Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

327 Run away and return to the base camp! (Subscribe!)

Without the control of the master, the warhorse began to run wildly around, and they did not dare to attack the sharp-cone formation similar to that led by the soldiers of the Qin State.

However, he dared to charge towards the scattered Huns' cavalry, trying to escape and leave here.

Under their assists, the Huns' cavalry team became even more messy.

Seeing the cheapness, the duke's eyes also lit up, and he raised his knight's sword and said loudly: "The knights rush out with me, clean up all these junk, and take back our home! 35

After he finished speaking, the European cavalry around him agreed one after another, and at the same time, they got on their horses, holding their own knight spear or knight sword, and charged towards the scattered Huns!

The horses they rode were all very tall, and although it was a bit tiring to carry them on their backs, they could well carry them to form an impact under short-distance sprints.

These cavalry charges are different from Qin soldiers.

They parked the knight's gun in front of the horse, like a bulldozer, and ran forward quickly with the horse.

All the Xiongnu cavalry standing in front of their formation will fall to the ground one after another!

Some of them were directly worn on their bodies, screaming shrill and screaming, and they were finally thrown out and fell to the ground.

Although the fighting methods of these European cavalrymen are a bit old-fashioned, when they encounter this messy formation, they have a huge killing effect!

They ran back and forth like a bulldozer, and none of the Huns' cavalry who collided with them could live well!

Even those who survived screamed on the ground and kept rolling!

More or less, there will be huge scars on them.

These are wounds pierced by a knight's sword, or by a knight's spear.

The tool of this city shouted excitedly, raised the knight's sword in his hand, and quickly rode his horse forward. He ran quickly, and his heart was very happy. Previously, when he faced these Xiongnu soldiers, almost all of them were crushed. Hit, it didn't start at all.

In the end, he could only take some of his core men and fled to the wilderness in a hurry.

But I didn't expect that one day I would be able to quickly turn around and chase these vicious Huns for a while.

This ending made the Duke feel very happy.

The rest of the European cavalry were also very excited, they wanted to take revenge, and now is the opportunity.

The pipes made of bamboo thrown out by the Daqin soldiers did not know what was filled in them, but a fire burst out, and there was a sound, which was like thunder.

This explosive bamboo has a strong effect, disturbing the war horses of the Huns.

Make them unable to keep the formation.

At this time, these Xiongnu cavalry spun around like flies without their heads, not knowing where they were heading.

The cavalry of the Daqin swarmed together and ran fast. Han Xin and Meng Yi, who took the lead, continued to harvest the lives of the Huns.

Finally, they were rolled back and forth in the mud.

With these people in the front line, the Xiongnu cavalry mainly focused on the Daqin cavalry who rushed over.

As for the squad of European cavalry behind them, no one is going to take care of them.

The duke just took this opportunity to lead them to harvest the remaining Hun cavalry in the rear. With their formation like a forklift, they were able to quickly get rid of the remaining Hun cavalry.

The whole process is easy and casual, and does not miss a participant.

The cavalry of the Huns continued to die out under the circumstances that were visible to the naked eye.

Eventually the entire cavalry team began to crumble.

These Xiongnu cavalry, relying on a strong fighting consciousness, they saw Han Xin and Meng Yi coming over before, the number was not as good as them, and they immediately retreated after seeing them, so they chased after their self-confidence was recovered. come up.

They didn't expect to encounter another blocking here, and (bbbe) this blocking made them suffer a big loss.

Those bamboo tubes made of bamboo are very powerful and can emit fire and sound.

The warhorse had never heard such a sound before, and was immediately disturbed, and finally ran away.

The Xiongnu relied on the mobility of the war horses and their ability to unite with their people and horses. Now that the war horses do not obey their orders, these people can only rotate quickly with the war horses, and they cannot form an effective cohesion at all.

Staying here at this time, being attacked by those Qin soldiers back and forth, if not so, rush to escape.

Under this idea, the Huns began to run towards the surrounding wilderness in large numbers.

The leaders in some of them were able to gather their assistants to form a regiment and start to flee.

And most of the Xiongnu cavalry became like wild boars all over the mountains and fields, and could not find any clues at all.

In such a situation, what Meng Yi and Han Xin did was to stop the cavalry behind them from arresting them, and at the same time summon archers who could ride on horses, so that they could quickly ride on the wasteland and shoot freely.

A bow and arrow quickly fell into the distance, and each time it penetrated the body of a Huns and shot them over the horse.

And some Huns were directly overturned by the horses they rode.

These Xiongnu soldiers without their horses were immediately shot to death by the Daqin cavalry with bows and arrows.

The entire wilderness was completely filled with screams.

Those Xiongnu cavalry continued to perish, and the war horses they rode were screaming in the wilderness and walking aimlessly because they lost their masters.

The Duke of the city led the cavalry behind him to clean up the remaining Hun cavalry in the wilderness.

When he saw that the Xiongnu cavalry had scattered and fled, he said angrily: "Why don't you go after them?!"

Hearing the Duke's words, Han Xin pointed to the front and said, "We won't stop you, you can go and chase them, and we are going back now, you can do whatever you want!"

After speaking, Han Xin and Meng Yi began to return to the main formation with the cavalry behind them.

At this time, the duke's heart immediately thumped.

There are only a few thousand people around him.

It is conservatively estimated that there are also 100,000 of the Hun cavalry who escaped.

Let him go to chase the fleeing Xiongnu cavalry, he has no courage.

Although the Hun cavalry team is now scattered, there is no way to unify to form a cohesive force, but if these Hun cavalry counterattacks, his men and horses may be wiped out immediately.

At that time, as a bare duke, even if he regained the city where he was, he would not be able to control his subordinates!

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