Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

326 Formation, besieging and counter killing! (Subscribe!)

Emperor Qin, at this time being guarded by several shields in the middle,

He stood there and looked ahead, and he could see the sound of rumbling hooves constantly resounding.

A large number of Qin soldiers began to rush back and forth around the formation they formed, and let out ooh, in order to increase their pressure.

For the shouts of the Huns, neither Han Xin, Meng Yi nor ordinary soldiers changed their expressions.

They have fought against the Huns, and have always held a contemptuous attitude towards the Huns.

And those European soldiers were different.

They, including the duke, were very frightened!

The duke couldn't help but came to Han Xin and said with a trembling voice: "General, what should we do now? These Huns have already surrounded us.

Han Xin said calmly: "It's okay, the Huns are just pretending, they are just bluffing, don't be afraid, they will be defeated in no time."

The Duke did not know where Han Xin's confidence came from.

But right now, he had no choice but to pray that the soldiers of the Xiongnu would not break through the battle formation formed by the soldiers of the entire Qin state.

Perhaps his prayers were of use.

The Huns ran back and forth, but no one dared to move forward!

After all, the spears that the spearmen poked out of the battle were no joke!

These long spears flickered with cold light, and the length was enough to stab the cavalry to death. With the lessons learned, the subsequent cavalry naturally did not dare to take risks easily.

At the same time, Han Xin began to order the archers to keep shooting arrows.

The archer faithfully carried out his orders and put up the longbow.

At this time, the Huns' cavalry also began to react. They took out their long bows from their horses one after another, and aimed at the middle of the battle formation and shot them out.

The sound of clattering sounded, and these bows and arrows fell on the heads of those Qin soldiers like raindrops.

Meng Yi roared and said: "Top shield, ~. 35

The soldiers of Qin State immediately put their shields on top of their heads, and those without shields found soldiers with shields to stand with them, in order to guard against those bows and arrows that fell.

After a tinkling sound, the bow and arrow did not hurt much!

Among the soldiers of the Qin State, only a few unlucky ones were stabbed in the body by bows and arrows, screaming and kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Meng Yi's face was very serious.

He looked forward through the gap between the shields and found that the Huns' cavalry were still shooting arrows!

But he did not issue any orders to fight back!

At this time, even the archers hid under the protection of the shield players and did not counterattack!

Taking this opportunity, the Huns cavalry began to scream, they thought it was a victory.

They can finally suppress those Qin soldiers who drove them to this barren land!

At this point, they are going to turn around.

At this time, Han Xin and Meng Yi told them what it means to be happy too early.

Just as the Xiongnu cavalry shot arrows back and forth, it felt like a cat playing a mouse, suppressing these Qin soldiers!

At this time, a lot of pipes suddenly popped out from the shield guard camp of the Qin soldiers!

When the tubes popped out, sparks appeared, and as the sparks flickered, there was a constant screeching sound!

These flying out all form bamboo tubes with triangular arrows.

The tube flew into the middle of these cavalry and exploded immediately.

A large fireball flashed, and there were some noises. These were some fireworks devices brought by the team.

Originally, through Su Qing's suggestion, the Ministry of Industry made a test product, so that the team led by it can use it during the battle to see the effect.

At this time, the supervisor burst into flames and sounds, disturbing the horses the cavalry was riding.

The warhorse immediately rushed towards the surroundings like a madman, regardless of the cavalry's stop or the behavior of turning around!

In an instant, the Hun cavalry team was in chaos.

Many of the cavalry were thrown off their horses, and they were trampled to death in no time!

Taking this opportunity, Meng Yi and Han Xin stood up from the shield and said loudly: "The archers are ready, the cavalry will charge forward with me.

After they shouted, they turned on their horses on the spot, then raised the saber in their hands, and quickly charged towards the outside of the battle formation!

Behind them, fifty thousand cavalry followed closely!

And the duke thought about it for a while, and rushed out of the battle formation with the cavalry under his command.

The rumbling of hooves sounded.

Those war horses who were startled by the sound of the explosion fled wildly around!

Some even rammed into their companions in a panic, causing those Xiongnu soldiers to trample themselves to death.

At this time, no one cares about the soldiers of Qin who are surrounded by them!

Meng Yi and Han Xin are very satisfied with the current effect. As generals leading troops, they naturally know that this is the best time to charge!

You can take down all the Huns in one go.

Even if they can't be completely destroyed, they can make their formation unmaintainable and become messy!

In this way, you can kill them as much as possible.

Even defeating them is possible.

Under the leadership of Meng Yi and Han Xin, 50,000 cavalry rushed forward, and came to the outside of the battle array along the specially opened passage!

At this time, the Huns' cavalry was still running back and forth.

They can't form neat arrays anymore.

At this time, Han Xin roared loudly, and then separated from Meng Yi and charged towards the cavalry team!

Although the Huns had nearly 200,000 cavalry, they could not form a unified formation after the chaos.

Moreover, their own officers were too busy to take care of themselves at this time, with no command, they became a mess of sand, which was one of the emergencies of the large corps.

As long as the order can't be issued (good good), the whole legion becomes a mess!

Waiting for them is to be destroyed by each one!

Han Xin and Meng Yi each charged in this direction with more than 20,000 cavalry soldiers. Although their numbers were small, they had strong cohesion.

At this time of running, you can still maintain a neat formation. Under such an impact speed, those cavalry of the Huns are no opponents at all!

The screams are endless!

After the cavalry of the Xiongnu charged, they fell under their horses one after another!

They escaped their own trampling on each other, but they did not escape the high-speed charge from Qin soldiers.

Qin soldiers all had long swords or spears in their hands. To deal with these Xiongnu cavalry, they only needed to put the long swords horizontally on the horses and erect the long spears in front, and they could effectively knock them off the horses!

Some were killed directly, while others were hung on horses and trampled to death by horses.

After a large number of Xiongnu cavalry fell from their horses, the entire team became even more chaotic!

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