 soldiers who surrounded others, were tall and low, thin and shapely, both [-] meters and [-] meters.

The randomness is strong and relatively fair.

And the fifty 50 soldiers who surrounded him, good guys, are all big guys about [-] meters tall, all muscular men! This is definitely intentional, there is no such random probability in the world! Look at the one next to him dressed in The candidates in black robes, the encirclement of others and themselves are completely... . . .

All of them were little men of about [-] meters. Compared to the... muscular men who surrounded him, they were definitely the most [-] people in the army.

Of course, this is all relative, and those who can be the imperial guards are naturally not weak compared to ordinary people.

But the No. [-] soldier next door, compared with the No. [-] soldier who surrounded himself, can be said to be weak! This is definitely intentional, there is no such random concept in the world! Thinking of this, Lin Hao frowned slightly. , in the fighting-style state, turned around, looked at them carefully, and saw what ghosts were there. Sure enough, there are ghosts! Take the next door as an example, their weapons, whether it is a Tang sword with a sword or a spear, They are all wrapped in thick cloth to ensure that they will not be cut or stabbed, at most... blue and purple.

And the weapons in the hands of the [-]th Soldier who surrounded him were just wrapped in a layer of cloth.

If this is a hit, it will still break the skin! And some people's knife tips, sword tips, and spear tips are all shining with a little silver light under the sunlight! Is this accidental? No, absolutely not! See here , Lin Hao wants to understand, these... are... the means of the nobles.

First fix the big guys and let yourself be restrained in terms of strength! Then...the weapon's protection has been looked at from a distance, and it is impossible to see the reason for the hands and feet.

Even if he killed himself, it could be said that he was not careful when wrapping the weapon, which was a mistake.

Inside the silver phoenix-winged mask, a pair of murderous eyes looked at Changsun Wuji through the gap.

When their eyes met, they found that Changsun Wuji also had a pair of Danfeng triangular eyes, looking at him sharply.

Dong-dong! Dong-dong-dong! As soon as the war drum rang, the hundred five-color encircling circles in the field began to rotate.

Fifty people 50, from the inside to the outside, are divided into five 55 circles, three circles rotate in the positive direction, and two circles rotate in the opposite direction.

It is dazzling for the candidates to turn! The five colors are turning in threes and threes in front of their eyes, and they are constantly surrounded and turned.

The drums are not only non-stop, but the rhythm is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

They turn, and sometimes fast, yes.

The candidates were very nervous, for fear that a spear would be stabbed from somewhere, or a long knife would be chopped.

The high-intensity mental stress continued, and the dazzling circle continued to turn.

Uh! Uh!!! Soon, there was an extremely heartwarming scene at the scene.

The fifty 50 guards who were constantly rotating couldn't bear to continue to rotate, and they left the stage while holding on to the candidates who were about to spit out the swill.

On the grounds, the original dense, like five-colored round flowers in full bloom, slowly dwindled.

A vacant lot in the east and the west appeared.

Uh! "Don't turn around, I can't stand it anymore.

"It's so uncomfortable to look at, it's enough to show the determination of the court to select talents, this is real.

"No way, if you turn around again, I'm going to vomit.

In the candidate's rest area, in the corner where the candidates' own weapons were placed, Li Lizhi turned around and exhaled heavily.

She didn't know martial arts, and it was really uncomfortable to see this kind of dense, multicolored large-scale rotation.

The center of the venue! Lin Hao is also nervous, and just wants to scold the Li Jing big examiner who treats him well.

He is so ruthless! In the previous life, the fighter pilots were not so ruthless! Passing the test in this test is even more uncomfortable than riding a roller coaster in the previous life! Boom! Boom!!!! , the heaviest drum sound.

The three-way drum sound is over! There are only [-] encircling circles left at the scene.

In this round of circles, thirty people were eliminated30.

Of course, they also have achievements, the only criterion is how long they have endured.

In this part, the main test is estimated to be psychological after being surrounded, bear ability! I saw that the original direction was constantly turning and running, and immediately ran a circle in the opposite direction.

Originally running in the opposite direction, immediately ran a circle in the forward direction.

Lin Hao knew that they were adjusting themselves because they were also dizzy.

The same principle, if you pull your left ear with your right hand and turn it around ten times, you will definitely get dizzy.

