Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 810 823: Doomsday changes! (Fourth update, please recommend votes

Chapter 807 823: Doomsday changes! (Fourth update, please recommend votes, monthly votes!)

Of course, this naturally has differences in their respective cultures. After all, the background stories are different. If there is a character from Xianxia, ​​who can move mountains and seas, or blow up a planet with one punch, Chen Feng estimates that the seven origins combined into one may not be able to defeat him. A fairy.

So, there's no comparison.

Chen Feng might as well spend money to arrange the barrier with peace of mind.

What? Why do you think Chen Feng has to pay for the boundary arrangement?

"Who asked you to bring Leoric into the city? Do you know how many people died? Do you know that no one feels safe anymore?" Kasha pinched Chen Feng's ears and roared loudly. Chen Feng was decisive. of money.

Spend money to eliminate the disaster. At least it can be worthy of your conscience. If you hadn't brought Leoric in, then maybe there would be nothing to do later. Chen Feng rubbed his head. Everyone makes mistakes. It's a pity that Chen Feng didn't. Knowing who he was framed by.

If Chen Feng knew, he would be arrested and beaten severely, provided he could survive the beating.

Chen Feng also speculated whether it was the 18th-level Super Diablo that drove Leoric crazy, but the key question was that Super Diablo had been sleeping all the time, and that guy Kane had the upper half of the holy sword in his arms. , that light breath can evaporate an ordinary demon. If Super Diablo is awake, he will never fail to open his eyes.

But obviously, Kane wandered in front of Super Diablo for a long time without any danger, so Super Diablo drove Leoric crazy. This assumption is not valid, or it is unscientific.

As for Harrogas, Kane has also arrived at Harrogath, but Kane wants to stay, saying that he has something to discuss with Lord Bull. Lord Bull and Kane are naturally old acquaintances, but because he wants to protect The World Stone and cannot leave it.

In the end, Old Man Kane made the long journey to the location of the World Stone.

Don't think that the World Stone is in Harrogath. The power exuded by the World Stone is unstoppable. Even Lord Bull can only stand thousands of meters away for a short period of time. look.

The World Stone is naturally on the top of the Arreat Mountains. It is affected by the World Stone and the gravity here is ten times that of other places. Therefore, any flying demons and flying skills cannot fly here and can only walk.

Fortunately, there is an anti-gravity device in Harrogath. It is equipped on Kane, which can prevent Kane from being affected by gravity. It will take at least ten days to get to the World Stone from Harrogath at Kane's speed.

So Kane is still on the road now.

Ten days of work, neither long nor short, passed by in a short time. It had been ten days since Chen Feng arrived in Tristram. During these ten days, Chen Feng had to kill monsters or spend money every day. , anyway, Chen Feng didn’t have much money in his pocket, and most of the honor points in the badge were deceived by Kasha. Most of them were used to buy building materials.

It was seen that construction materials in this world were cheap, but they could not support the large quantity, especially since Chen Feng was basically responsible for building the entire city wall by himself. Chen Feng felt as if his house had been ransacked, and he was not left with a penny in his pocket.

In the end, Chen Feng gave all the gold coins to Kasha in a rage. As a result, when he wanted to buy a beer at dinner in the evening, he had to pay on credit.

Seeing the obedient look in my bartender's eyes, Chen Feng almost demolished the city wall in anger. Finally, he thought that if he demolished it, he would still have to spend money to build the city wall. Chen Feng helplessly covered his forehead. What the hell is this? Son.

But not long after, an earth-shattering event happened, and the entire world was instantly changed. At the same time, countless demons appeared from the sky and the earth, and suddenly the whole world was once again enveloped by demons.

"What's going on?" There was a shocking explosion in the sky, and then the whole sky stirred up a stormy wave. In an instant, all the clouds in the sky were blown away, and then the whole earth began to tremble. It was like the end of the world.

Tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and even hot springs turned into boiling water came to join in the fun. In an instant, the whole world was filled with despair.

The earth cracked and countless cracks appeared.

Tornadoes and tsunamis hit, and instantly the wilderness and the seaside suffered a ruthless blow. Even countless fish in the deep sea were washed ashore, but no one dared to pick them up because the waves were hundreds of meters high.

It rained in the sky, a merciless heavy rain, and every raindrop hit people like a stone. But not long after, the raindrops actually turned into hail, and the hailstones were even more destructive and terrifying.

Everyone didn't know why. It was fine just a few seconds ago, but there was a huge explosion between heaven and earth. Then the whole world seemed to have been blown up by a bomb, and endless changes occurred in an instant.

Kurast is the most tragic. It was originally spring and summer, the best season. The entire forest was lush and full of vitality. However, tsunamis, hail, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes all appeared in an instant, and the entire Kurast immediately changed. It became a hell on earth.

