Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

354 Maliciousness from Da Chanyu! (Please subscribe!)

But at this time, the Duke's eyes had an extremely shocked look in his eyes.

He did not expect that Qin Huang thought so, and he regretted his previous actions very much at this time.

It wouldn't be so extreme if I knew it earlier!

It turned out that Emperor Qin didn't want to get his city, but regretting it is useless now, he can only be dragged away in the mind of self-blame and inferiority!

Then came to the street.

At this time, there were already many residents of the city standing on the street.

They were all summoned by Qin soldiers.

After they stood still, a tall platform was erected on the street.

This table is a temporary set up for people to stand on it.

And it was built specifically for the Duke.

He was escorted to the high platform, and Meng Yi and Han Xin personally stood on the high platform to preside over.

Meng Yi first said: "My subjects, this is your original Duke! He tried to assassinate the Emperor Qin and destroy the current stable environment, so according to the law, he must be beheaded to show the public! Everyone should take a warning!

After speaking, he waved his arm directly.

But I saw a Qin soldier with a knife coming over, aiming at the neck of the 11th Duke, and cutting it with a knife.

With a screeching sound, the knife slashed into the Duke's neck, immediately slashing him to the ground!

The knife also severed his neck.

Blood splashed, and his head rolled to the edge of the high platform next to him.

When he was about to die, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to shout, but he couldn't say a word.

The duke was killed, and the inhabitants of the city who watched the battle were also shocked.

This duke used to control the entire city, and ordinary commoners had to kneel and bow when they saw him.

The Duke has always been high above, but he did not expect to end up like this now.

Everyone is in a complicated mood.

At the same time, he was even more afraid of these Daqin soldiers.

Someone got the news that the Duke took nearly 10,000 troops out of the siege.

But I didn't expect it to be blocked repeatedly, and finally killed so many people, and all of them were elite cavalry.

It was so easy to catch the Duke and exhausted all the troops, showing how strong the soldiers of Qin State were.

And now that the Duke has been killed, it shows that Emperor Qin is a decisive person.

For such a powerful and decisive leader.

Those ordinary civilians are naturally afraid in their hearts.

They don't dare to resist at all now.

After the beheading party on the street was over, Han Xin and Meng Yi returned to Emperor Qin's side to resume their lives.

Qin Huang said: "Immediately gather your people, connect with these civilians in the city, and select suitable personnel to guard the city. We will leave here immediately and go to chase the escaped Da Chanyu, as well as his men. those soldiers.

After hearing his words, Meng Yi and Han Xin both clasped their fists and said, "Subordinates obey!"

After speaking, they left quickly and went to find a suitable person to guard the city.

Those who choose to protect the city must be loyal!

Ability is second, as long as IQ is online!

It is also very simple to find such a person, following the method in Tenglong City before.

If you look for those with powerful abilities, you will be able to guard this city.

However, the previous things could not be replicated in this place, so they finally found a highly respected existence and let him manage the city.

This person was the tax officer of this city in the past, and he still has some abilities.

As for the soldiers under his hands, he can recruit them on his own.

The person chosen by Meng Yi and Han Xin has a high status and a strong prestige, and more importantly, he admires the soldiers of the Qin State in the city.

He once personally brought people and food to greet the Qin Bing who entered the city, mainly because the Huns killed his family. He is very grateful to the Qin Bing who rescued him!

Moreover, he highly respected His Majesty Qin Huang, so Meng Yi and Han Xin would choose him.

Just when the city's selection controller was determined, it was between a mountain that was nearly thirty miles away from the city.

A group of well-equipped cavalry was standing at this time!

Their dress and appearance are exactly the same as those of the Huns.

In fact, they were the defeated Huns!

On the periphery are a group of herdsmen driving their cattle and sheep, and in the middle are the rout soldiers who have gathered back.

There is a flag in the middle of these cavalry.

This flag is in the style of a wolf head, and under this flag, there is a man riding a tall horse, who is the big Shanyu of the Huns.

Da Chanyu's face was gloomy.

He looked at the soldiers under his command and said, "How many people have been brought back now? 39

After he finished speaking, there were soldiers beside him who reported, "Qi Da Shanyu, the number of people who have returned now is nearly 150,000!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, instead of being overjoyed, Da Shanyu frowned.

He gritted his teeth and said, "These Daqin soldiers actually injured half of their men, it's really outrageous, I will definitely avenge this revenge!

After hearing his words, the leader of a tribe standing next to him said: "Qiqi Da Shanyu, now we are short of troops, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hurt those Qin soldiers!

After hearing what his subordinates said, Da Chanyu immediately stared at the tribal leader who spoke with fierce eyes.

Being stared at by his eyes, the tribe leader quickly shut his mouth.

He knew that this was a sign that Danyu was about to get angry.

If he continues to speak, I am afraid that it will attract a crazy punishment from Da Chanyu.

Seeing that no one was talking, Da Shanyu said at this time: "I said this, it can't be ignored. The dignity of the Huns must be restored by defeating their opponents! Although many of us are injured now, But we have not hurt the root.35

After talking about this, he paused slightly and said again: "Pass my order, and immediately divide all the people into three parts, some of them will go to the edge of the city to lure the Qin soldiers into battle, and the other will be divided into two groups to ambush in the wilderness. I want to kill all those Qin soldiers in the wilderness."

After he finished speaking, the tribal leaders around him all looked at each other with some hesitation in their eyes.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Qin state is well-known all over the world!

They were chased by those Qin soldiers, so they fled to this unfamiliar land from a place where they had cultivated for generations.

Right now, they have suffered heavy losses, and nearly half of them have lost their lives in that city!

And even in the wilderness, when they were chased away.

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