Of course, after turning around, turn around quickly in the opposite direction and then stop, and you will never get dizzy.

This is the physical principle and biological principle that a traveler understands.

Just as they were adjusting, Lin Hao directly performed a front flip followed by a back flip, and adjusted himself.

Just after Lin Hao stood firm and resumed his fighting style.

After sobering up, the fifty 50-year-old muscular men and soldiers showed a fierce light in their eyes.

Ah! Drink! On the left, five Tang Dao slashed from top to bottom.

On the right, the five hundred long spears stabbed fiercely in the middle.

Lin Hao dived straight away, dodging the attack from the top and middle lanes.

Immediately afterwards, the sword and shield soldiers quickly retreated, and the spearmen immediately rushed over from all directions.

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, slapped the ground with both palms, and flew directly into the air to a height of eight meters.

In an instant, all eyes were on the boy in white with the eagle spreading its wings in mid-air.

At this time, only ten soldiers with swords and shields were seen, diving down, with their shields on their shoulders.

Immediately after, ten soldiers armed with swords stepped on the shield and jumped fiercely.

At the same time, the Sword and Shield Soldiers sent it again ruthlessly.

Wow! Lin Hao looked up instantly and saw ten soldiers with swords jumping several meters higher than him.

They were roaring, aiming at Lin Hao's head, and they were about to chop it off.

"I he...

Lin Hao really wants to scold people, the eldest grandson Wuji is a real dog! This is too neat, it is a bit too much! Where is this soldier, at least this is the strength of the palace patrol guards!... Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation and support, thank you for subscribing Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 8 8: The best policy is to subdue the soldiers without fighting [Subscribe]

Li Shimin, who was also wearing an ordinary half-face mask on the pretext of being beaten by his own woman, stood up in anger when he saw the scene in front of him! "It's too much!

Seeing this scene, Li Shimin said with righteous indignation.

What is 'there is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth'

I saw that after Lin Hao vacated the sky, those ten soldiers with a good foundation of light skills with swords, with the movement of the ladder, jumped higher than Lin Hao.

They swung their swords fiercely from top to bottom, and there was no way to go to heaven.

And the ten soldiers holding swords and shields quickly raised their shields high, overlapping the corners of each other, forming a large cover.

In this way, Lin Hao couldn't fall to the ground, and only stood on the shield and was slashed down by the long swords from all directions.

This is no way to enter the ground! The consequences can be imagined! At this moment, everyone is sweating for Lin Hao.

At this moment, everyone thought that Lin Hao was doomed.

However, everyone didn't know the doorway inside, and they all thought that if they were recruited, they would be red and green all the way, and their lives would be worry-free.

Among them, Li Shimin.

He just saw it, that someone must have stumped Lin Hao.

Because the strength of these... soldiers has surpassed the strength of an ordinary soldier.

However, no one paid attention to the tip of the sword that seemed to be wrapped tightly in cloth, but was exposed intentionally or unintentionally.

Among them, Li Shimin is also included.

Wu Yong grabbed the corner of Li Shimin's clothes and dragged him down fiercely: "General Li, sit down:.

"Trust us adults, he can do it.

The person who understands Lin Hao the most is not Li Shimin or Li Lizhi, or the nominal superior and subordinate, but the actual brother partner.

In midair, Lin Hao curled his body into a ball just before stepping on the shield, and hugged his knees with both hands.

咻.......!! With this action, the height will decrease rapidly.

This action also caused the long sword to slash in the air, and slashed past him from a distance of a few centimeters above his head.

It's dangerous, but it's still a near miss.

The next thing to do is..., there is no door to enter the ground, so he kicks out a door.

These people have also underestimated his brute force and explosiveness! Don't Zhangsun Wuji, Gao Shilian, Chu Suiliang, Lu Shi and others really want to get to know him? Own.

Ahhh!!! Just heard a loud shout, Lin Hao's whole body violently exerted force when his feet were ten centimeters away from the shield.

He wanted to force himself to stand up straight, to concentrate all his strength on his feet, to make way for himself! Boom! Only a sound of explosion was heard, and the shield slammed to the ground.

Ouch! And the ten 0-knife shield soldiers all wailed and flew out.

They flew in all directions, directly destroying the formation.

"This force is too powerful.

"I was born in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and witnessed the rise and fall of the Great Sui Dynasty. Until now, I have never seen such a fierce person!

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