Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 808 821: Andariel’s Death Gaze!

Chapter 805 821: Andariel’s Death Gaze!

Chen Feng told the story one after another. When it came to the four skeletons that were tortured by Chen Feng, everyone also opened their mouths. Chen Feng smiled and called Izek out and demonstrated on the spot. With the protective aura, Julian almost drooled at the sight of the damage-reducing aura.

"Oh, baby, look, your mother is drooling!" Seeing the excitement and anticipation in Julian's eyes, Chen Feng suddenly burst into laughter. Julian immediately wiped it away from his mouth, and then laughed hard amidst the bursts of laughter. With the use of "Eighteen pinches to chase souls and kill lives", Chen Feng pinched like "he wants to die".

"I knew there was a Super Diablo underground in Tristram, but I didn't expect that seven lesser demons with darkness as the prefix appeared. This news is very shocking!" Imparis frowned.

"Indeed, I also helped seal the Super Diablo back then. At that time, there was only Leoric in Tristram. But what I didn't expect was that Leoric would actually save you. !" Hagrid said to Chen Feng.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that, but I still killed him!" Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. It's not that Chen Feng never thought about resurrecting Leoric, but to Chen Feng, Leoric was an enemy. Moreover, Leoric's state was actually very painful.

When he woke up from a dream, he found that he had become an undead. His actions during his lifetime made him an object of contempt for thousands of years. He became the most cruel king in human history and will definitely be infamous for thousands of years.

What makes Leoric even more desperate is that his children and his wife were all killed by him. This made Leoric, who was very emotional, extremely painful. If Lazarus hadn't been there, Having been killed by Leoric himself, Leoric would no longer be able to survive.

Chen Feng sympathizes with Leoric very much, but this is not the reason why Chen Feng will resurrect Leoric. Resurrecting Leoric requires a drop of "Ice Tears", and Chen Feng only has three drops of it in total. Chen Feng has already promised one drop to Liu Guang. Used to heal and resurrect Liu Guang's wife.

There were two drops left. Chen Feng planned to take one drop as a backup, and the other drop to resurrect Rasma or Tyrell. Unfortunately, neither side left anything behind. There might be Rasma in the backpack. Chen Feng did not dare to resurrect the skeleton at will.

It would be tragic if Diavolo was resurrected.

"Are you going back to the human world to take charge now?" Imparis asked Chen Feng.

"That's right, Lord Bull is now in charge of the World Stone. He must be there in person. You have to be in charge of the Demon Fortress. Lord Hagrid doesn't care about world affairs. He is not as good as me in fighting. So I'll go to the human world. Anyway, I am As a professional, I will not be suppressed by the World Stone!"

"The power of the World Stone is a convenience to me!"

Indeed, the health bar is really convenient for Chen Feng, so Chen Feng prefers to stay in the human world. This time, Chen Feng got his wish.

"I'm sorry, I missed my appointment again!" Chen Feng turned to look at Julian with a wry smile. It was originally agreed that Chen Feng would be with Julian, guarding the demon fortress until the child in Emily's belly was born.

"I know, I understand, I don't blame you, I'm proud of you!" Julian kissed Chen Feng gently, and Chen Feng gently touched Julian with his head. For a moment, a warmth began to spread out, Everyone looked at the pair with smiles.

Of course, two little guys disagreed. Seeing that their father ignored them and didn't speak, they immediately stretched out their little arms and started to protest "babbling". Chen Feng and Julian immediately started one by one. Teased.

"Okay, Divina and the others will be back tomorrow. I will protect your wife then. Don't worry!" Imparis said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng nodded. Divina and the others went to Kuras. Specially, with the protection of eight god-level powerhouses such as Mr. Mandala, even if they encounter inferior demons, they can still protect Chen Feng's wives from escaping.

"By the way Hagrid, where are my things?" Chen Feng suddenly remembered an artifact. It was a good thing he made for Hagrid. Hagrid immediately smiled, patted his head, and took out a helmet from his backpack. Passed it to Chen Feng.

The helmet was covered in emerald green and looked like an emperor's jade. It instantly attracted everyone's attention. Chen Feng knew it was bone, but those who didn't really thought it was a jade carving.

"Just one?" Chen Feng took it, and Hagrid rolled his eyes. Just one was already very good.

Andariel's Death Gaze

Defense: 500000

Required level: 100

Requires Agility: 200000

Energy required: 300000

+20 all skills

+10 poison skill

-100% poison resistance of all enemies (100 yards)

+500% poison skill damage

+500% poison damage duration

+200% poison damage

+5000 constitution

+6000 total resistance

+10000 poison resistance

Level 20 Death Gaze (50/50)

"So many attributes?" Chen Feng frowned. After all, this thing is also a super suit artifact. It is not so cheating, but it only has so few attributes. Chen Feng passed it on in turn, and everyone who saw it heard it. Chen Feng's words almost sprayed Chen Feng to death without a sip of salt soda.