No life could be left behind. The merciless fire engulfed the entire forest in an instant. By the time everyone recovered from the shock, Tristram had already fallen into the sea of ​​​​shattering fire, and no one could survive.

"My skills, my skills are gone!" Suddenly, a horrified voice came. Chen Feng immediately turned around and saw an assassin on the wall shouting in horror. The people around him immediately opened the skill bar, horrified. I found that all my skills had disappeared.

"How could this happen?" Chen Feng immediately opened his skill bar. Fortunately, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The summoned skeleton was still there. Looking down, Chen Feng's face turned ugly.

The flame enhancement is gone, the energy shield is gone, the Bone Claw is gone, the ghost strike is gone, in addition to the summoned skeleton, even the skeleton control is gone.

"How could this happen?" Chen Feng's eyes widened in horror, and he immediately opened the equipment column, but the scene in front of him shocked Chen Feng even more. All the equipment, except for all skills and some certain skills, had other attributes. It actually turned into "say hello".

Seeing that the rows of equipment attributes turned into rows of "?????????????", Chen Feng was shocked. How could it become like this? He immediately looked at other equipment. Some equipment is even more terrifying. Even the icon placed in the backpack turns into a greeting.

"What the hell is going on!" Chen Feng was completely confused. Everyone was dumbfounded. No one had ever encountered such a thing.

"Kasha!" Chen Feng roared, and Kasha hurriedly appeared beside Chen Feng. Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, Kasha also knew that Chen Feng's skills had also disappeared.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked eagerly, but the answer he received was that Kasha shook his head in shock. It all happened so suddenly, but everything was so absurd.

The skills disappeared, and the attributes of the equipment also disappeared. At this time, the strength of the skeletons in the distance actually began to increase. The skeletons that were originally only in their twenties and thirties continued to become stronger, and finally even became four or five. Level 10 skeleton.

"Damn it!" Chen Feng waved. Fortunately, his skeleton was not dead yet. Chen Feng's skeleton immediately began to attack again. The experience value was obviously increased to 2 points, which showed that the strength of these skeletons had doubled.

"Your skills haven't disappeared?" Kasha asked Chen Feng in shock. Chen Feng nodded but shook his head.

"My summoned skeleton has not disappeared. All other skills have disappeared. Only the skill of summoning skeletons and the attributes of all skills exist on the equipment. The others have also disappeared!" Chen Feng's words made Kasha's eyes widen. Finally, he quickly Start getting ready.

Everyone came to Chen Feng's side and was protected by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded, and people in the entire city gathered in an instant. Chen Feng immediately let his skeleton protect everyone.

"Chen Feng, do you have something special in your body that can preserve your skills?" Kasha asked Chen Feng. Now that the god-given weapon in Kasha's hand actually had no attributes, Chen Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

"The best thing I have is the heart of heaven you gave me, see for yourself!"

Chen Feng took out the Heart of Heaven, Kasha took a look at it, and suddenly turned pale, because the Heart of Heaven was actually a series of greetings, even the name. If Kasha hadn't known that this was the Heart of Heaven, otherwise he would have really taken it seriously. Not coming out.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, but at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled, and a dark beam of light suddenly shot into the sky from the city.

"Ah!" Countless humans screamed, and the area where the light beam rushed out suddenly enveloped that group of humans. Chen Feng was also shocked, because the light beam also enveloped nearly one-fifth of Chen Feng's skeleton. , fortunately they are all ordinary skeletons.

But at that moment, all of Chen Feng's ordinary skeletons lost contact with Chen Feng. If there were only one or two, Chen Feng wouldn't care, but if he lost 70,000 to 80,000 skeletons at once, how could Chen Feng not care.

"Run, everyone follow me!"

Chen Feng immediately roared, and the skeletons around him hugged the old man and the child, and started running wildly. Chen Feng also summoned the tens of thousands of dead skeletons to block the back, and then led everyone straight towards Run east.

"What's wrong?" Kasha asked eagerly: "There are people over there, there are people in the light pillar!"

"Don't worry about it. Those people are all dead. When the beam of light suddenly swallowed up more than 70,000 of my skeletons, not a single one of them was alive!" Chen Feng said with an ugly face. The expressions of Kasha and others also changed immediately. How could this happen? look.

"It's the end of the world, it's the end of the world!"

Everyone trembled and ran after Chen Feng. In the end, Chen Feng couldn't bear it anymore and let his skeleton pick up the group of people. His speed increased again. Looking at the shocking light pillar in Tristram behind him, Chen Feng could guess what happened. what's going on.

The super Diablo underground is about to wake up!

"I know!" Akara suddenly said tremblingly, looking at Chen Feng in horror with a pair of empty eyes.

"The World Stone has been destroyed!"

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