Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 809 822: Defend the city! (Third update, please recommend votes and monthly votes.

Chapter 806 822: Defend the city! (Third update, please recommend votes and monthly votes!)

Chen Feng exploded.

Chen Feng stood alone outside the city. Countless skeletons surrounded Chen Feng. In front of him, an overwhelming number of skeletons were rushing towards him. However, Chen Feng was not afraid at all. He waved his hand and rained arrows all over the sky towards him. It poured in the distance.

The entire battlefield was like washing dishes. The oil residue quickly disappeared under the wash of tap water. The skeletons on the entire battlefield disappeared piece by piece like wheat. The speed was extremely fast.

The rain of arrows in the sky has not stopped. Chen Feng has already put "Chen Feng's Pride" in his hands, which once again increases the full attributes of all Chen Feng's skeletons by 10 times. If Chen Feng encounters skeletons like Leoric again, the Dragon Knight will It might even be possible to fight Leoric alone.

It was daytime, but the entire sky was blocked by Chen Feng's arrows. The dense black curtain was like a black rainstorm in the sky, blocking all the sunlight.

The extremely astonishing power and incredibly fast harvest made all humans dumbfounded.

You must know that the one who ranks first in single kills on earth is the ice god whom Chen Feng hates. He can kill nearly a million enemies with one big move at once. However, this has been broken by Chen Feng long ago. Feng Qianli, killing nearly ten million fallen demons instantly, this shocking situation has spread like crazy in the demon fortress.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't care, because he also had a move that was more powerful than Frozen Thousand Miles. It was the move of the Earth Skeleton King. It was said to be more powerful because the range was more terrifying, and the range of influence reached an astonishing twenty kilometers, it is instantaneous, and it deals one damage, which means it meets the requirements of an instant kill.

The coverage was twenty kilometers, and the damage was enough to kill the Sinking Demon in an instant. Chen Feng believed that when countless Sinking Demons came overwhelmingly, his one move could create an astonishing record that no one could match.

The appearance of Chen Feng brought Tristram into a brief period of peace. Because of Chen Feng, the surrounding undead and demons had no ability to sneak attack. Chen Feng had more than 400,000 skeletons guarding the entire city, which was more than the number of people in a garrison. There are many, and Chen Feng can protect the entire city by himself without any human intervention.

Looking at the undead souls that were dying outside, Chen Feng sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that there were so many skeletons in the human world. The number of people who died in Tristram was among the best back then. He didn't expect that now, all of them would be resurrected. got up.

Chen Feng and others speculated that the number of undead souls resurrected by dead creatures in the entire Tristram area was about ten trillion. Of course, some of them were attacking other places, such as the guards on the side. Fortress, and Lu Gouin.

But more people still attack Tristram, which contains not only human skeletons, but also demon bones. When the three demon gods came to the human world, they would definitely leave demons in their path, and there were enough demons in them. It's a sign.

The species of Demon God is like time. It must leave traces when passing by, and the traces of Demon God are demons. Wherever they pass by, that place will attract demons, and that place will be suitable for demons to survive. Therefore, Demon God is like A seeder can leave countless demons wherever it goes.

Tristram can be said to be the area where demons have been living for the longest time, but it is the cleanest because it had already been purged once that year. After Leoric and Diavolo were killed by Aidan, Demons are almost non-existent here.

But then Diavolo was resurrected, and that happened later. After Diavolo came out, Tristram was sealed. Countless demons lost the support of demonic power and eventually died, and all The bones were placed in the catacombs.

The demon's bones were indeed resurrected, but Chen Feng killed them all very simply. There were tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of skeletons on the entire eighteenth floor. The number was very terrifying. If they all appeared in Tristrai Well, whether the entire city can survive is still a question.

The death of the skeleton brought countless experience points, but unfortunately those experience points were a complete waste for Chen Feng. Chen Feng deliberately opened several small passages, released some skeletons, and then let many novices fight.

If you can't beat them, there is Chen Feng's skeleton army next to them. Once you get inside, Chen Feng's skeletons will naturally protect them. If you beat them, you will get a lot of experience. If your level is low, you can even level up one level at a time. All.

Chen Feng saw a little girl, Amazon, holding a bow and arrow. The bow and arrow were very extraordinary. She must be a member of a certain family. She shot out ice arrows one after another. For more than an hour, she finally killed one. The result was that The girl immediately upgraded, but after another hour, the girl killed the second skeleton and upgraded again.

Chen Feng's mouth widened in astonishment. He didn't know how to deal with this tough one. He finally asked, it turned out that the girl was only at level 3. Level 3 can reach more than 20 levels. How much experience would be wasted? Chen Feng immediately covered his head. What if? If you fight a level 8 or 9 skeleton, you can level up by two in two hours.