"What else do you plan to do? You have to know that if all this set of equipment is put together, the poison damage will increase at least 5,000 times. Do you know what the concept is? Even if Andariel is resurrected again, facing this set of equipment, it will You have to go to the street!" Hagrid said angrily.

"By the way, what's going on with this one that reduces resistance? One hundred yards?" Chen Feng looked at this attribute in confusion. This was the first time Chen Feng had seen this attribute.

"This is a halo of faith, but I took apart the part that reduces toxin resistance and applied it separately. Other elemental resistances were added to it, which actually affected this attribute!"

"If it is a pure aura of faith, it can reduce the total resistance by up to 75%. However, I do not plan to add any other elements to this set of equipment, only poison, so reducing the resistance to poison is the best choice!"

Chen Feng suddenly realized that being proficient in everything is not as good as sword-walking. This set of equipment is pure sword-walking. High physical fitness, high resistance and high defense increase survivability, while all other abilities are highly poisonous.

Reduce the enemy's poison resistance, increase your own poison skill attack, the duration of the poison, and the power of the poison after it is released. For any enemy, once this set of transfers appears, it will be The existence of ghosts and gods is shocking.

"By the way, I have already started to make armor. This is the most difficult part of the entire set of equipment. Let me ask you, should it be made for women or men? Or is it universal?" Hagrid said towards Chen Feng asked.

The answer he originally swore to give suddenly stopped, because a person appeared in Chen Feng's mind, his godson, Lelouch.

It has to be said that from the perspective of poison, Lelouch is more suitable for this set of equipment. This child was born to be a poisonous necromancer. Chen Feng frowned and finally chose the universal one.

Maybe there will be a chance in the future to let Lelouch wear this set of equipment. It is for the sake of future generations, lest this set of equipment can only be worn by women. In this way, the replicas produced by the World Stone can only be worn by women. , such attributes are more suitable for Necromancers than Amazons.

"Okay, if it's universal, it's universal. I also think it's suitable for universal use!" Hagrid nodded. Who doesn't want to create a perfect set of equipment? Whether it's a men's style or a women's style, they all have flaws.

After the discussion was almost completed, Chen Feng rested here for a day. After Divina and others came back the next day, he rested for another day before leaving and teleporting to the palace. Chen Feng asked his father-in-law to pack his luggage and go there. Fortress of Demons, Chen Feng’s application has been received.

This time, it was not just Julian's family, but also his wife's family. They were all moved to the Demon Fortress at the request of Chen Feng. Of course, it was only limited to direct relatives, such as Divina's father and mother, Mr. Mandala, and Lilith's family. Grandpa, Emily's mother and others.

Living in a large villa, the villa can easily accommodate more than a hundred people, not to mention a dozen people.

Originally, Mr. Mandala and Emily's mother refused, but when they heard that their grandchildren were actually sons given by God, they immediately dropped everything and went to the Demon Fortress to enjoy family happiness.

It's just that it was a pain for Divina, Tavina and Lilith. Mr. Mandala and Lilith's grandfather encouraged the three little girls to come to the human world to find Chen Feng every day, in order to naturally leave an heir. .

Looking at Julian, the twins, both of them are sons of God. Looking at Emily, although she is not born yet, she already knows that she is the son of God. If someone in her family had not married Chen Feng, two The old man would even give Chen Feng all the remaining unmarried people who were about the same age.

Chen Feng doesn't know about this yet, otherwise he would definitely break out in a cold sweat.

Arriving at Tristram, the skeletons in Tristram had been almost cleaned up in two days. However, what surprised Chen Feng was that Kane was not in Tristram, but went to Harrogath. .

"Harrogas, why didn't I see him?" Chen Feng turned around from Harrogath because Chen Feng wanted to upgrade to level 100. Now after drinking the potion, Chen Feng successfully upgraded to level 100. But tragically, I discovered that I just upgraded from level 93 to level 100, and the honor points required were actually more than the last time I upgraded from level 90 to level 100.

This made Chen Feng very helpless. Who made him have more skeletons?

Tristram's current situation is also very bad. Chen Feng didn't know it, but he was really shocked when he saw it.

Countless undead are attacking the city outside Tristram. What's even worse is that the city of Tristram doesn't have any barriers. This is the real fatal place.

"Good guy, it looks like there's going to be a big purge!" Looking at the endless skeletons outside the city, Chen Feng squinted his eyes and sneered in his heart!

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