Haha! Wei Zheng rolled his eyes at Changsun Wuji and said, "Uncle Guo really confuses concepts!

"The heroism of this major general is beyond what I can wait for.

"The quality of putting others first and then oneself, loving soldiers like a son, is... a qualified Confucian general.

"Let your son bump it

"I'm afraid I'll only have to kill myself!

Wei Zheng's voice was very loud, absolutely intentional.

Deliberately, so that the Queen can hear it really.

Empress Changsun shook her head helplessly, if it was to be reasonable, it must be the old Wei family.

Although she felt a little embarrassed, it was the truth that people said.

Just like Changsun Chong's two strokes, he really only had the chance to kill himself.

Thinking of this, Empress Zhangsun was relieved.

She looked at the masked boy who was covering his chest, and secretly said in her heart: "The major general is very brave, but you have to take care of your body and know the importance!

"My daughter, it's time to cry!

Sure enough, the acquaintance Mo Ruomu! Seeing all this through the gap in the weapon, Li Lizhi cried.

Her heart hurts! "Lin Hao, hold on, hold on, the bow and arrow are almost gone.

There have been people who have succeeded in shooting arrows with bows, people have continued to use their treasure bows to get grades, and there have been people who have been knocked down and wailed by Jin Wuwei who have been carried off the field for treatment.

Finally, there is only one bow and one arrow.

Li Lizhi looked at a candidate with a disheveled hair and a mess, and picked up a bow and arrow.

That person was actually the eldest grandson Chong she hated the most.


Subconsciously, Li Lizhi shouted out these three words.

呲! Changsun Chong has set up a bow and arrow and is pulling it back.

"Son, hurry up!

"Son, hurry up!!!

Changsun Wuji rushed to the front row and shouted with all his strength.

At the same time, he looked at this man with a mask in white, who was running fast, with eyes that wanted to bite someone to death.

Just now, Lin Hao came to relax.

He stared at the candidate who had a lot of hair and only got the last bow and arrow after going through disaster.

If Lin Hao wants to succeed in the promotion, he has to rob the candidate of his bow and arrow before he does not let go of his arrows! If he wants to rob his bow and arrow and hit the target without being disturbed, there is only one way! That is to grab his bow and arrow. Not to mention his bow and arrow, he will be knocked to the ground!  …, ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel


"Fast as the wind, as fast as electricity!

"Is this the light-hearted technique that he can handle with ease among the ten thousand armies?

Hou Jun raised his eyebrows, his expression was extremely serious, and he sighed to himself.

Even though Lin Hao wore a half-face mask, in order to snatch the only one, others could aim at the arrows and arrows by pulling their bows, and he was a desperate chasing technique.

Or let Hou Junji, who witnessed Lin Hao's single-handed battle against the [-] Iron Armored Army, confirm his identity at once.

Because in his mind, there is no young man who can match the number, except... Lin Hao.

And it's not just Hou Junji! The person who invigorated the liberal arts imperial examination, had seen Lin Hao's face, and also knew that he was... Candidate No. 666, Li Daozong, also confirmed Lin Hao's identity.

The reason is the same, with this kind of movement, in the younger generation, who else is there besides him.

Even... the veterans here are probably only Li Jing.

Even... the fierce man Su Lie, he was almost there!

However, the disheveled eldest Sun Chong couldn't hear him at all.

Too tired, let's talk more slowly! Crunch! Finally, he drew his bow.

Whoosh! A demonic wind blew from behind him, and at this moment, Changsun Chong let out an arrow.

At this time, one hand just right, grabbed the arrow body that had just been off the string.


"so amazing!

"It's such a distance, and it's all at once.

"too fast.

"How many years does it take to practice such a movement technique!

"Unexpectedly, there are young people with such high martial arts skills in my Tang Dynasty.

"Why is he wearing a mask?

"This temperament is so handsome, the lower half of the face is also handsome, and the eyes that are exposed by the mask are also beautiful!

"Is the shape of this mask good-looking?

"Is there a scar

"What if he has a scar, he is also a handsome major general!

"Down with Changsun Chong!

"Major General, defeat Changsun Chong!!!

"Major General, can you take off your mask and beat Changsun Chong?

". . .

All of a sudden, Lin Hao became the focus of the audience.

Some women shouted out what they usually would not dare to shout.

Perhaps because he was too excited, he actually forgot the fact that Changsun Wuji held a grudge.

Of course, there are also factors that are not afraid of being discovered.

The corner of Lin Hao's mouth smiled awkwardly, there is no reason to take off the mask first when knocking down others.

He wears a mask, not just to look handsome, there is a reason.

Therefore, he could not satisfy the curious little sisters.

At this moment, Lin Hao suddenly frowned, looking at this dumbfounded, disheveled man.

Old friend! Isn't this the boss of the three scumbags in the brothel who want to smash his place? He also said that he had no chance to beat them to tears. Now he has a chance to beat him to tears. He is Lin Hao, but he is quite vengeful , quite a person who will be punished.

On this point, his mind is definitely not comparable to that of a woman.

As long as there is a chance, I will definitely make things bigger, and I will never think about the consequences.

The consequences, the consequences, are all things to be discussed later. After Lin Hao collected his arrows, he patted his shoulder kindly and said, "You are Changsun Chong.

This shot wakes up Chang Sunchong.

Changsun Chong said coldly: "Boy, you have some skills.

"Forget it, those who don't know are not guilty!

"My young master doesn't blame you anymore, return the arrow to me, my father will reward you and take care of you, your family.

Lin Hao smiled lightly and said, "I'm a tough person by nature, and I don't need others to take care of me, and I don't need others to reward me.

"A good life depends on your own hands.

"So, I can't give it to you, I want to advance!

"If you don't want to be beaten to tears by me, just put your bow.

"Right, I'm a little curious.

Suddenly, Lin Hao raised his voice with all his strength and said, "I heard that Princess Changle has escaped from marriage outside, and you have married a princess whose mother you don't even know.

"Are you crying?

Haha! Hahaha! The people on both sides laughed.

Those... those who were bullied by Changsun Chong laughed even more loudly.

Among the civil and military officials, the civil and military generals of the Han Qiang faction all laughed.

Li Jing almost laughed, although when Lin Hao was sober, he only said one word to him.

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