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Chapter 52 52: Appoint Cheng Yaojin as the Chief Examiner of the Imperial Examination [Subscribe]

When Li Shimin heard this, he became anxious in an instant! Tell her mother that it was all trivial matters, and Empress Changsun could only say two sentences at most.

But if you tell Steward Wei it's a big deal, God knows what kind of trouble he can make.

Li Shimin pointed at Lin Hao and said, "Why don't you care...


Li Lizhi rolled her eyes at Lin Hao, it was too much, she actually brought his father here for a drink.

However, Li Lizhi absolutely believes in Lin Hao's character.

Lin Hao also likes to play, but he will never be serious to Fengyue women. There are still principles.

But Li Shimin was different, his little story was spent.

Li Lizhi frowned and said coldly: "He won't come to the real thing, so Dad won't be sure.


Li Shimin was so angry that he sold his father to death before he got married.

Li Shimin looked at Leng Yue, Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao again, and the three of them laughed without saying a word.

Li Shimin's story is too flowery, so he is not worth believing in this aspect.

Lin Hao gave Li Shimin a blank look, and even betrayed him.

Lin Hao was dizzy and said: "The rich girl, I was talking with your father, but he insisted on coming, so I had to invite him.


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Hao put his hands behind his back and went home to sleep.

Li Shimin looked at Lin Hao with murderous eyes, and cursed inwardly, 'Bastard! Immediately, he looked at the handsome back and said with a light smile: "Boy, there are times when you are planted in my hands.

Li Shimin was very confident, he believed that Lin Hao would definitely go to the capital.

The afternoon of the next day! Lin Hao stretched his waist and didn't sleep until he woke up naturally for a long time.

It's really comfortable that no one knocks on the door and no one disturbs you.

This is what a good manager should have achieved. As long as you make your own way, everyone will do everything and do it well.

After washing up, Lin Hao came to the dining room, where the servant had already prepared his special meal.

Two-in-one breakfast and lunch, special meals.

"grown ups!

"Master Li and Miss Li, have left.

"If you say you are sleeping, I won't bother you.

A maid reports.

Lin Hao nodded and didn't say hello, it was the first time! He thought, this old profiteer must have written the contract, and then asked Li Jing to sign it as a guarantee.

Haha! Lin Hao smiled faintly, this businessman is... a businessman.

If there is a big business to do, it is natural to seize every minute and every second.

If you don't say hello, that's normal.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao is looking forward to the next meeting.

Next time we meet, he can lie down and collect rent every year! Not only that, he opened the system warehouse and looked at the thousand catties of high-yielding grains.

After this business is signed, let the people plant a thousand catties of seeds.

Next time, I have to charge Lao Li five 55 points of annual rent.

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Hao's mouth smiled, the food is really fragrant, it tastes fragrant! Six days later, Chang'an, Tai Chi Palace! Five o'clock and three o'clock: Time for the beginning of the court meeting.

Converted to modern time, it is four in the morning.

As long as it is not a vacation, you must get up at three in the morning at the end of the ugly time to wash up, and at five at three o'clock: you must gather at the Taiji Hall.

This is what officials in Beijing must do, and this is one of the reasons why Lin Hao was killed improperly.

At this time of day, it was just as if you could walk without the help of lanterns.

If you have bad eyes, you need to use a lantern.

Of course, the generals have war horses, and the war horses will not hit the wall.

Civil servants have sedan chairs, and the bearers are so healthy that they cannot see the road.

Therefore, those old officials don't have to worry about bad eyes, stepping on the pit and hitting the wall.

"Your Majesty is here!

Li Shimin, accompanied by the chief eunuch Wang Sheng, walked out from his special passage.

"My lord, meet your majesty!

When he sat on the dragon chair, all the civil and military officials hugged the jade wat and bowed their hands.

"My dear gentlemen, why do you want to play

Li Shimin didn't say anything today.

Reported that there is nothing to do to retreat to the court', just because the officials have nothing to do, he has something to do...

If no one speaks, he will speak.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji, Gao Shilian, Chu Suiliang, and Lu Shu glanced at each other, and the eldest grandson Wuji stood up again.

Just when Li Shimin went to look for Lin Hao in the name of praying again, they held small meetings for a long time.

They came up with a so-called best of both worlds.

First of all, to give Li Shimin face, and to cooperate with this imperial examination specifically for viscounts.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the existing official positions of the viscounts, and the hereditary rights of the viscounts, so as to ensure that their status is prosperous and always stand at the top of their rights.

The eldest grandson Wuji cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty!

"How are your liberal arts exam questions, as well as the martial arts exam questions?

"You have to give the answers and questions to the examiner, that's all!

As soon as the voice fell, all the nobles and ministers echoed: "Yes!

"It's been so long, if you don't give it, you won't be able to grade the papers!

". . .

"There can be no answer!

When Li Shimin heard it, he didn't know which clever ghost thought of the answer, and the answer was that there was no answer.

Li Shimin smiled and said loudly: "Which Aiqing said there is no answer?

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Shimin saw that several people were pointing at one person, the Minister of Personnel, Mr. Cui Liu and Cui.

"Cui Liu, you are worthy of being from the Cui clan of Qinghe, you are truly a master of Confucianism!

"you are right!

"My exam questions are all application questions, and there is no fixed answer!

Cui Liu's moustache trembled, and he only felt that his vest was cold, and many eyes hated him.

In the past, Brother Cui's elder brother Cui's shortness of people hated him to death.

Zhangsun Wuji said in surprise, "Your Majesty, what is this problem?

"There is no answer, how am I going to mark the papers?

Li Shimin smiled lightly and said to himself, "That's right...a question that is close to reality and can be used, this is called application kick.

"When the candidates have all handed in their answer sheets, and by comparing your answers, you will naturally see who is good and who is bad.

"If you can't tell the difference, it's enough to show that the examiner is blind and a virtuous bastard.

Li Shimin passed on Lin Hao's words to everyone.

Everyone was stunned, and now it's alright.

There is no answer, the viscounts have to take the test! Not only the children, but also them together.

At this time, Li Shimin looked at Fatty Cheng and said, "Where is Cheng Yaojin?

Cheng Yaojin came out with the jade wat in his arms and said, "My minister, here!

Li Shimin thought, reading this kind of volume, these... Doctors and Confucian scholars, may not necessarily have the ability to have such a brain.

"I, let you be the chief examiner of this imperial examination!

"Whether it's a literary test or a martial arts test, you are the general manager.

"They say it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, if you think it's good, just send it to me.

Ah Cheng Yaojin stared at the round eyes, at a loss.

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