The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, no matter who sent them, all widened their eyes, which was very unexpected.

Li Jing frowned and said in his heart, "Your Majesty will definitely go to Lin Hao again, this kind of living idea must have come from him.

In fact, it was really not Lin Hao's idea to let Cheng Yaojin be the chief examiner of the imperial examination.

It's just that Cheng Yaojin's brain is more suitable for this position.

Of course, this is also the inspiration that Li Shimin got from Lin Hao.

A good leader is.... Can use: people, can use people just right! "Your Majesty Shengming!

The generals and the civil officials of the Han Qiang faction saw that Li Jing was shouting Shengming, and they followed suit.

"Your Majesty Shengming!!

Although, they don't know where the Holy Spirit is.

It doesn't matter, anyway... Li Jing can be trusted.

He shouted Shengming and it was done, followed by shouting and it was done! Li Shimin smiled with satisfaction, glared at Cheng Yaojin and said, "I still don't answer the decree.

Oh! "The minister will give thanks!

Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin said rigorously again: "Okay, I want to announce a will.

"It's the will!

"It is the will of the Aiqings that does not need to be discussed by all the Aiqings, and only needs to be implemented by the Aiqings!


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Chapter 53 53: Either take the scientific examination, or be dismissed and go home 【Subscription】

Above the court, the nobles and ministers headed by Zhangsun Wuji all frowned, and they had a sense of precaution! Those who can hang out in this court, no matter what...

There is no ... culture, it is not mentally retarded.

Everyone is a local fox, and they all understand the truth that 'when something goes wrong, there must be a monster'.

Since Li Shimin became emperor, he was still very open-minded and good at taking advice.

This suddenly became a dictator, and they all felt that there was a problem.

Zhangsun Wuji glanced at Wei Zheng and Wei Jingjing, His Majesty wants to be dictatorship, he should speak.

But who knows, Wei Jingjing glanced at Li Jing again.

The reason is very simple, just because there was no answer to the imperial examination questions just now, Li Jing was the first to shout 'Your Majesty Shengming.

Li Jing will not be a groundless person, it is definitely something they have reached a consensus in advance, and Li Jing will do this.

But who knows, Li Jing just guessed that Lin Hao came up with this idea.

He did this only because he trusted a major general who used his life to kill the flag.

Li Jing saw Wei Zheng looking at him, Li Jing smiled lightly and nodded.

The meaning of this is obvious, that is... tell him 'Your Majesty's decision, there is no problem'.

After Wei Zheng got the answer, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, and didn't care.


Wei Zheng opened his eyes, looked at Changsun Wuji, and whispered: "I closed my eyes and rested, I offended you.

Li Shimin looked down at the house and looked at all this, but he just pretended not to see it.

Cough cough! He coughed lightly, looked at Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling, and said loudly: "Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, you two prime ministers are...the deputy examiners of the imperial examinations.

"What's the point of this!

"Two learned doctors actually served as assistants to a stickman

"Your Majesty, which move is this going?

"Since His Majesty began to disappear from time to time, he always likes to take some evil paths, ah!

A bunch of doctors and scholars, and a bunch of gentry ministers began to whisper.

When Cheng Yaojin heard this, he immediately became anxious.

With such big eyes, he pointed at these people and shouted loudly: "Whoever said that Lao Tzu is a stickman, Lao Tzu is also a person who can write poetry.

"If you say that I'm a stickman, I beat you so much that your dog can't spit out ivory!


The ministers shut their mouths instantly, Cheng Yaojin and Yu Chigong were vying for one or two places in the beating incident in the court.

Don't dare to provoke, you can't! Immediately after, Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling also understood.

They smiled faintly, and decided to be their second-in-command for the man who was going to beat the dog to the point of spitting out ivory.

The two of them bowed in unison: "My minister, please give thanks!

Hehe! Cheng Yaojin smiled arrogantly, now that's it, the two prime ministers will serve as his subordinates.

Spirited, spirited to heaven.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin looked at Li again and said, "Li Aiqing, you are the chief examiner of the imperial examinations.

Li Jing bowed his hands and said, "My minister, please give thanks!

Then, he looked at Qin Qiong and Yuchi, Qin Qiong and Yuchi bowed respectfully and said, "My minister, please give thanks!

Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin looked at Cheng Yaojin again, and emphatically exhorted: "Cheng Aiqing, you must fully respect the opinions of the three Aiqings in the martial arts exam, do you know that?

Hehe! Cheng Yaojin smiled: "I know, I'm mainly in charge of liberal arts, lest they do anything.

"Wu Ke's literary test...

Cough cough! Cough cough cough! Li Shimin suddenly hated Cheng Yaojin and coughed, and everyone in the Han Qiang faction coughed.

They are all telling Cheng Bangchui to shut up! Where do you need to say this, don't you understand? Cheng Yaojin blinked his eyes, shut up instantly, and went back to stand.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shimin continued: "The examiners of the other two subjects of civil and military affairs, among which the examiners of the liberal arts are appointed by Cheng Aiqing.

The military examiner is appointed by Li Aiqing, I will not ask!

"Sir, follow your orders!

Li Jing and Cheng Yaojin immediately paid their respects.


In an instant, Changsun Wuji and the others panicked, this is not a matter of a bowl of water not leveling.

This is a bowl of water, just poured to one side! This power is too powerful, his eldest grandson Wuji has to arrange for someone to enter, and he has to ask these two.

But these two, please don't move! "Your Majesty this...

Slap! Li Shimin slapped the dragon case and said angrily: "I said that as long as it is executed, no court discussion is required.

"Fang Xuanling, my next will must be announced nationwide as soon as possible.

Fang Xuanling, the prime minister of the left, came out holding the jade wat and saluted, "Your Majesty, please declare the decree, and I will keep it in mind.

"So good!

"It was ordered nationwide that all the descendants of five-rank civil and military officials, regardless of their seniority, must participate in this scientific examination if they are sixteen years of age or older, whether they are employed or at home.

Only the direct sons are qualified for hereditary official positions: "If you don't go to Beijing to take the scientific examination, those who are in office will immediately be dismissed and go home, and will never be hired for public office!

"Those who are idle at home will have their hereditary qualifications cancelled and will never be hired for public office!

"The son of a civil official, a current military general, must take the civil and military examinations!

"The son of a military general, a current civil servant, must take the civil and military examinations!

"Anyone who lacks a subject will immediately be dismissed and go home, and will never be hired for public office!

In one breath, Li Shimin spoke out these 'extremely extreme' thunder rules.

Fang Xuanling saw that Li Shimin had not spoken, and asked, "Your Majesty, is there anything else?

Hmm!!! Li Shimin thought about it and said, "That's all.

"In addition, when arranging the examination time, separate the examinations of the two subjects of civil and military, with a one-day interval in between.

"Among them, there must be many candidates who need to take both subjects!

Cheng Yaojin and Li Jing immediately entered their roles and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!

Huh! Li Shimin looked at the gentry minister, he was more rude than Qin Huaidao.

At this moment, he only felt that the air in the Taiji Hall was very refreshing! After being the emperor for seven years, the air has never been so good.


Li Shimin flicked his sleeves, and after a short sound, he left his special passage.

Immediately afterwards, the ministers who went to and from get off work in the court showed two spiritual outlooks.

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