Some people droop their heads, and they float when they walk.

Some people were smiling and walking, especially with the wind! Early the next morning, more than [-] thousand cattle guards were saved from the door.

They got on their horses and ran straight away.

These... Qianniuwei has ten people and one team, and one of them is still carrying a yellow cloth burden.

After they left Menxia Province, they exited the city through twelve gates in four directions of Chang'an City, and ran on various official roads.

Among them is a team of people, that is... going to Shanzhou!..., ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 54 54: Dig a pit and bury yourself [Subscribe]

In the afternoon four days later, a team of Qianniu Guards who went to Shanzhou came to the east gate of Shanzhou! "Where did the soldiers come from?

The captain of the guards looked at the ten soldiers in golden armor and asked knowingly.

"Quick switch!

"This will be the escort of the imperial announcement!

Qianniuwei, who was carrying a yellow cloth bag, looked at the captain and said loudly.

When Zhang Xiaowei heard it, this was not an imperial edict against anyone.

The so-called imperial announcement, only when the imperial court has issued a unified policy and unified decree, will it be escorted across the country.

This is still not difficult, the basic ethics still have to be.


Zhang Xiaowei gave an order, and the soldiers of the government gave way and let them enter the city.

The group hurried across Xiping County, then Huangzhong County, and finally came to Huangshui County, the prefecture's seat.

The entrance of the state government office! "Lin Hao, the governor of Shanzhou, go out...

A Thousand Bull Guard roared loudly.

"Get it.

"He's different, he won't come out, let's go in by ourselves!

The captain of the Qianniu Guard, who was carrying the imperial announcement issued by Menxia Province on his back, interrupted with a very understanding look.

Then, he went straight in.

Likewise, the yamen of the prefectural government did not stop him.

The reason is the same, this is not an imperial decree against anyone, and people don't hate it, so don't embarrass others.

Although there is no money for tea, there is still a cup of tea.

After Wu Yong walked to the living room, he politely said to the captain of the Qianniu Guard who was carrying the imperial list: "Brother, what kind of announcement is this?

The captain of the Qianniu Guard smiled, and he didn't recognize him after changing his outfit.

Good! It's fine if you don't know him! Actually, he of Li Shimin's eighteen guards.

The notice to let him lead the team to send to Shanzhou was intentional by Li Shimin.

Because he understands the customs of the soldiers and people here, he will not offend anyone, and he can guarantee that the notice will be handed over to Lin Hao.

The captain said politely: "Good thing, great good thing!

"Are you Inspector Lin?

The Thousand Bull Guard captain asked knowingly.

Wu Yong smiled lightly: "The next is the prefecture of Shanzhou, Wu Yong.

"That's great, my family!

Wu Yong said in surprise: "Your name is

"This general is the commander of Qianniu's guard, Wu Daan!

Wu Yong's eyes lit up in an instant, and he said with surprise and suspicion: "Send a notice to ask the captain of Qianniu Wei to come.

"What announcement?

"Please give me the captaincy, our family is not here.

Wu Dandan smiled lightly, but it's not good for him.

When he was about to leave, His Majesty told him thousands of times, that is... Lin Hao was squatting in the toilet, so he had to hand it over to him, and he had to watch him read the notice before leaving.

Wu boldly and rigorously bowed his hands in the direction of Chang'an: "Your Majesty has spoken, this announcement is no trivial matter, and no one is allowed to accept it.

"It must be the prefect of the state who takes over and sees it in person before we can leave.

When Wu rolled his eyes, he always felt a little big.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided! He thought about it, it shouldn't be anything.

They have made such a great contribution to the country in Shanzhou, what kind of disaster can there be.

Specify, what important national policy should be.

"Wuzhou Cheng, what about Lord Lin?

Oh! Wu Yong reacted: "I'll take you to find him!

Wu Boldly nodded, looked at the other brothers who were sitting and drinking tea and said, "Brothers, just drink tea here and wait for me to come back.

"Yes, Captain!

Immediately afterwards, Wu Dandan cupped his hands to Wu Yong and said, "I also ask Wu Zhou Cheng to lead the way.

Wu Yong nodded and said, "Then, Captain Wu, come with me!

After speaking, he looked at the yamen and said, "Let the grooms feed all their horses.


Although Shanzhou does not flatter those who come from above, it is customary to give money to buy shoes and tea.

But people who don't hate, still have a cup of tea.

People's horses still have a bundle of hay.

After making arrangements, the two went to find Lin Hao.

Wow! Huangshui County is to the east, by the Huangshui River.

The sound of gurgling water is very pleasant and makes people very peaceful.

To the east, there will naturally be oasis forests and grasslands.

Without the war, Lin Hao was too lazy to work on the tower.

On the bank of the river, the fishing rod is inserted into the ground, and the fishing line is thrown into the water with the hook without bait.

It doesn't matter if the fish is hooked or not.

Whether or not you can catch fish is a trivial matter! The key is to enjoy this mood! Under the sun umbrella, the beach chair was flat, and Lin Hao was lying on his stomach and was about to fall asleep.

Left and right: Two girls in colorful gauze, still Chunmei and Dongxue.

Old rules, pinch your back: "Lord Lin, the escort of the imperial announcement of the imperial court has arrived.

Lin Hao didn't open his eyes and said lazily, "Wu Yong, Wu Yong, you are really useful.

"You just collect it on your behalf, and then post it at Caishikou, and you're done!

"Do you need to come to me?

Wu Daring looked at him as an official, he was really envious, jealous! If it were him, he wouldn't go to Chang'an.

In comparison, this is heaven, and if you go to Chang'an to be an official, you will go to hell! At this time, Wu Daring approached and said: "Lord Lin, the Commander of the Commander has been ordered by His Majesty, and must personally hand over the notice to you.

"It's not me, more than a hundred escorts to various states have to personally hand over this notice to the governor.

Lin Hao sat up, looked at this... golden commander, frowned, and scrutinized: "This... commander, where have we met before?

Dong Dong! Wu Dan said calmly: "I want to know you!

"The [-] government soldiers defended the siege of [-] enemy soldiers, and also destroyed the Xianbei. After the last commander heard about it, he was very impressed!

When Lin Hao heard it, this person was still polite.

It seems that I haven't seen it before, but I always feel that I have seen it somewhere, and I can't remember it for a while.

He has seen too many people...

Forget it, too lazy to think about it, it must be an illusion.

After Lin Hao got up, he spread his hands and said, "Give it to me!

He took the notice, which was rolled up into a roll, and lay down again without opening the wax seal.

"Wu Yong, take the captain to have a good meal.

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