Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

The 356 war is imminent, very shocking! (Please subscribe!)

After turning around, he ran towards the road they came from.

They sent this news back to Da Chanyu, let him be careful!

Respond early!

At the same time, Meng Yi, who was walking behind, also noticed the movement in front!

After all, the cavalry will generate a lot of smoke and dust when they run, and the distance between the two sides is not very far.

He even saw the backs of the Huns' cavalry riding their horses and retreating.

He immediately commanded his cavalry to check it out!

At this time, he immediately discovered that those who were running were all Huns cavalry, and they were tribal warriors who were defeated!

Knowing that there was a group of Xiongnu cavalry in front, Meng Yi didn't even hesitate, and loudly ordered the Qin soldiers around him to chase and kill them.

And the information here was reported back to the rear army.

When Emperor Qin heard the news, without hesitation, he ordered Han Xin to bring troops and horses to chase and kill him.

For these Huns, Emperor Qin did not have a good face.

And all the Da Qin soldiers also knew that they were born to be mortal enemies with the Huns!

If the Huns did not die, they would not return to their homeland.

With such a strong will, everyone accelerated.

Under the leadership of Meng Yi, the cavalry quickly moved forward.

And after they speeded up, those Huns soldiers also began to march forward.

However, because the distance between the two sides was too close, Meng Yi quickly caught the other's tail.

While he was running, he ordered the soldiers of the Qin State who were riding on horses to bend their bows and shoot arrows.

There was a clatter, and a large number of bows and arrows were shot out.

Then the bows and arrows flew between the cavalry formations.

The screams kept ringing.

Those cavalrymen who were running ahead fell off their horses one after another.

They screamed and were trampled to death on the spot by the war horses they were riding.

Those cavalrymen who were lucky enough to escape their lives were caught up by the cavalry of Daqin in the rear, and they were killed with knives.

After fierce slashing, these Xiongnu warriors were immediately weakened.

The soldiers of most of the remaining tribes are rushing wildly, trying to escape from here!

Under the threat of death, these tribal cavalrymen ran forward with all their strength.

They didn't take into account the physical consumption of the war horses they were riding. Even though the war horses were foaming at the mouth and their eyes were red, they still whipped their whips desperately, urging them to run at the maximum speed.

Under such unrestricted pressure, the cavalry of the Great Qin led by Meng Yi was actually thrown off.

Meng Yi's goal was not to kill them all, but to consume their strength. Moreover, Meng Yi and the others were the victors and the chasing party, so there was no need to fight with the fleeing Huns.

The Emperor Qin's order was very simple. He pushed it horizontally and killed the Xiongnu cavalry when he encountered them.

For these Xiongnu soldiers, including Meng Yi and Han Xin, they thought it was no big deal.

The Xiongnu cavalry numbered 300,000 before, but they were swept away by them.

At most, there are still less than 200,000 horses left, and these horses also include baggage soldiers. Facing the soldiers of the Qin State who are well-rested and well-equipped, the odds of winning are not very high.

On the contrary, Meng Yi was confident in this battle.

He felt that with the help of these soldiers, he would be able to defeat the Huns' cavalry.

At this time, he chased with horses, and the cavalry of the Huns who were fleeing in front were also fleeing frantically.

The leader of the Xiongnu who took the lead was waving his arms constantly while fleeing.

A red cloth strip was tied around his arm, which was very eye-catching.

The horses ran wildly, and soon came to the place where the Xiongnu cavalry was ambushed.

This time, it can be said that Dadan has taken out all his blood.

He was suddenly attacked by those Qin soldiers before, directly consuming half of the (bbbe) troops, after that, he was determined to prepare to give the opponent a hard blow.

So he specially chose a good place to ambush.

This ambush location is a valley!

The bushes growing on the high slopes on both sides of the valley, he let the warriors of the tribes under his hands lie in ambush among the bushes.

As for the war horses, they are all prepared on the other side of the valley!

There, there was a whole squad of elite cavalry waiting.

His plan was to let the leader of the tribe lead the troops of the Qin State to arrive here.

The number of Qin Bing being led out will not be too many, at most tens of thousands.

After arriving in the valley, immediately let the tribal soldiers in ambush on both sides of the valley start shooting.

The bow and arrow shot and killed part of it.

Then on the other side of the valley, the waiting cavalry charged again.

Under such a double blow, the remaining Qin soldiers must have fled in panic.

Even if they don't escape, they won't leave too many people behind!

It is also a matter of time before the two sides are encircled and killed.

In this way, a game was pulled back, and at the same time, more Qin soldiers were attracted to kill them all in the same way.

The tribal leader who was sent out to do the guiding task made an agreement with him that if he attracted troops and horses from the Qin State, he would immediately tie a red cloth strip on his arm and swing it!

When you see the red cloth strip, you know that the cavalry of the Qin state are coming.

Therefore, the leader of this tribe, desperately waving the red cloth on his arm.

At this time, Da Chan stood on the ambush points on both sides of the valley.

He was standing under a big tree, which completely covered his figure.

Standing tall, he can see far.

When the leader of the tribe, led the cavalry around him to return, he was seen by him.

At the same time, I saw the red cloth strip tied on the arm of the tribal leader!

Seeing this, he knew that the other party's seduction plan was successful.

At this time, his heart was also slightly excited, even if he was a big Shanyu, he was very alarmed about the soldiers of the Qin State.

These Qin soldiers are too powerful, and there is no way they can easily be killed by him.

Moreover, the battles between the two sides were always defeated by the Qin soldiers, and they had little chance of winning.

Now, he has ambush ready, just need the opponent's troops to drill into this valley, they can vigorously destroy.

Immediately, he raised his arm, and the tribal soldiers in ambush also began to horizontally hold the bows and arrows in their hands, ready to launch them at any time.

Just under such preparations, he saw the leader of the tribe rushing into the valley at an accelerated rate, and all the way forward, very embarrassed!

It was as if an indescribable monster was chasing him behind him, trying to eat him.

Seeing this, Da Shanyu frowned, and he felt that the courage of this tribal leader was too small.

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