But for that girl, although she fought for two hours, she was level 1 in an hour and only killed two monsters. This kind of pleasure cannot be obtained by killing monsters.

Chen Feng smiled inwardly. Why did so many people like to play private servers when they were on Earth? It was because private servers were good and a monster could be upgraded to several levels. The thrill of upgrading was not something that ordinary people could experience.

Take a look at the "Legendary Private Server", which is the most famous and has the most variety. A monster carries several levels of experience points. Let's look at the official server. Upgrading is easy at the beginning, but later it takes a month or even longer to level up.

Therefore, the pleasure of leveling up by killing monsters is far less intense than the thrill of leveling up by beating a monster. For that little Amazon girl, a skeleton of more than 20 levels is a BOSS. Everyone likes to level up by beating BOSS.

That girl's good luck didn't stop there. The two monsters actually revealed six pieces of equipment, including a piece of dark gold. This made Chen Feng start talking. Could this girl be the dead daughter of the Goddess of Luck?

Ignoring those messy thoughts, Chen Feng killed the skeletons outside the eastern city wall. However, the undead souls had lower IQs than the projected monsters to a large extent, so there were still countless undead souls rushing towards this side. It was still such an overwhelming crowd that no one could even see the edge.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. I guarded it all by myself for a whole day, and it was just like playing!"

"It's so awesome. Even if a god-level expert comes over, he still has to use magic or use his hands. In the end, he is still a necromancer. Look at that adult. He summoned the skeleton at the beginning and didn't have to worry about the rest. , how easy it is!”

"That is, if we were in hell, this gentleman could act as an army by himself!"

"Yes, there are more than 400,000 skeletons. Look at the types of skeletons, cavalry, long-range, infantry, everything is complete, as well as mages and priests. My God, this is simply a reinforced army! "

On other sections of the city walls, countless soldiers stared at Chen Feng in amazement. This was already the thirtieth time that Chen Feng had taken a break, because the enemy skeletons were advancing too slowly, or to put it simply, Chen Feng was killing them. The enemy is too fast.

After a while, all the skeletons were killed by Chen Feng, and the rest were outside Chen Feng's attack range. Chen Feng simply stopped all the skeletons and waited for the enemy skeletons to approach before starting the next attack. But the result was that Chen Feng's skeletons Every half hour, you have to take a break because there is nothing strange anymore.

Chen Feng also wanted to fight out, but Chen Feng's position happened to be the main entrance of Tristram City, and it was connected to the other two gates on both sides. Once Chen Feng attacked, the skeletons on the other two sides could take the opportunity to sneak into Chen Feng's side. , when the time comes to attack the city again, the result will naturally be miserable for Chen Feng.

Therefore, Chen Feng simply waited and waited. As a result, there were more rabbits hitting the tree stumps than moths flying into the flame. Chen Feng was naturally happy and relaxed. Although Chen Feng was very worried that there was a person like Lazarus in the human world, but Chen Feng couldn't find it.

We can't let Chen Feng search all over the world. Where can Chen Feng find it? So he simply protects Tristram. Now Tristram has returned to normal and is beginning to urgently arrange the teleportation array.

As soon as the teleportation array is opened, god-level experts will move in. Chen Feng will be able to relax a lot. And once the teleportation array is set up, he will start to set up the barrier. Unfortunately, the materials for the barrier have not arrived. He has to start from Ha. Logas shipped.

It was for these materials that Kane had people send him to Lu Goin, and then teleported him to Harrogath. I just don’t know if Kane has arrived in Lu Goin these days.

Time flies so fast. Chen Feng has been in Tristram for a week. During this week, Chen Feng rushed out three times. Twice were due to undead attacks with peak strength of level 1, and were defeated by Chen Feng's Dragon Knight. Got picked off.

Another time, a suspected Lazarus was discovered. Unfortunately, when Chen Feng caught up with him, it turned out to be an ordinary undead. Chen Feng was very confused, but Chen Feng could feel that Lazarus must be near the city.

In the past few days, the teleportation array has been set up. It took four days to set up. Then countless materials were transported from Harrogas to start setting up the barrier and strengthening the defense of the city wall.

The city wall needs to be solidified and compressed, and then continuously raised to a height. The current height is less than a hundred meters, which is enough on earth, but in this world, a hundred meters is simply not enough.

Seriously, the most powerful engineering tool on the planet is the catapult. That thing is only ten or twenty meters tall at most. The rocks it throws out may not be able to smash an American school bus, but in this In the world, the most powerful siege weapon here is naturally the siege assault beast. If a siege assault beast comes here, within a minute, not even a centimeter of such a city wall will be left.

On Earth, the Siege Assault Beast can destroy a city wall within ten seconds.

Just like Xiangyang in The Legend of the Condor Heroes, if the siege beast passes by, Xiangyang will be completely wiped out within half a minute.

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