Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

355 Turn the direction and lure the enemy into it! (Subscribe!)

Falling into deep pits or other places in the wilderness, injuring many!

At this moment, the morale of all the soldiers is low, how could it be possible to fight those soldiers of the Qin State again?

However, seeing that Da Shanyu insisted, and the number of soldiers under Da Shanyu's hands was more than that of the men and horses led by the leaders of ordinary tribes.

If it is on the grassland, there may be some tribal leaders who will withdraw directly and go to other places.

But in this unfamiliar land, we all know that we must unite to survive.

That is to say, they now have to rely on Da Chan around them to form a group to survive.

They must now listen to Da Chanyu as well.

At the moment, the leaders of these tribes all put their arms in front of their hearts and said loudly: "Subordinate! Follow Da Chanyu's orders!"

Seeing these leaders under his command, they all agreed, and Da Shanyu nodded slightly.

He then said: "Very good, with you following along, all those Qin soldiers will be killed, and the Qin Emperor will be unscrewed.

In this way, the prestige of my golden family is established!

Dadan was born in the golden family of the Huns.

The banner of his family is a wolf with golden blood.

Da Chanyu believes that, as a descendant of the Golden Wolf, he must be brave and not afraid of difficulties.

Under his compulsive order, the entire Huns began to move.

First of all, a tribal leader led the warriors in their tribe and marched in the direction of the city!

This tribe has the smallest number of people.

Because the work of inducing the enemy like this should be very dangerous.

Especially in the face of those Daqin soldiers, it is even more dangerous to do induction work.

Because of their lack of strength, their tribe was elected by other tribe leaders.

There was no way for this tribal leader to do anything about it, and he began to lead his men towards the city.

At the same time, Emperor Qin decided in the resting place to decide who should be the lord of the city.

He named this city Xianglong City.

The name was taken by Su Qing.

Tell everyone through Qin Huang.

And the person who was elected as the new city lord personally went to the Qin emperor to bow down and was awarded the city lord's waist badge and seal.

In addition, he was given a pair of armor as an honor.

After becoming the city lord, the former tax officer trembled with excitement.

Although he had a gray beard and was quite old, he still kowtowed vigorously in the face of the Qin Emperor, as if he wanted to open a hole in the floor tiles.

If it hadn't been for Meng Yi and Han Xin to pull in time, he would have kowtowed and fainted.

Even so, there was a big bag on his forehead, but he himself was very excited and happy.

From an ordinary tax officer to the current growth, it can be said that it has grown steadily!

Besides, he also has the soldiers of the Qin State as his backing. With them, his control over this city will be greatly enhanced.

At least, his control is several times stronger than the previous tools.

After the matter here came to an end, Emperor Qin began to order all the soldiers to move forward and chase the fleeing Huns.

Before the Daqin soldiers set off, Han Xin and Meng Yi had already made very careful arrangements!

Everything was arranged in advance too!

Although there are many people in the team and the materials are also very rich, it is not messy at all.

The cavalry team walked in the front, and in the rear, was the position of the central army.

Han Xin personally led the team here.

He guarded the safety of Emperor Qin, and at the rear was a reserve cavalry team, as well as a baggage team.

The baggage team is also a top priority.

After all, he is related to the ration of the entire team and the guarantee of various equipment, and it is also necessary to equip a cavalry team.

In this way, you can respond as soon as possible when encountering danger.

As for Meng Yi at this time, he replaced himself in the front, and walked forward with the rest of the people!

He acts as the front supervisor while checking the situation.

If you encounter a road that is difficult to walk, you can also lay it out first to make the road easier to walk, and supply the army behind to move forward.

Just when the army started to walk and left Xianglong City, the front team of the Xiongnu had already arrived!

The tribal leader who led the forward still had some ups and downs in his heart.

He didn't know how to induce those Qin soldiers to appear this time.

It is impossible to say, it must be running around the edge of the city wall and harassing it.

If the opponent is not fooled, and they have to carry out siege operations, at that time, these soldiers under his command will also be damaged a lot.

He secretly scolded the other leaders for being very treacherous, but he had to hurry up.

If the time is delayed and he returns to the large army, the big dan will not let him go!

By that time, not only a few soldiers have died, but even his own head may not be preserved.

With this thought, the team came to the vicinity of Xianglong City.

Before reaching the front, a soldier of a tribe suddenly said loudly: "...No, there are traces of Qin soldiers ahead.~!"

After his voice shouted, the leader of the tribe immediately rode a horse to his side.

Afterwards, looking forward with your head raised, you can see that a neat team of soldiers and horses is marching forward, and at the forefront is a team of cavalry, all of them holding spears and knives.

At this time of walking, the pace of the team is neat and the rhythm is lively.

At the forefront, a mighty general led the team forward.

This general is Meng Yi!

The warriors of the tribe, as well as the leader of the tribe, are naturally very familiar with Meng Yi. He is very brave on the battlefield, and he is not at all reluctant to hunt down the Huns at this time.

In the rear of Meng Yi, there are a large number of soldiers to follow (Okay Zhao)!

These soldiers are imposing, densely populated, and the team stretches for several kilometers!

It looks very impressive!

Seeing them, the tribal leaders were frightened and their legs were weak at first.

This is obviously the whole army!

Qin Bing all went out of the city, he is no different from courting death when facing others like a tribal warrior!

He trembled a little and said, "Go back!

After saying the two words, he suddenly increased the volume and said loudly as if screaming: "Hurry back and get out of here!"

Meng Yi appeared on the wasteland.

And he led the troops forward, and there were more troops to follow. It was obvious that the Qin soldiers were ready to start a full attack.

After all, a general similar to Meng Yi's level would not go into battle easily.

Their goal this time is definitely Da Chanyu!

The tribal leader responded quickly, and under his orders, the cavalry of those tribes were busy and quickly turned around.

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